Wednesday, December 12th 2012

PowerColor Announces Readiness for Windows 8 UEFI Boot

Press Release
TUL Corporation, a leading manufacturer of AMD graphic cards, pioneers to offer UEFI ready graphics solutions to all gamers. As the industry-leading graphics brand, PowerColor dedicated itself to deliver innovative technology to all gamers. With newly announcement of Microsoft Windows 8, the whole new operating system amazes gamers with fantastic features such as fast boot technology.

To provide complete experience of the latest Windows 8 operating system, PowerColor develops new firmware with UEFI ready which enables fast boot implementation. By utilizing UEFI firmware, the latest Windows 8 systems can boot and resume activity faster than ever. Gamers can experience the speedy boot and resume times with PowerColor UEFI-capable graphics solutions, allows the unsurpassed user experience like never before.
All PowerColor UEFI-capable graphics solutions are listed here.
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