Wednesday, September 13th 2023

Nintendo Switch 2 to Feature NVIDIA Ampere GPU with DLSS

The rumors of Nintendo's next-generation Switch handheld gaming console have been piling up ever since the competition in the handheld console market got more intense. Since the release of the original Switch, Valve has released Steam Deck, ASUS made ROG Ally, and others are also exploring the market. However, the next-generation Nintendo Switch 2 is closer and closer, as we have information about the chipset that will power this device. Thanks to Kepler_L2 on Twitter/X, we have the codenames of the upcoming processors. The first generation Switch came with NVIDIA's Tegra X1 SoC built on a 20 nm node. However, later on, NVIDIA supplied Nintendo with a Tegra X1+ SoC made on a 16 nm node. There were no performance increases recorded, just improved power efficiency. Both of them used four Cortex-A57 and four Cortex-A53 cores with GM20B Maxwell GPUs.

For the Nintendo Switch 2, NVIDIA is said to utilize a customized variant of NVIDIA Jetson Orin SoC for automotive applications. The reference Orin SoC carries a codename T234, while this alleged adaptation has a T239 codename; the version is most likely optimized for power efficiency. The reference Orin design is a considerable uplift compared to the Tegra X1, as it boasts 12 Cortex-A78AE cores and LPDDR5 memory, along with Ampere GPU microarchitecture. Built on Samsung's 8 nm node, the efficiency would likely yield better battery life and position the second-generation Switch well among the now extended handheld gaming console market. However, including Ampere architecture would also bring technologies like DLSS, which would benefit the low-power SoC.
Sources: @Kepler_L2, GitHub, via Tom's Hardware
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117 Comments on Nintendo Switch 2 to Feature NVIDIA Ampere GPU with DLSS

This looks to be interesting, however, with it being a mobile processor, I doubt it can properly utilize RT while holding good battery life, specially on Ampere, that gen is absurdly power hungry, so I wonder how it will fair on a handheld. Guess it's cheaper to produce though, which is why they are going with that one, Nintendo likes cheap hardware so they always turn a profit.
Posted on Reply
lexluthermiesterIf this is actually what we get, the NS2 will be an excellent gaming platform. The current Switch is 7 years old and it's STILL completing very well with the current gen consoles, so clearly super amazing specs are not the ultimate factor in the success of a gaming platform.
Which consoles? STEAM Deck, PS5, xBox Series X? :wtf: A mobile console will never be able to compete with a stationary console. Even the STEAM Deck just looks good because it got only a tiny display (1280 x 800 pixels) which is rendering at 720p. Hook it up to a 4k display and you'll notice how crappy the image is. The Switch 2 won't do much better, no matter how much "Nvidia sorcery" they put in. And RT will cripple the performance even more.

I wish Nintendo would finally make a powerful non mobile console again on the performance level of the PS5 / xBox Series X. Keep the Switch and offer something for everyone.
Posted on Reply
MarsM4NWhich consoles? STEAM Deck, PS5, xBox Series X? :wtf: A mobile console will never be able to compete with a stationary console. Even the STEAM Deck just looks good because it got only a tiny display (1280 x 800 pixels) which is rendering at 720p. Hook it up to a 4k display and you'll notice how crappy the image is. The Switch 2 won't do much better, no matter how much "Nvidia sorcery" they put in. And RT will cripple the performance even more.

I wish Nintendo would finally make a powerful non mobile console again on the performance level of the PS5 / xBox Series X. Keep the Switch and offer something for everyone.
competing in sales, the only thing that matters.
Posted on Reply
Cool, will i be able to dock it in my car and have it drive me while I play on my phone?
Posted on Reply
progstecompeting in sales, the only thing that matters.
Which is only because they make dam good games that you can't get anywhere else. :D They're kinda the "Apple of gaming". Software sells.
Posted on Reply
MarsM4NWhich consoles? STEAM Deck, PS5, xBox Series X? :wtf: A mobile console will never be able to compete with a stationary console.
Sure it can. The Switch has trampled into the ground everything on the market in sales since it's release. More people own a Switch than PS4, PS5, XboxOne, XboxOneX combined. So you're right, it's not really a competition and Nintendo is laughing all the way to the bank.
MarsM4NWhich is only because they make dam good games
Yeah, that's what counts. Crazy powerful hardware is excellent but doesn't make games great. Good programing and creativity makes games great! There is nothing compelling on XB & PS5.
MarsM4NThey're kinda the "Apple of gaming".
Eww.. No. Comparing Nintendo to Apple is like comparing Fred Rogers to Harvey Wienstein! One is awesome and beloved, the other is a creepy loser that has yet to be shutdown for it's nasty ass BS.

