Thursday, January 10th 2008

First Sightings of Malicious iPhone Trojan Appear Online

On Monday, Symantec found a Trojan software identified as iPhone firmware 1.1.3 prep. "This Trojan claims to be a tool used to prepare the device for an upgrade to firmware version 1.1.3," the US-CERT advisory said. "When a user installs the Trojan, other application components are altered. If the Trojan is uninstalled, the affected applications may also be removed." The Trojan appears to be timed to exploit rumors that began in early December about new features in an upcoming iPhone firmware upgrade. Various online news sites and blogs cited a report published by CNET France that claimed an imminent iPhone update would feature a disk mode, for using the iPhone as a portable flash drive, and a voice recording mode. In a blog post here, Symantec security researcher Orla Cox said that "this is technically the first Trojan horse seen for the iPhone, however it does appear to be more of a prank than an actual threat,"
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