First, understand this refers simply to the monitoring and regulation of the supply. Do NOT assume digital automagically means better. It does not. The outputs of these near identical switching PSUs are the essentially the same. Any improvement that can be attributed specifically to digital monitoring and regulation is negligible, at best.
I have not read any review that compared similar analog regulated supplies to digital supplies that indicated the digital model justified the extra costs. A quality supply is a quality supply. That's the point to remember or one of the points.
Another important point to remember is that motherboards and graphics cards tend to have excellent regulation circuits too - designed specifically to ensure the sensitive components on those devices receive the good, clean, stable power they need. And for sure, those circuits do a great job at that.
So IMO, the big deal about claiming digital regulation and monitoring is simply marketing hype to justify higher costs for more profit.
If me, I would use the savings I got by avoiding the over priced supply and use it towards a good UPS with AVR. When you feed quality, regulated power to a PSU, even a budget PSU, that PSU will be able to feed connected components better regulated power too. I am NOT saying it is okay to go with budget PSUs. You don't buy a new Porsche then fill it up at the corner Tobacco and Bait shop with watered down fuel. Never try to trim the budget with a cheap PSU. Always go with a quality PSU from a reputable brand. I am just saying we don't have to buy the highest tier, most expensive models they offer to ensure we provide our computers good, clean stable power.