Hello all! Am back! Have noticed temps getting somewhat higher than when I first got the card. They were in low 50s all the time with pl turned all the way up and now they usually sit around low 60s. While I know these temps are not an issue, they are about 10c hotter than when I first got the card about 3 months ago. What happens a year from now you know? I'd like to take care of them before they become an issue. Hotspot temp is usually 80c. Was wondering what the die size is, was thinking of getting one of those fancy thermal paste pads, the ptm7950 one to be exact, but I'm not sure what size to order or where to get a true Honeywell one cause I've seen some fakes going around as well. Also, what size is the normal pads that go on the memory and vrms and is there an upgrade I can buy for those that would help drop temps? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!