Wednesday, June 12th 2019

Cyberpunk 2077 Confirmed to Have Raytracing Support on PC

Cd Projekt Red have confirmed that they-ve entered a development partnership with NVIDIA once again for their upcoming Cyberpunk 2077. Like The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt before it, which incorporated NVIDAI exclusive features such as Hairworks animations for monsters, Cyberpunk 2077 will feature a (for now) NVIDIA-exclusive technology in the form of RTX. This is a much more immersive and game changing technology for graphics than Gameworks ever provided, and if you want the ultimate version of Cyberpunk 2077, you'll likely have to be playing in on the PC platform with NVIDIA hardware. 4K screenshots featuring the raytracing implementation have been seeded, so take care to look for those after the break.
According to CD Projekt Red's Adam Badowski, integration of NVIDIA's raytracing technology via hardware acceleration will allow them to achieve "realistic representation of the behavior of light in a condensed urban environment", which will allow for "additional levels of depth and verticality to the already impressive megacity". CD Projekt Red pushed the envelope in graphics technologies with their Witcher 3, and now, Cyberpunk 2077 seems to be willing to pull the same mean feat.
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