Tuesday, March 16th 2021

Rockstar Implementing Fan-Made Fix for GTA Online Loading Times

Grand Theft Auto Online is notorious for its long loading times so when a fan-made fix managed to reduce these load times by 70 percent there was much excitement and confusion. The programmer who goes by the name t0st investigated why the game could take upwards of 5 minutes to load and found that the game performed nearly 2 billion mostly useless item checks when starting. A fix was created by t0st which eliminated these useless checks and improved loading times from six minutes down to one minute and 50 seconds. The fix was publicly shared online via GitHub and Rockstar has since been in contact with t0st to discuss the fix and have confirmed they will be implementing a version of it in a future update. Rockstar awarded the maximum amount of 10,000 USD for the discovery through their bug-bounty program.
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