im gonna be the party pooper here and say this isnt what the forum is for, and to take this to pm.
there is absolutly nothing wrong with what we are talking about, nor are torrent or download clients illegal, sure they can be used to do illegal things, so can ftp,http,pop3 and many many other things, there are fully leigal and valid uses for torrents and other download clients.
linux distrobution is one good example, torrent are VERY common way to distro large linux distro's because it dosnt take large server bandwith to do so as all clients downloading are also sharing.
also games/betas/alpha's many times use torrents to distro their product, again because it saves on server bandwith and thus caust.
fear combat has a torrent on the download page
starsiege 2845 ATR(alpha tech relise) has a torrent as well as filefront download, again to help share the load and speed up distro.
if somebody started talking about warez sites and where to get illegal downloads then yeah that would be a topic for PM but thats not what most of us are dissusing.
oh and b4 you mention shareaza/ed2k/g1/g2 they are also all valid ways companys and people distro fully leigal content without having to use up alot of bandwith on their file servers.
leigal uses of all of these arent hard to find.
a band/dj can distro their tunes to the public without any caust or overhead other then the need of a netconnection to seed the file from, a software developer can distro his program/game to the genral public OR a slect few without paying for expencive server bandwith on a webhost.