And yes, Nintendo is the awesome one, just like Fred Rogers.
Posted on Reply
Vayra86We do know how Samsung 8nm boosted Nvidia's Ampere line up TDPs to unseen heights.

This is part of the reason Ada's efficiency looks so good, too.

I mean wow. Nvidia finally found a way to get even more inferior parts to market. Bloody bottom feeders
Samsung 8nm is just a tweaked extension of 10nm node and there is nothing unseen on those tpds, especially when considering the die size and the node size and age. Despite its age, it was more power efficient than RDNA 2 on the more advanced node, it just scalled poorly with clocks. Ada is using a 4nm node and yes, its efficiency doesn't look good, in fact, it is excellent compared to the laughable efficiency of the AMD on 5nm. AMD also experienced the same problem as Nvidia with Ampere, past a certain point, the power consumption increased greatly with higher clocks and as they said, that was the main reason they didn't deliver faster products this gen because they would melt without liquid cooling and consume 500W+.
Posted on Reply
Vya Domus
Great, another lowest common denominator to hinder advancements in game engines even more. I really don't care for the switch or consoles in general, what annoys me is that obviously developers will have to craft their games with the weakest platform in mind, that will never not suck for the end user.
Posted on Reply
ilyonThese consoles still have no support for DLSS, remember...
I don't even know what to tell you after this statement. It may appear it is a joke can you enlighten everybody?
progsteLet's be real guys, RT is a useless gimmik and no one cares about it besides us tech nerds.
In a few years every engine will have a comparable built-in technology and RT will be forgotten like PhysX.
I'm a tech nerd and i dont care at this point. Nice feature but not for today's hardware.

Switch is a nice thing I use one myself and it it fun especially with titles like Zelda and of course the Mario games.
Been waiting for the switch 2 since I am getting one.
Posted on Reply
lexluthermiesterYeah, that's what counts. Crazy powerful hardware is excellent but doesn't make games great. Good programing and creativity makes games great!
It's not an either/or situation though. You can have both.

A bit disappointed to see Nintendo's new console starting off behind the times (again) when XSX and PS5 launched with bleeding edge tech.
Posted on Reply
Samsung? So it's like those snapdragon 888, 8 gen 1 housefires?
Posted on Reply
Kaleid"Built on Samsung's 8 nm node, the efficiency would likely yield better battery life"

So perhaps not purchase the first version of Switch 2 either.. if it comes out next year you'd expect 5 or 6nm
Typical Nintendo cheaping on hardware. Nothing new here and expected this from them. Im surprised it's not even using Turing lol.
R0H1TSo Nvidia wasn't even bothered to get the best efficiency/balanced ARM cores from 2 years back & why Ampere? Gameplay or first party games aside, which of course is a major pull for Nintendo, these would probably again be poor VFM for the hardware in it.
I think this was Nintendo's decision to go with an older, cheaper SoC. Cheap bastards as they are. Along with their anti-consumer attitude it ensures i won't ever buy anything from them.
john_This is good for AMD too. I believe Sony and MS will ask for a SOC that will be way superior in RT performance, meaning AMD will have to realize that being the worst in RT, isn't a viable option. No matter how much it wants to focus on AI and pretend that raster is still the king. Image a Switch beating future Sony and MS consoles in RT. AMD will completely lose the console market if it doesn't became serious in RT.

Now Switch going Ada is a necessity to also fight the new X86 handheld consoles. I wonder if Nintendo will start investing more in visuals in the future.
To who will AMD lose the console market? Intel who has yet to even produce SoC that combines x86 and proper GPU or Nvidia who lacks x86 license?

