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Overclocking the X58, a practical guide


Overclocking Surrealism
Sep 15, 2008
6,979 (1.20/day)
System Name Molly
Processor i5 3570K
Motherboard Z77 ASRock
Cooling CooliT Eco
Memory 2x4GB Mushkin Redline Ridgebacks
Video Card(s) Gigabyte GTX 680
Case Coolermaster CM690 II Advanced
Power Supply Corsair HX-1000
Disclaimer: For the sake of clarity. Overclocking any piece of hardware should be considered harmful before even considering the benefits which the process will yield. Some hardware manufacturers do not warrant the abuse of hardware. I am not responsible for how far any PC owner chooses to push their hardware if inspired to reference this guide. This guide is a work in progress and I will be updating it when new, legitimate, information creeps into my way.

Let the fun begin!

Step 1: Understanding the X58 chipset.

You only need one image to get started and then a little bit of intuition to start understanding it.

This is a block diagram, and it shows the relation between the different parts of X58 motherboards. Not all motherboards are the same, and not all manufacturers will use the same terminology to describe every changable clock. The important part is that all X58 boards can be understood by applying the settings in a given bios with this block diagram.

Important Note Understanding the block diagram is easier when you compare it to the bios.

That may be a stretch for some, but it will make more sense later on.

Step 2: Write up a bios template.

Do it. Go to the bios, find the OC tab, and write down those settings on a PDA or notebook or even... paper :O

Step 3: Understanding the bios template.

Remember that block diagram from Step 1? Keep it handy :D

Universal terms
  • BCLK- Short for Base CLocK. This is the base frequency at which your CPU will drive the rest of the PC. The limiting factors in max BCLK will be the cpu itself (luck of the draw) and the motherboard (luck of the draw/quality control). (BCLK)CPU Multi = CPU Frequency. For 32nm Westmere chips it is best to overclock with chips that have high multipliers as max BCLK is low with these chips. At and beyond 200 BCLK the qpi/vtt voltage required to post become too high to be considered safe to overclock for over 24 hours.
  • DRAM- Main Memory, ur DDR3, the triple channel goodness, whatever... (BCLK)Memory Multipler = DRAM frequency.
  • Uncore- This is in the block diagram but not written. Uncore is a frequency that the CPU handles everything from the north bridge to the south bridge. Uncore must be at least 2x as great as the memory frequency. This can be an issue if your CPU/motherboard can not handle an insanely high uncore, so for the record a memory overclock will affect the uncore stability. An overclock can get a special edge by pushing the uncore beyond 2(memory multi). If you have room to OC it then go for it. SPECIAL NOTE there are substancial findings to suggest the average overclocker can increase their uncore multi by 1 and may achieve higher system stability even at mild OCs. This can even reduce voltage at higher OCs and is a MUST to consider for MAX OC.
  • QPI- Quick Path Interface is the memory I/O for the CPU. With CPUs like the i7 920 the low QPI rating can interfere with MAX OC. Only a few motherboards have the options to circumvent this barrier.
  • IOH- North Bridge, affected directly by Uncore
  • ICH- South Bridge, less affected by Uncore than the North Bridge
  • CPU Multiplier- Explained in the BCLK bullet as a factor of overall CPU frequency the CPU multiplier represents the CPU's proportional speed to the BCLK. For a x21 CPU multiplier you would take the BCLK frequency and that's how many cycles the CPU completes before it is addressed by the BCLK.
These universal terms are the bread and butter of your overclock. You want to tune your boards to acheive overclocks in these domains. Depending on the benchmark or application there are a number of ways to set the BCLK/DRAM/Uncore/QPI for increased performance.

