@Jaegar - my apologies for my part in these distractions. I assure you, we are all trying to help. But first, we need to understand the problem better. Note power "
outages" may corrupt data on drives, but do not harm computers. However, when power is "
restored", it often is not restored "cleanly". There often are extreme fluctuations as, all at once, 100s or 1000s of lights, air conditioners, furnaces, water heaters, TVs, refrigerators and other appliances across the entire grid section attempt to power up at the same time. It is the surges and spikes during these fluctuations before the grid stabilizes that can damage electronics.
We (mere humans) often "see" these fluctuations as lights "flickering". But it is important to note that even greater and more destructive surges and spikes can last just a few nanoseconds, much much faster than our brains can perceive.
Understand too that surge and spike protectors are little more than fancy and expensive extension cords. They certainly are better than nothing but note they do nothing for low voltage events like dips (opposite of spikes), sags (opposite of surges) or brownouts (long duration sags). And for
excessive surges and spikes, they simply cut power (
“IF” working properly), crashing your computer - never good.
AND - surge and spike protectors wear out! This is why it is
recommended surge and spike protectors be replaced every 2 years. And if damaged by an extreme high-voltage event, they may still provide power to the connected devices, but may provide little to no protection at all - even if less than 2 years old.

So I always recommend computers be supported by a good UPS with AVR instead. The AVR (automatic voltage regulation) adjust for both high and low anomalies. But that's for a different discussion.
Now nothing can protect us from a direct lightning strike from Mother Nature. But short of unplugging from the wall, a good UPS with AVR is the next best thing.
Again, we need more information about your hardware. Filling out your
TPU System Specs would help with that.
Did you try booting connected directly to the wall - that is, without the surge and spike protector? If still no good, since EVERYTHING inside the computer case depends on good, clean, stable power, you need to ensure you are providing it. As suggested above, you need to try another, known good PSU and see what happens. Hopefully, that will resolve your problems.
@qxp -

Okay, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are still learning English. When someone says they "
doubt" something exists, that is not the same thing as saying "
they don't" exist. For example, I "
doubt" bigfoot exists. I find it highly unlikely there would be zero DNA, scat, or skeletal evidence discovered by now if bigfoot was real. If something is out there that people are calling bigfoot, I think it more likely it is a feral and/or mentally ill human. That said, I cannot say bigfoots don't exist. See the difference? BTW, pretty sure unicorns don't exist either - but I can't prove it.
The OP has asked a very straightforward question - should pin 17 be connected to main ground on the motherboard or not.
Exactly. But you didn't answer that. You have the OP chasing components he may or may not have, posting illustrations of motherboards the OP does NOT have and we don't even know what symptoms the OP is experiencing - other than the computer will not power on.
You've been making assumptions based on zero information. You assumed and decided the OP meant "
VGA ground plane" when what he said was "
VGA plate". A plate in computers is typically a square or rectangular, flat piece of metal that mounts behind the motherboard for added support. That is totally different than a ground "plane". Did he mean ground? Maybe. But we don't know!
His problem points to a failed PSU. The OP said he tested his. How? We don't know. Most users do not have the proper tools or technical knowledge to conclusively test a PSU. But good power needs to be verified so he needs to swap in a known good PSU to see what happens.
But you seem focused on optocouplers.
How does explaining what an optocoupler does, which the OP may or may not even have, help fix the OP's computer?
ShrimpBrime is right. We need more information about the system at hand. At least 7 times, the need for more information has been suggested by just about everyone - but you, qxp.
In order to actually help the OP fix the problems he's having with his computer (typically why folks come to TPU) we need to know what problems and symptoms he is experiencing. All we know at this point is the PC will not power on. I highly "doubt" a failed optocoupler on a ground pin, "IF" one exists, would cause that.
You clearly have some knowledge of electronics and that's great. But understand TPU is full of true experts with vast knowledge and experience in all sorts of areas within IT - which in itself, is industries within industries. The way to impress is by us helping people, not demonstrating our knowledge. But in order to help people, we need to understand their problem, first.
To do that here, we need more information.