"Better than native" -> Proceeds to show a plethora of comparisons where DLSS borks effects like smoke, shadows, DoF or bloom.
Why is the conclusion longer than the rest of the article anyway?
There's loss of fine detail as well. In image 2, the grey pipes on the right hand size and the barrier on the left hand side both loose detail. You can notice the loss of detail in the pipes from a distance without zooming in.
The floor tiles in image 5 looks like plastic with RR enabled and loose a lot of detail compared to the native image. The trash cans too loose a lot of the rust detail.
The foliage highlighted in image 4 has sharpening artifacts and unnaturally stands out. If you look closely there are a lot of sharp black pixels added that makes them stand out where native the pixels transition normally.
You can also see that it appears that some light sources have been disabled. Again in image 2 you can see the light mid left is off with RR enabled and on in native.
RT in general in these screenshots isn't doing a very accurate job, in the 2nd image again it's adding shading under many objects even though in a brightly lit outdoor scene the sun is bouncing off the ground should be hitting those spots. I have to wonder if they are calculating any ray's reflecting at all. I would describe this RT style as Dollhouse, everything looks more fake and unsettling.