Monday, February 5th 2024

Phison Launches Specialized SSDs for Video and Surveillance Systems

Press Release
With the advent of high-resolution video and surveillance systems, the demand for stable performance (Sustained Performance) and Power Loss Protection in SSD storage devices continues to rise among video recording equipment and surveillance system integrators. Therefore, Phison Electronics (8299TT), a leading provider of NAND controllers and NAND storage solutions, today announced the launch of specialized SSD storage solutions for video and surveillance systems, including the mid-high-range S12DI and the cost-effective S17T SSD solutions.

With the advent of high-resolution video and surveillance systems, the demand for stable performance (Sustained Performance) and Power Loss Protection in SSD storage devices continues to rise among video recording equipment and surveillance system integrators. Therefore, Phison Electronics (8299TT), a leading provider of NAND controllers and NAND storage solutions, today announced the launch of specialized SSD storage solutions for video and surveillance systems, including the mid-high-range S12DI and the cost-effective S17T SSD solutions.
"From safeguarding buildings, observing remote locations for suspicious behaviors to monitoring CCTV footage, our specialized SSD storage solutions are designed to meet today's era of high-resolution recording," said C.S. Ma, President of Phison Electronics.

The specialized SSD storage solution introduced by Phison delivers the following key features:In addition to offering a maximum sustained performance of 500 MB/s, PLP power loss data protection, a warranty period of over 3 years, a maximum storage capacity of 7.68 TB, and support for a wide temperature range, Phison's specialized SSD storages solution also incorporates Phison's exclusive Smart Rescue intelligent data recovery software tool. The Smart Rescue tool assists customers in recovering SSD data under specific abnormal conditions, making it a significant boon for users in need of a stable and reliable SSD storage solution for video recording and surveillance.

In the future, Phison will continue to release SSD solutions tailored to market demands, aiming to comprehensively support global video recording equipment and surveillance systems for manufacturers by creating secure and reliable specialized custom SSD storage solutions with added value.
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