Monday, August 28th 2023

Huawei AI GPUs Reportedly as Performant as NVIDIA A100

Liu Qingfeng, the founder and chairman of Chinese AI firm iFlytek (or HKUST Xunfei according to ITHome) shared his opinions of incoming Huawei GPU technology at this year's Yabuli Entrepreneurs Forum. His team has been collaborating with key figures at the multinational technology corporation on a product that he reckons is just as capable as NVIDIA's very mature A100 tensor core accelerator. Liu referred to the model as a "compute GPU" which implies that this is an all-new product—Huawei has kept quiet on the AI hardware front since the 2019 launch of its Ascend 910 AI accelerator, so the iFlytek presentation has hinted about Huawei's ambitions to take on Team Green within the Chinese deep learning and artificial intelligence market sector.
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