So to my complete surprise last night I found this sealed up in a box in my attic after 15-20 years. A Dell XPS R400. My goal is to totally restore it. I forgot I had 2 of them. I plan on replacing this case with the upgraded Tualatin CPU/440 BX. IIRC I have the 13 GB HDD somewhere. If not I'll have to either dig up the Windows 98 CD. Or maybe score a 98 SE CD. It has no CD reader or disk drive but I can strip it from an old Dell 4300 if need be. To my surprise 4 wires from the PSU are cut. Don't recall why or what they were going too. Don't know what the vid card is. Could be an old Nvidia. And looks like it has a sound card along with a modem card. Between the two BX motherboards it appears I have plenty of RAM.