Common voltages (45nm Bloomfield)
  • VCore - directly related to the CPU frequency. Chances are if the cpu frequency doesn't change then this does not need to be changed. "Safe" for overclocking voltages range from 1.0-1.53V (intel spec).
  • QPI voltage/CPU vtt- related to any change in memory frequency. If you change the BCLK, the memory frequency will change. This voltage also affects the uncore stability indirectly. "Safe" for overclocking voltages range from 1.1-1.4V (intel spec).
  • IOH Core Voltage- Different than IOH PLL, and more important! This observation will be explained later. The catcher.
  • ICH Core Voltage- Not important.
  • Core pll- Signal strength of the CPU. At higher core voltages/frequencies the Core pll can be reduced below spec to enhance stability.
  • IOH pll- Think of this like the catcher's pitching strength. The catcher (IOH) needs to catch, not pitch so much.
  • QPI pll- The pitcher's pitch! Some motherboards tie this pll voltage to be proportionate with the cpu pll, but that's stupid. If your motherboard doesn't support this voltage then by all means don't try to increase the cpu pll to achieve results. When you are reaching (within .5GHz) the physical limit of the QPI clock for your chip this is usually a culprit for stability. At a max of 1.5V (DON'T GO HIGHER) some stubborn chips and boards can reach high BCLK OCs. The IOH Core Voltage needs to be = to the QPI pll voltage for best results. The two voltages should be the same at stock 1.1V or something like that. If they are not the same then do not change them because your bios probably has them named differently.
Fun fact! Believe it or not VCore/CPU vtt has less to do with heat output than the frequency of the clocks in the CPU itself. When you see CPU cooler review sites testing a 3.6GHz core i7 @ 1.5V on the core the heat is not even close to an i7 4.2GHz @ 1.24V on the core. This observation is only applicable to 45nm bloomfield. 32nm Westmere chips heat up proportionally to both frequency and voltage.

Common voltages (32nm Westmere)
  • VCore - directly related to the CPU frequency. Chances are if the cpu frequency doesn't change then this does not need to be changed. "Safe" for overclocking voltages range from 0.9-1.4V (intel spec).
  • QPI voltage/CPU vtt- Any change in CPU frequency for 32nm chips. If you change the BCLK, the memory frequency will change. This voltage also affects the uncore stability indirectly. "Safe" for overclocking voltages range from 1.1-1.4V (intel spec). ***CAUTION*** Raising the vtt beyond 1.35V has shown to damage 32nm based chips. This observation was made by a number of overclockers, and the information is to be used as a measure of caution. If you're approaching the intel spec MAX for this voltage then you are getting dangerously close to causing damage. Approaching the maximum or going beyond would not be advised unless someone is benching with sub-zero cooling for some time under 24 hours.
  • IOH Core Voltage- Different than IOH PLL, and more important! This observation will be explained later. The catcher.
  • ICH Core Voltage- Not important.
  • Core pll- Signal strength of the CPU. At higher core voltages/frequencies the Core pll can be reduced below spec to enhance stability.
  • IOH pll- Think of this like the catcher's pitching strength. The catcher (IOH) needs to catch, not pitch so much.
  • QPI pll- The pitcher's pitch! When you are reaching (within .5GHz) the physical limit of the QPI clock for your chip this is usually a culprit for stability. At a max of 1.5V (DON'T GO HIGHER) some stubborn chips and boards can reach high BCLK OCs. The IOH Core Voltage needs to be = to the QPI pll voltage for best results. The two voltages should be the same at stock 1.1V or something like that. If they are not the same then do not change them because your bios probably has them named differently.
  • CPU pll- This voltage is overlooked for 45nm chips mostly because it is not an issue when overclocking. For 32nm chips the maximum voltage is 2V, and slight increases above the automatic setting of 1.8V may increase stability.
Step 4: Trial and Error

This is something a lot of us hate, but have to deal with. When going for extreme OCs you will go mad before ever getting anywhere. Double check the info in this thread with what you understand. Compare your bios template to the block diagram. Get an idea of which parts are stressed, and what voltages may need adjusting. Most importantly eliminate variables! Narrow down the cause of your instability with scrutiny.

Step 5: Testing

A number of people have a number of views of what is stable. I like to throw a fruit basket of tests at my PC to test stability. OCCT will find a bad memory overclock in no time. Prime 95 small FFT will crash most unstable cores in 20 min or less. Vantage will test your Uncore stability as it relies heavily on IOH bandwidth. Folding@home and BIONC clients don't make as much heat (unless you give it 100% CPU control) but if your results are proving to be erronious then you are doing it(the OC) wrong. Sometimes this will crash your machine, sometimes it won't, but massive errors = instability. Video games are amazing for testing overclocks! Believe it or not some games will just bluescreen you in a bad OC, so while you're beating your brain over this OCing thing... have some fun :D

Step 6: Thank me! No really thank yourself. If you've gotten this far it means you didn't have someone punch in their voltages or motherboard settings for you and you understand the failure mechanisms of YOUR hardware more than anyone else.