And going with ARM on future consoles is unlikely for compatibility reasons. It would completely break backward compatibility, make porting new games to PC harder and render older games unusable. Also thus far there is no proper x86 to ARM emulator. Raster is still the king whether you like it or not. Even games that incorporate some lever of RT are still hybrids of raster and RT. Also switch 2 is going ampere, not ada. Get you facts straight.
john_Anyway, AMD needs to improve it's hardware in RT. Now this is Ada, so probably future AMD based consoles would probably beat it. Handhelds like Rog? Probably not or will be close. AMD needs to realize that it needs to improve considerably performance of RT in it's future RDNA architecture. If not Switch 2, another gaming platform, even a typical desktop console based on Nvidia hardware, could be a disaster for AMD's image in consoles. And AMD needs those billions from Sony and MS, not to mention games build for it's hardware first, or Radeon will end.
They improve RT every generation like Nvidia. Nvidia only has advantage because they started with RT one generation before AMD.
Also how is Radeon related to consoles? AMD's semi group uses Radeon IP in the SoC's but the consoles are not Radeon branded.
progsteLet's be real guys, RT is a useless gimmik and no one cares about it besides us tech nerds.
In a few years every engine will have a comparable built-in technology and RT will be forgotten like PhysX.

What matters for the switch 2 is for it to look good enough and run current games, while also retaining the portable aspect. (would be nice if their joysticks aren't defective this time around...)
I doubt it will be forgotten as both AMD and Intel have integrated it, unlike with PhysX that remained Nvidia exclusive.
But companies have shown that it's possible to produce comparable software based systems like UE's Lumen that look nearly the same.

Also i would argue that modern games already have good fake lighting systems. Only reflections are very hard to fake with raster.
Shadows not so much as raster is very good there already and adding RT shadows is mostly useless.
Global Illumination could be another advantage for RT.

Personally i want games to start focusing on physics and AI instead of graphics. The best, most photorealistic graphics fall apart as soon as a dumb AI that walks like a robot enters the scene and opens their mouth with bad lip syncing in an environment where you throw a grenade in a coffee cup and the coffee cup gets a small black stain that dissapears after a few seconds - no damage done. You cant even take down trees like in Crysis.
Posted on Reply
john_This is good for AMD too. I believe Sony and MS will ask for a SOC that will be way superior in RT performance, meaning AMD will have to realize that being the worst in RT, isn't a viable option. No matter how much it wants to focus on AI and pretend that raster is still the king. Image a Switch beating future Sony and MS consoles in RT. AMD will completely lose the console market if it doesn't became serious in RT.

Now Switch going Ada is a necessity to also fight the new X86 handheld consoles. I wonder if Nintendo will start investing more in visuals in the future.
I don't think RT is taking off at all.

Its marketing driven, definitely not user driven like, say, DLSS which gets modded in everywhere.
There IS tooling to RT- ify all the things, mind.

But I already knew this the moment it got announced. We're going to brute force something that we used to do much more efficiently, for mediocre to very low IQ gains, in a time when resources get scarce and climate is banging on the door? And when we see that Moore's Law is becoming ever harder to keep up, with the end of silicon on the horizon? Good luck with that. Even if it was going to be a success, reality will kill it sooner or later. But frankly, its a completely pointless exercise, as there are still games coming out that combine baked and dynamic lighting just fine to get near equal results. They have the economical advantage, because they can make better looking games run on a far broader range of hardware. The supposed cost or time to market advantage for developers is thus far an unproven marketing blurb as well, and even so, dev cost is really never a show stopper, its all about sales. To me this is common sense, honestly. Economic laws never lie.

I honestly hope AMD stays the course wrt RT. Integration at a low cost/die space, sure. Integration at the cost of raw perf? Pretty shitty.
SuspectoSamsung 8nm is just a tweaked extension of 10nm node and there is nothing unseen on those tpds, especially when considering the die size and the node size and age. Despite its age, it was more power efficient than RDNA 2 on the more advanced node, it just scalled poorly with clocks. Ada is using a 4nm node and yes, its efficiency doesn't look good, in fact, it is excellent compared to the laughable efficiency of the AMD on 5nm. AMD also experienced the same problem as Nvidia with Ampere, past a certain point, the power consumption increased greatly with higher clocks and as they said, that was the main reason they didn't deliver faster products this gen because they would melt without liquid cooling and consume 500W+.
Ah right, they're not just clocking GPUs as high as possible because that's the most profitable bottom line anymore? Interesting, the world changed overnight!

