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Desperate for tumblr html help!


New Member
Feb 15, 2013
2 (0.00/day)
Hi there,
I've been struggling to make the simplest of photo blogs for some time now and i was wondering if anyone out there could help me with what i'm sure are easy problems to fix.
The main one i've been struggling with is that My photos always appear with the same dimensions and layout when i post them singly which is what i want. However if I try to post more than one at once, either above each other or side by side, tumblr seems to change them and they appear a little smaller than the singles.

I'd really appreciate any Advice as this is one on many things that I would like to change and i've been getting nowhere just by googling it.

my blog is http://www.tumblr.com/blog/emmawrightphoto
my current Html is

thanks in advance

Simplification Tumblr Theme v1.1
by Bill Israel [[url]http://cubicle17.com/][/url]
Available for free. Feel free to use and alter, but please give credit.

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New Member
Apr 30, 2012
2 (0.00/day)
Frankfurt a.M., Germany
Just some thoughts...


have you ever tried to use another browser? MS InternetExplorer for example has a function called "compatible view" I guess. As far as I can remember this function is enabled by default, so you have to manually switch it off in the menu (Internetoptions) if you like to.
This function applies some changes/modifications (temporary, only during "runtime") to your StyleSheets and/or - depending on how MS-IE evaluates the document source/code - the documents html code. Best way is just to DISABLE this compatibilty feature in IE!

InternetExplorer is not the only browser/interpreter that "features" such a "compatibility view", so you should check if it also applies to your browser and - if so - disable it.

Are you using your own Stylesheets to browse or are you using the defaults of your browser?

Some browsers have an option to (temp.) resize pictures for "better" viewing experience. Simply switch it off.

Anyway - you´d better disable any of those browser options which may apply such changes.

Your code seems to be allright at the first glance - I could not find any "errors" that may cause your problem. I´ll take another look into your code when I got some free minutes to spare :)


New Member
Feb 15, 2013
2 (0.00/day)
Thanks for replying,
I use firefox , i've looked into it and it seems that firefox doesn't have a compatibility mode.
I'm also using a mac, don't know if that makes a difference.