This concludes the body of my practical guide. I hope anyone who reads this will walk around TPU with a greater understanding of their X58 workstations.
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Overclocking Surrealism
Sep 15, 2008
6,979 (1.20/day)
System Name Molly
Processor i5 3570K
Motherboard Z77 ASRock
Cooling CooliT Eco
Memory 2x4GB Mushkin Redline Ridgebacks
Video Card(s) Gigabyte GTX 680
Case Coolermaster CM690 II Advanced
Power Supply Corsair HX-1000
Reserved for future notes/motherboard specific settings & tweaks.


Q. Will temperature affect the stability of my overclock?
A. Yes for 32nm Westmere AND not always for 45nm bloomfield. There is nothing saying that water cooling vs high end air cooling yields any better results with 45nm bloomfield processors durring a bench session. Extreme cooling will yield better OC results on extreme CPU frequencies (5GHz+) in a bench session. I can say with certainty that high temperatures in the area of 80-90C will show their effect on CPU longevity before causing stability issues in a bench session. CPU longevity would mean that if you returned your cpu to stock then it may perform normally or less as well as the day you bought the CPU.

Q. What are the different ways of achieving an overclock?
A. There's two ways to overclock every part of the x58. You can either increase the BCLK or you can increase the frequency multiplier of a domain. Something to consider when overclocking memory is that once you increase the memory multiplier you're forced to increase the uncore and QPI.

Q. I'm having problems setting performance goals. What are some examples of overclocks I can achieve with a i7 920.
A. It's very important to set goals, and even if the goals aren't your own it's OK. Please understand that voltages change based on hardware, but approach voltages with less fear and an appropriate level of respect for your hardware. Fearing errors/hardlocks/bluescreens will only make OCing harder, defeat the purpose of Step 4, and make you more reliant on people who may be too wreckless.

Acceptable performance goals for 24/7 use & Benching (45nm Bloomfield):
  • 24/7: stock CPU, high memory multi- BCLK 133, CPU Multi x21, Memory Multi x12, Uncore Multi x24-x27, QPI AUTO. This will require little to no core voltage change, but you will most likely have to increase the QPI(vtt) voltage, and the memory multiplier is high so uncore will also be very high for your CPU. This is memory overclocking for a target of 1596MHz so your computer will feel a little more snappy, but nothing quite like what a core OC would do.
  • 24/7: Mid range CPU and medium/high memory multi- BCLK 166, CPU Multi x21, Memory Multi x10, Uncore Multi x20-x23, QPI AUTO. Less stress on the QPI(vtt) and uncore. May be easier/produce less heat than the settings above. Most D0 stepping can achieve this using stock VCore, but keep in mind not ALL can. Target CPU 3.48GHz, Target memory 1660MHz.
  • 24/7: The "magic" BCLK OC- BCLK 200, CPU Multi x13-x21, Memory Multi x8, Uncore Multi x16-x19, QPI AUTO. This is my favorite setting for BCLK because it makes for an EASY 1600MHz ram OC, and you can clock your CPU from below stock to 4.2GHz. You will have to tune this but it is so much easier on the memory OC. Some chips handle 200 BCLK like they were made for it while others (mainly seen in the first steppings for x58 i7s) fail miserably and require LOADS of voltage. Raising the BCLK is preffered for memory overclocking because it allows you to keep low multipliers which is better for stability!
  • Bench OCs: Anything over 200 BCLK and using a mixture of BCLK >133 and CPU Multipliers >x30 are considered to be bench OCs. They require a lot of tuning and I can't offer too much advice here because while I have done 226x21 there aren't the words to describe my journey to that point. When considering the three above 24/7 OCs make sure you take note of the multipliers and which parts are weak in your i7. If your i7 can't handle high memory multipliers then you know for high memory OCs you will have to use more BCLK than memory multiplier. Simply, the three above OCs, if learned, will offer a lot of insight into benching.