Both Ada and RDNA3 clock about equal and both are not efficient at the top of the VF curve - this is common as it is virtually every GPU gen past 32nm. It doesn't say a thing about how good the node is, it mostly tells us how greedy chip makers are.

I'm not sure how you devised this story. Samsung's 8nm is plagued by issues, its not efficient, and Ampere suffers from transient spiking. 320W for an X80 is not unseen? Okay. Also I'm not entirely sure why AMD is in that comparison, RDNA2 isn't even remotely the subject here.

Sure, they can clock lower for Nintendo, but that still doesn't make it a good node, especially not for a low power device. Its yesteryear's tech, so its mostly just cheap.
Posted on Reply
Vya DomusGreat, another lowest common denominator to hinder advancements in game engines even more. I really don't care for the switch or consoles in general, what annoys me is that obviously developers will have to craft their games with the weakest platform in mind, that will never not suck for the end user.
You can keep not caring about the switch. 90% of its game library will be first party Nintendo/exclusive games, games that are lightweight to begin with, old AAA games. There are very few studios who are crazy enough to try and fit their AAA release on it. The switch is not a priority for AAA game devs, Nintendo stopped trying to lure those kinds of games since they decided to not follow Sony/Microsoft in the race for power since the WII.
Modern AAA release that are too heavy for the switch are streamed from the cloud. Nintendo doesn't "hinder advancements in game engine". If anything, back when Nintendo made "PS/Xbox clones", they were still losing support from third party devs. The game Cube was more powerful than the PS2 but didn't have nearly has much third-party developers supports. Nintendo choosing to make a niche for themselves saved them from sharing the same fate as Sega.

I've heard many things, but Nintendo living in its own niche somehow running the PC gaming master race is a first. There are reasons to dislike nintendo, but it's not one of them.

To clarify my reasoning further: in the case of mainstream engine like unity, those engines also need to accommodate use case that are not related to gaming. I've studied VR/AR in college, we had professionals from the field talking with us, there's a need for an engine that can scale down, because you can't just assume that the user will be using a state-of-the-art device.
Posted on Reply
Kaleid"Built on Samsung's 8 nm node, the efficiency would likely yield better battery life"

So perhaps not purchase the first version of Switch 2 either.. if it comes out next year you'd expect 5 or 6nm
My guess would be chip availability. Nintendo must wants to sell at least 1m units/month so using easier to get hardware is a must.
Vya DomusGreat, another lowest common denominator to hinder advancements in game engines even more. I really don't care for the switch or consoles in general, what annoys me is that obviously developers will have to craft their games with the weakest platform in mind, that will never not suck for the end user.
Just imagine how bad the game optimization would end up with devs would not have to make sure that their game runs at at least 30fps on the current weak consoles. It's not like GPU would suddenly get less expensive and more powerful just because the consoles caught up with PC hardware. We would be totally fucked.
Posted on Reply
progsteLet's be real guys, RT is a useless gimmik and no one cares about it besides us tech nerds.
In a few years every engine will have a comparable built-in technology and RT will be forgotten like PhysX.

What matters for the switch 2 is for it to look good enough and run current games, while also retaining the portable aspect. (would be nice if their joysticks aren't defective this time around...)
Not a gimmick, simply not ready for mainstream adoption just yet, the performance impact is still far too much for many.
Also, are you comparing raytracing to physX? As if rt is a propietary nvidia technology? It is not, and the "comparable" is just writing their own rt code, or simply using a mix of pre baked and dynamic lighting.
Besides, real time RT has great benefits for developers, not just nice graphics for players, it cuts down on a lot of the development time that would be dedicated to faking the lighting or baking the lighting in a map, since they can set it up and forget about it, so in the future when rt is less costly, this will be great! But in the present day, when devs do this, we get immortals of Aveum, we need more time for this technology to mature, clearly.
When did we lose sight of pre baked environments for static games, look at cs2, runs great, looks great, we don't have to sacrifice so much.
Posted on Reply
TomorrowTypical Nintendo cheaping on hardware. Nothing new here and expected this from them. Im surprised it's not even using Turing lol.

