Wednesday, January 23rd 2008

Sapphire Select Gives Gamers Freedom of Choice

Sapphire Technology Limited has just announced an exciting new way to bundle top software and games titles with its graphics cards that allows users to choose which tiltles they want. In an industry first, to be known as Sapphire Select, most of the new Sapphire graphics accelerators will be shipped with a DVD containing a selection of top applications and games from several leading software houses. The end customer can play each of the games for a one hour trial before choosing which titles he or she wants to keep and use the activation codes for those titles. Additional access codes for further titles on the disk will also be offered at discounted prices. Adrian Thompson, Global Marketing Director for Sapphire, said this is an added attraction to choose the Sapphire brand. "We know people don't buy graphics products just for the bundled games," "But Sapphire Select gives a true added value to our products because customers can actually choose what they want after they get the product home."
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