Q. I have questions, you aren't around, and you have a foul smell. Where can I get other opinions about my OC?
A. My odor is a glandular problem... i7 Overclocking and Feedback

Good Guides/Threads from around the webs for General Purpose X58 Overclocking & Motherboard Specific X58 Overclocking
User written guides by miahallen! Priceless info! x58, LGA1156, LGA1155
Last edited:
Feb 19, 2007
12,453 (1.94/day)
Yankee lost in the Mountains of East TN
Processor 5800x(2)/5700g/5600x/5600g/2700x/1700x/1700
Motherboard MSI B550 Carbon (2)/ MSI z490 Unify/Asus Strix B550-F/MSI B450 Tomahawk (3)
Cooling EK AIO 360 (2)/EK AIO 240, Arctic Cooling Freezer II 280/EVGA CLC 280/Noctua D15/Cryorig M9(2)
Memory 32 GB Ballistix Elite/32 GB TridentZ/16GB Mushkin Redline Black/16 GB Dominator
Video Card(s) Asus Strix RTX3060/EVGA 970(2)/Asus 750 ti/Old Quadros
Storage Samsung 970 EVO M.2 NVMe 500GB/WD Black M.2 NVMe 500GB/Adata 500gb NVMe
Display(s) Acer 1080p 22"/ (3) Samsung 22" 1080p
Case (2) Lian Li Lancool II Mesh/Corsair 4000D /Phanteks Eclipse 500a/Be Quiet Pure Base 500/Bones of HAF
Power Supply EVGA Supernova 850G(2)/EVGA Supernova GT 650w/Phantek Amps 750w/Seasonic Focus 750w
Mouse Generic Black wireless (5)
Keyboard Generic Black wireless (5)
Software Win 10/Ubuntu
Very well written and concise guide to overclocking with the x58 chipset.
Oct 21, 2008
3,459 (0.60/day)
Processor ???
Motherboard 760
Cooling HK
Memory 3x1gb
Video Card(s) 285 Classified / EVGA 480
Display(s) 22" Acer /42" Toshiba
Case Stacker
Power Supply Toughpower 1000w / Coolmaster 650w
Software All of them
Thank you very much for this Guide.


The Doctor is in the house
Jan 16, 2008
7,482 (1.23/day)
Scotland (It rains alot)
System Name Rusky
Processor Intel Core i7 D0 3.8Ghz
Motherboard Asus P6T
Cooling Thermaltake Dark Knight
Memory 12GB Patriot Viper's 1866mhz 9-9-9-24
Video Card(s) GTX470 1280MB
Storage OCZ Summit 60GB + Samsung 1TB + Samsung 2TB
Display(s) Sharp Aquos L32X20E 1920 x 1080
Case Silverstone Raven RV01
Power Supply Corsair 650 Watt
Software Windows 7 x64
Benchmark Scores 3DMark06 - 18064 http://img.techpowerup.org/090720/Capture002.jpg
Thanks for this guide. It's what I've been looking for, for a long time.
May 23, 2008
1,391 (0.23/day)
Nice guide Binge, should help out some of the people new to x58.
Feb 19, 2007
12,453 (1.94/day)
Yankee lost in the Mountains of East TN
Processor 5800x(2)/5700g/5600x/5600g/2700x/1700x/1700
Motherboard MSI B550 Carbon (2)/ MSI z490 Unify/Asus Strix B550-F/MSI B450 Tomahawk (3)
Cooling EK AIO 360 (2)/EK AIO 240, Arctic Cooling Freezer II 280/EVGA CLC 280/Noctua D15/Cryorig M9(2)
Memory 32 GB Ballistix Elite/32 GB TridentZ/16GB Mushkin Redline Black/16 GB Dominator
Video Card(s) Asus Strix RTX3060/EVGA 970(2)/Asus 750 ti/Old Quadros
Storage Samsung 970 EVO M.2 NVMe 500GB/WD Black M.2 NVMe 500GB/Adata 500gb NVMe
Display(s) Acer 1080p 22"/ (3) Samsung 22" 1080p
Case (2) Lian Li Lancool II Mesh/Corsair 4000D /Phanteks Eclipse 500a/Be Quiet Pure Base 500/Bones of HAF
Power Supply EVGA Supernova 850G(2)/EVGA Supernova GT 650w/Phantek Amps 750w/Seasonic Focus 750w
Mouse Generic Black wireless (5)
Keyboard Generic Black wireless (5)
Software Win 10/Ubuntu
In looking over the guide again, I'd dispute just one thing...heat from BOINC. At 100%, it will heat/stress the cores close to running an OCCT stress test, at least in my experience. However, OCCT will give you a much quicker verdict on stability.
Aug 22, 2008
2,304 (0.39/day)
Edmonton, Alberta
System Name AMD | Intel | Chumpy
Processor PHII 955BE Stock | i7 920 D0 4.01 GHz | i7 920 D0 4.01 GHz
Motherboard MSI 790FX-GD70 | EX58 - UD5 | E760 4 Way SLI
Cooling Zalman 9700 CNPS | Water Loop | Water Loop
Memory 4 GB XMS3 1600 MHz | 6 GB Dominators 1600 MHz | 6 GB Dominators 1866 MHz
Video Card(s) 3 x 9600GSO, GTX260 216 | 2 x GTX 260 216 | GTX 260 216, 9600 GSO
Storage WD 640GB | Couple o' 5400RPMs | WD 1TB
Case Cosmos S | Lancool K62 Dragonlord | Lian Li PC-P80 Armor
Power Supply TX850 | HX 1000 | HX 1000
Software Win 7 Home Premium | Win 7 Ultimate | Vista Home Premium
Thanks Binge! I hope to use this very soon to OC my i7.


