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  • bah! i cannot find the Solaris Utility dvd 4.0 download. i tried the download link on Solaris Utility dvd 4.0 thread. but it just leads to some french website. I would like to find this disc, but if it was removed from the net, guess i'll have to make my own.
    no its not broken fully function Ivy Bridge + 7970, when my rig broke it was awhile back HX850 blew up do to corsair not being honest about the sata plugs power aka i overloaded the sata wires caused damage kaboom dead PSU and 2x Dead 6970s 3 dead HDDs anyway its fully working without issues now.
    You can not load an XMP profile with the DFI board. You must manually enter the settings and it will run the specs of the profile, but DFI for some reason only allows XMP profiles to load correctly at stock processor speeds. If I understand what you're asking you want to know why XMP loads values which are off. The board can only have XMP profiles loaded without any additional overclocking and even then their XMP settings suck. ::EDIT:: XMP settings suck is not very helpful. DFI's X58 board does support XMP but it is made for fine tuning and so it was never developed as far as the memory manufacturers had taken the technology. They essentially have a great set of RAM tweaks available with a half working XMP system.
    You dont have to come and confess, we gonna find you, we gonna find you. Run and tell that, run and tell that, Homeboy, home home boy.
    OK, cool. I love running into science types like yourself and picking your brains. One of my old gf's was a molecular biolgist at Columbia and I would drive her batty because I seemed to understand more advanced concepts but had no understanding at all of the basics.

    As long as you let me know when I'm being a dick, I'd love to talk to you some time about your fields of research or expertise. Can I ask what those are?

    Are you on google plus? if not, pm me a disposable email address (or a normal one, doesn't matter) and I can send you an invite.

    google.to/dearest is my profile.
    Sorry if I offended you. I'm still not sure how though so any remedial education you would like to provide would be appreciated. And that is meant literally not sarcastically.
    How do I stop the stutter on my backup rig's GTX 295? I am thinking it is a CPU limitation since it's i7 920 isn't OC'ed. It is occurring in Fallout Vegas with the latest drivers. I figured you would know since you have experience with multi-GPU cards too. It doesn't stutter when wasd on the keyboard is used but when there is any quick mouse movement it micro-stutters. I am thinking it is a driver issue with that game.
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