I think this was Nintendo's decision to go with an older, cheaper SoC. Cheap bastards as they are. Along with their anti-consumer attitude it ensures i won't ever buy anything from them.
No one buys a Nintendo product for the tech, Nintendo's tech has always been behind the other consoles except in the beginning. People buy Nintendos for the games. It's the Intellectual Property that brings their fans back, not the hardware.

Your complaints are completely flat as you dont understand the market. If the hardware will keep you from buying a Nintendo, then you were not going to buy a Nintendo anyway because they are marketed for the games and not the hardware.

And dont even get me started with your anti consumer nonsense, you're mad that Nintendo wont give away it's IP when that is the only reason they are still in business.
Posted on Reply
NioktefeSeems like a stretch that this chip will be used as is. At least if the form factor stays the same

Everything that's needed is on the chip, there's just a bit too much of everything on this chip :
12 A18 cores at 2.2Ghz max : Coming from 4 a57 at 1Ghz on the original
2048 gpu core at 1.3Ghz max : Coming from 256 at 384Mhz
256 bits LPDDR5 bus : Coming from 64 bits DDR4

Bonus : AV1 encode/decode up to 2x 4K60, 22 UPHY lanes shared between pcie, usb 3.2 and MGBE

Source :

So yeah I wouldn't mind if they slashed this chip in half as it would likely increase efficiency further than just clocking down or disabling units.
However as long as castrating this chip is cheaper than making a smaller/newer one, I guess that's what Nintendo will choose.
Looking at Wiki, Orin has 6 different SKUs (likely more based on customer needs). The full fat Orin is 12C, 16 SMs and ranges from 15-60w. All the way down to 6C, 4SM with a 5-10w power budget. I think what we will get will be between these somewhere depending on what kind of power budgets Nintendo wants on handheld, docked and what configuration will give them the best performance at their power budgets. And there is also the possibility that Nintendo does what Sony did with the PS5. That is have a set power budget but allow the developer to move that around if they need more CPU or more GPU but where they can't both go flat out (at least in handheld mode).
Posted on Reply
Gooigi's Ex
lexluthermiesterSure it can. The Switch has trampled into the ground everything on the market in sales since it's release. More people own a Switch than PS4, PS5, XboxOne, XboxOneX combined. So you're right, it's not really a competition and Nintendo is laughing all the way to the bank.

Yeah, that's what counts. Crazy powerful hardware is excellent but doesn't make games great. Good programing and creativity makes games great! There is nothing compelling on XB & PS5.

Eww.. No. Comparing Nintendo to Apple is like comparing Fred Rogers to Harvey Wienstein! One is awesome and beloved, the other is a creepy loser that has yet to be shutdown for it's nasty ass BS.

And yes, Nintendo is the awesome one, just like Fred Rogers.
All I can say is wow to this comment. Apple is creepy but Nintendo isn’t? That’s actually crazy

*There is so much wrong with this comment I have to make an edit.

Sure Nintendo Switch is selling like hot cakes and all that, but it’s still behind the best seller, the PS2 so it got some ways to go(20 mill to go but that’s easy for them) and the PS4 Lifetime sales is 117 million consoles sold. So if we just combine PS4 and PS5 alone, the Switch is not outselling like that and people have more Xbox One, Xbox One S, Xbox One X, PS4 and PS5 than the Nintendo Switch so stop that noise.

PlayStation has been making great games just like Nintendo ESPECIALLY in first party games AND it’s at 1080p60fps or higher with the luxury of having 3rd party games without the need to be released as a cloud variant. There are a lot of great games out there and the Switch can’t play majority of them unless they are indie games or older games from the PS3 and XBOX 360 era which is still impressive …3 to 4 years ago. And Microsoft has GamePass which is enough said, essentially compared to Nintendo’s alternative.

Also I know that is a Nerds Tech fashion to hate Apple(I don’t follow dumb trends like this) but to sit here and praise Nintendo as the good guy between Apple and Nintendo is absolutely ludicrous especially since Nintendo HATES their customers and that’s a fact within the gaming industry. The fact that they sent one of their fans to jail for 3 years and then slapped a 10 million dollar fine on top of that. People who steal iPhones don’t get that harsh of a punishment but since it’s Nintendo, it’s ok and the fan “got what he deserved”. Also the same company that does not listen to its fans when it comes to beloved games and the same company that’s trying to stop people Emulating their games because they decided to stop selling the game and refuse to keep the old consoles up to date and make their fans go to third party companies to fix their consoles. Don’t do Fred Rogers like that. He’s way more respectable than Nintendon’t.
Posted on Reply
I would love me a new Shield device from NVidia with this GPU though...
Posted on Reply
progsteLet's be real guys, RT is a useless gimmik and no one cares about it besides us tech nerds.
In a few years every engine will have a comparable built-in technology and RT will be forgotten like PhysX.