Overclocking Surrealism
Sep 15, 2008
6,979 (1.20/day)
System Name Molly
Processor i5 3570K
Motherboard Z77 ASRock
Cooling CooliT Eco
Memory 2x4GB Mushkin Redline Ridgebacks
Video Card(s) Gigabyte GTX 680
Case Coolermaster CM690 II Advanced
Power Supply Corsair HX-1000
Updated Q&A section with "Overclocking Goals" as of 9:21 this evening.


Better Than Native
May 7, 2007
8,066 (1.27/day)
System Name MightyX
Processor Ryzen 5800X3D
Motherboard Gigabyte X570 I Aorus Pro WiFi
Cooling Scythe Fuma 2
Memory 32GB DDR4 3600 CL16
Video Card(s) Asus TUF RTX3080 Deshrouded
Storage WD Black SN850X 2TB
Display(s) LG 42C2 4K OLED
Case Coolermaster NR200P
Audio Device(s) LG SN5Y / Focal Clear
Power Supply Corsair SF750 Platinum
Mouse Corsair Dark Core RBG Pro SE
Keyboard Glorious GMMK Compact w/pudding
VR HMD Meta Quest 3
Software case populated with Artic P12's
Benchmark Scores 4k120 OLED Gsync bliss
Awesome guide, I truly wish I had it when starting with my i7, I had been overclocking for years before, and it does prepare you for overclocking on the i7, but it is a whole new bag of tricks to learn.

I know from experience Binge is awesome enough to help you personally along your quest to OC too, so hit him up in here or hit the famed "TPU's Core i7 Overclocking and Feedback" thread


New Member
Nov 19, 2009
43 (0.01/day)
System Name My Custom System
Processor i7 920 (OC to 4.07)
Motherboard GA-EX58-UD5
Cooling Noctua NH-U12P SE2
Memory Corsair XMS3 TR3X6G1600C9 6GB DDR3 3X2GB DDR3-1600 CL 9-9-9-24
Video Card(s) nVidia GTX 295
Storage WDC WD6401AALS-00L3B2 (596 GB, IDE)
Display(s) BenQ FP231W (Digital)
Case Antec Nine Hundreed
Audio Device(s) Realtek
Power Supply Cortair HX1000W
Benchmark Scores 3DMark 06: 24753
Thanks a lot, I have a better understanding of the connectivity between components


New Member
Jul 27, 2009
3,464 (0.63/day)
Leesburg, FL
Here is another great guide I found helpful in learning to oc i7. I was hesitant to post here but I feel it'll be useful. If it's a crap, I'll delete the post.

nehalem 101
May 12, 2006
11,119 (1.66/day)
System Name Apple Bite
Processor Intel I5
Motherboard Apple
Memory 40gb of DDR 4 2700
Video Card(s) ATI Radeon 500
Storage Fusion Drive 1 TB
Display(s) 27 Inch IMac late 2017
this needs to have a sticky
Jul 18, 2008
2,894 (0.49/day)
South Carolina
System Name KILLER
Processor Intel Core i7 4790K
Motherboard MSI Z87 G45 Gaming
Cooling Water Cooling
Memory 2x8GB Gskill 2400mhz
Video Card(s) EVGA GTX 980
Storage SSD Samsung 500GB
Display(s) 24" Asus 144hz
Case Cooler Master HAF
Audio Device(s) X-Fi Platinum
Power Supply Antec 1200 Watt Modular
Software Windows 10 64 Bit
Benchmark Scores 3DMark Vantage 51342
Very nice post Binge. This is the first time i saw it.
Looks like you put alot of thought and good info here.
Good job. :toast:


