Tuesday, November 7th 2006

Bioware will support PhysX

Anyone in the gaming community will definitely know games like Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Neverwinter Nights, Baldur's Gate or MDK. What do all these games have in common? Simply put, they were all developed by Bioware.

Bioware has agreed to use AGEIA's PhysX technology in its next-generation gaming engine. The Eclipse Engine is the next iteration of the engine seen in Neverwinter Nights 2, and will first be seen in Dragon Age, an upcoming fantasy RPG which doesn't yet have a release date. Bioware has described Dragon Age as the spiritual sucessor to the Baldur's Gate series.

"There's no reason to reinvent the wheel when you have a world-class, easy-to-implement physics solution such as AGEIA's PhysX technology. AGEIA PhysX will deliver mind-blowing physics action for games using BioWare's next-generation game engine," said Ray Muzyka, CEO of BioWare.
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