What matters for the switch 2 is for it to look good enough and run current games, while also retaining the portable aspect. (would be nice if their joysticks aren't defective this time around...)
It is useless because nothing can run it, worse still games have pathetic textures and especially geometry like Control or Cyberpunk, yet they add RT to ruin even the mighty 4090 instead.

In the future full RT should cost like 5~10%, assuming nVidia and AMD care about gaming by then.
Posted on Edit | Reply
FeelinFroggyNo one buys a Nintendo product for the tech, Nintendo's tech has always been behind the other consoles except in the beginning. People buy Nintendos for the games. It's the Intellectual Property that brings their fans back, not the hardware.

Your complaints are completely flat as you dont understand the market. If the hardware will keep you from buying a Nintendo, then you were not going to buy a Nintendo anyway because they are marketed for the games and not the hardware.

And dont even get me started with your anti consumer nonsense, you're mad that Nintendo wont give away it's IP when that is the only reason they are still in business.
Ok i can forego the hardware related discussion about people buying outdated hardware for high prices a'la Apple.

However my point stands with regards to anti-consumer practices:
Also not limited to software but also hardware by not acknowledging joycon drift initially. Only after massive backlash and threat of class action lawsuits they caved. Also the whole ROM business would not even exist if it were not for Nintendo's own draconian rules.
They call it protecting their IP. I call it not capitalizing by utilizing and licensing your IP.

Most companies license their IP and are very much in business. So that's a complete baloney argument that Nintento would somehow cease to exist if they allowed their IP on other platforms.
Nintendo also took steps to use a DMCA strike to block a video segment by the YouTube channel Did You Know Gaming? covering an uncompleted Zelda game pitched to Nintendo by Retro Studios, though the channel later succeeded in reversing the strike.
Yeah totally sounds like a company i want to give my money to.
Posted on Reply
john_I have seen a unicorn on a rainbow this morning. Haven't you?

Anyway, AMD needs to improve it's hardware in RT. Now this is Ada, so probably future AMD based consoles would probably beat it. Handhelds like Rog? Probably not or will be close. AMD needs to realize that it needs to improve considerably performance of RT in it's future RDNA architecture. If not Switch 2, another gaming platform, even a typical desktop console based on Nvidia hardware, could be a disaster for AMD's image in consoles. And AMD needs those billions from Sony and MS, not to mention games build for it's hardware first, or Radeon will end.
Not today, maybe when I'm sleep deprived or something o_O

AMD's bringing FSR3 & they're gonna basically steamroll anything other than a Nintendo backed console ~ that too mostly because of the popularity of first party Nintendo games. This next gen should be really interesting because AMD's probably at par with anything Nvidia brings to the table & much more efficient with Zen cores overall. You'll also have to remember a lot of mobile games could also cross over, also RDNA is featuring in Exynos, though that also holds true for the switch.

Not in this decade, that's for sure!
Posted on Reply
Lots of talk about ray tracing in the comments. RTX GPUs have Cuda cores, RT cores, and Tensor cores. Three completely separate core types. RT cores handle ray tracing calculations, Tensor cores handle machine/deep learning which is what runs DLSS. Orin has Cuda and Tensor cores, it does not have RT cores. This is why the article talks about DLSS and does not mention RT anywhere.

If you are reading something someplace that is referencing nVidia TensorRT, that stands for Run Time, not Ray Tracing.

NVIDIA TensorRT is a runtime library and optimizer for deep learning inference that delivers lower latency and higher throughput across NVIDIA GPU products. TensorRT enables customers to parse a trained model and maximize the throughput by quantizing models to INT8, optimizing use of the GPU memory and bandwidth by fusing nodes in a kernel, and selecting the best data layers and algorithms based on the target GPU.
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