New Member
May 29, 2009
480 (0.09/day)
Barack Hussein Obama-Biden's Nation
System Name Flame Vortec Fatal1ty (rig1), UV Tourmaline Confexia (rig2)
Processor 2 x Core i7's 4+Gigahertzzies
Motherboard BL00DR4G3 and DFI UT-X58 T3eH8
Cooling Thermalright IFX-14 (better than TRUE) 2x push-push, Customized TT Big Typhoon
Memory 6GB OCZ DDR3-1600 CAS7-7-7-1T, 6GB for 2nd rig
Video Card(s) 8800GTX for "free" S3D (mtbs3d.com), 4870 1GB, HDTV Wonder (DRM-free)
Storage WD RE3 1TB, Caviar Black 1TB 7.2k, 500GB 7.2k, Raptor X 10k
Display(s) Sony GDM-FW900 24" CRT oc'ed to 2560x1600@68Hz, Dell 2405FPW 24" PVA (HDCP-free)
Case custom gutted-out painted black case, silver UV case, lots of aesthetics-souped stuff
Audio Device(s) Sonar X-Fi MB, Bernstein audio riser.. what??
Power Supply OCZ Fatal1ty 700W, Iceberg 680W, Fortron Booster X3 300W for GPU
Software 2 partitions WinXP-32 on 2 drives per rig, 2 of Vista64 on 2 drives per rig
Benchmark Scores 5.9 Vista Experience Index... yay!!! What??? :)
i7 Turbo is handy to have when overclocking Core i7's, if you want to be absolutely sure that the correct clocks are being reported with turbo enabled.

CPU-Z is an all-around great monitoring utility. My personal favorite monitoring tool is this tiny program called HWMonitor.
Oct 11, 2006
1,070 (0.16/day)
System Name My Current Desktop
Processor i9 12900KF
Motherboard Asus ROG STRIX Z690-E GAMING WIFI
Cooling ARCTIC Liquid Freezer II 360
Memory G.Skill Trident Z5 RGB Series 32GB (2 x 16GB) DDR5 6400 F5-6400J3239G16GA2-TZ5RS
Video Card(s) RTX 3090 FE
Display(s) Samsung G80SD
Case Fractal Design Torrent White
Audio Device(s) Schiit Bifrost2
Power Supply Corsair HX850
Mouse Razer Basilisk v3 pro
Keyboard Keychron Q6 Max (brown)
Software Win 11 Pro
definitely gonna use this guide very soon. :toast:


Overclocking Surrealism
Sep 15, 2008
6,979 (1.20/day)
System Name Molly
Processor i5 3570K
Motherboard Z77 ASRock
Cooling CooliT Eco
Memory 2x4GB Mushkin Redline Ridgebacks
Video Card(s) Gigabyte GTX 680
Case Coolermaster CM690 II Advanced
Power Supply Corsair HX-1000
Updated for 32nm Westmere based processors.


Gone Fishing
Jan 18, 2006
25,885 (3.81/day)
Worcestershire, UK
Processor Intel Core i9 11900KF @ -075mV PL max @225w
Motherboard MSI MAG Z490 TOMAHAWK
Cooling DeepCool LS520SE Liquid + 3 Phanteks 140mm case fans
Memory 32GB (4 x 8GB SR) Patriot Viper Steel Bdie @ 3600Mhz CL14 1.45v Gear 1
Video Card(s) Asus Dual RTX 4070 OC + 8% PL
Storage WD Blue SN550 1TB M.2 NVME//Crucial MX500 500GB SSD (OS)
Display(s) AOC Q2781PQ 27 inch Ultra Slim 2560 x 1440 IPS
Case Phanteks Enthoo Pro M Windowed - Gunmetal
Audio Device(s) Onboard Realtek ALC1200/SPDIF to Sony AVR @ 5.1
Power Supply Seasonic CORE GM650w Gold Semi modular
Software Win 11 Home x64
Subscribed (again) as I will shortly receive a 930 so I have to get my 58 skillz upto date...... thank You Binge!


