Sunday, May 14th 2006

Japanese overclocker sets 3 new world records with 3.4 GHz Merom

Kyosen, a world famous overclocker from the land of the rising sun, has done it again. Using a Merom Core Duo chip, 2GBs of Supertalent DDR2, and a X1900 Crosfire setup, Kyosen has broken the previous world records in 3D mark 01, 05, and Aquamark 3. The CPU was clocked a little over 3.4 GHz. The CPU was cooled with dry ice, and the videocards were on water. His 3Dmark 01 score was 62,398 points, the 3Dmark 05 score was 20,672, and the new Aquamark3 record is 180,329. In addition to this, he has achieved a 14.734s 1m superpi score. While not a world record, it certainly is amazing.

Here is his thread on XS. The most recent scores are posted on page 6.
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