"Pics added" i dont know if anyone's notice but ive been a wee bit quiet lately you see i lost my cat smegul 4 weeks ago @ 14 but today im getting a new cat so be aware i may become a more active from here on. pics to follow .
i would just like to wish everybody a very Merry Christmas and may all our dreams come true "unless there nightmares with zombies and blood sucking demons ect" but if you like that sorta thing what the heck. Peace!.
would you believe i woke thismorning feeling ill and and did a test and ive got covid, well on the bright side i had to get it sometime and ive no work at the moment well just a iphone 12 with a cracked back and expanded battery but it for family and it can wait.
No never change a hot iron tip.
then drop the iron, 3 weeks for a replacement and a burnt finger good job ive more fingers and a spare iron. we live and learn eh.
just fitted a H110I to my Old FX8350 on a msi970 G movie feeder and the darn thing would not boot nothing on the screen at all so after about a hour of messing about resetting the bios trying diff ram ect it was mounting pressure i forgot that that was a thing back then all good now but ive aged 10 years and pulled what little hair out i had left.
well back into lockdown here in south wales this friday for 17 days but me dont think 17 days is enough to do anything against this darn virus i think its just our gov wanting to look like there doing something.
Hot as hell here today in south wales a good day for some overclocking me thinks, like if it passes benchmarking its good in any weather well thats my logic anyway. hope ya all have a nice day.