New Member
Apr 22, 2010
1 (0.00/day)
Mumbai, India
System Name G4M3_L0RD
Processor Intel Core - i7 920 (D0)
Motherboard DFI Lanparty DK X58-T3eH6
Cooling Corsair H50 Hydro
Memory G.Skill F3-12800CL9T-6GBNQ(1600MHz, 2Gbx3 modules)
Video Card(s) Zotac Ge-force GTX 260 AMP 2 ! Edition
Storage Seagate 7200.12 - 1Tb
Display(s) AOC 2236Vw - Full HD LCD Monitor
Case Delux DLC SH-490
Audio Device(s) -NA-
Power Supply Cooler Master Silent Pro M600 (600 Watts)
Software Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit Edition
Great guide Binge...... It helped me alot....Thanks for it....


New Member
Jan 18, 2010
32 (0.01/day)
Processor AMD FX 8150
Motherboard ASUS M5A88-V
Cooling CONTAC 30
Memory 8GHZ Kingston 1600
Video Card(s) EVGA 560 SC
Storage SAMSUNG Barracuda 1TB
I just bought 3 packs of Super Talent 2000 mhz memory and QPI-dram in xmp rises to 1.6V.
Is marked very dark red.
Is that ok !!!???
I have a core i7 920 without overclock.
i was looking around and I could not find anyone who knew anything or were very specific.


Gone Fishing
Jan 18, 2006
25,885 (3.81/day)
Worcestershire, UK
Processor Intel Core i9 11900KF @ -075mV PL max @225w
Motherboard MSI MAG Z490 TOMAHAWK
Cooling DeepCool LS520SE Liquid + 3 Phanteks 140mm case fans
Memory 32GB (4 x 8GB SR) Patriot Viper Steel Bdie @ 3600Mhz CL14 1.45v Gear 1
Video Card(s) Asus Dual RTX 4070 OC + 8% PL
Storage WD Blue SN550 1TB M.2 NVME//Crucial MX500 500GB SSD (OS)
Display(s) AOC Q2781PQ 27 inch Ultra Slim 2560 x 1440 IPS
Case Phanteks Enthoo Pro M Windowed - Gunmetal
Audio Device(s) Onboard Realtek ALC1200/SPDIF to Sony AVR @ 5.1
Power Supply Seasonic CORE GM650w Gold Semi modular
Software Win 11 Home x64
I just bought 3 packs of Super Talent 2000 mhz memory and QPI-dram in xmp rises to 1.6V.
Is marked very dark red.
Is that ok !!!???
I have a core i7 920 without overclock.
i was looking around and I could not find anyone who knew anything or were very specific.

VDimm @ 1.6v is fine.


New Member
Jan 18, 2010
32 (0.01/day)
Processor AMD FX 8150
Motherboard ASUS M5A88-V
Cooling CONTAC 30
Memory 8GHZ Kingston 1600
Video Card(s) EVGA 560 SC
Storage SAMSUNG Barracuda 1TB
i think VDim is the voltage of the dram and qpi-dram is the voltage of the interconnexion between the inner die cache and the dram.


Overclocking Surrealism
Sep 15, 2008
6,979 (1.20/day)
System Name Molly
Processor i5 3570K
Motherboard Z77 ASRock
Cooling CooliT Eco
Memory 2x4GB Mushkin Redline Ridgebacks
Video Card(s) Gigabyte GTX 680
Case Coolermaster CM690 II Advanced
Power Supply Corsair HX-1000
updated with new user submitted guides in post two, and fixed the deadlink in post #1!


New Member
Apr 12, 2006
133 (0.02/day)
System Name MAX11L
Processor i5 750 @ 4.2GHz
Motherboard Gigabyte H55N-USB3
Cooling Corsair H70
Memory Corsair Dominator GTX3 @ DDR3-2100 6-9-6 1T
Video Card(s) eVGA 480 GTX @ 800/1000
Storage 80GB Intel X25M + 500GB Seagate Momentus XT
Case Silverstone SUGO SG05
Audio Device(s) onboard
Power Supply Silverstone ST45SF 450W SFX
Software Windows 7 x64
Benchmark Scores Check full performance review here: http://www.techreaction.net/2010/09/24/gaming-in-tight-spaces-p
Thanks Binge :)