Don't let a troll bait you. We all know Alder Lake isn't garbage.
I'll say the 12900k is, but the sane wattage chips are competitive (pricing aside... that always changes after launch, anyway)
(The rest is not aimed at you lex, just entering the thread)
Theres no impressive reason to move from Zen, to AL.
Lets say you have a 5600x, and a 3080 (cause that's what TPU uses)
Best case, comparing a 5600x going to a 12900K is 15% faster at 720p gaming
Weaker GPU, higher resolution? It's a lot smaller.
The lower AL chips get a 5-10% advantage. Not nothing, but the moment you have a weaker GPU or use a higher resolution that's gone.
At 1440p which is a much more reasonable resolution from someone with current gen gaming hardware, it's 7.4% at best, and half that for the 12600k and 12700k.
Now we dont have gaming power consumption figures here at TPU yet, often they're pretty similar between AMD and intel and its worth noting that - but power and heat spikes going up need to be accounted for in the PSU, and cooling and that adds to the total cost of the system. You wont get that full performance, if you skimp out on cooling.
We do have multi threaded and single threaded results as well as overall efficiency (Higher power consumption is acceptable if it scales with extra performance) and... oh.
So that 0-8% performance gain comes with a 20 to 220W power difference.
And of course, this was the 5600x. If you have anything higher up the Zen stack, that performance difference basically doesn't exist... we're GPU bound. with a 3080.
For any kind of professional or workstation use, you'd need software that really only works on intel. The multi threaded performance between a 5950x and a 12900k is
very competitive at trading blows... for 150W more power usage.
If i had an overclocking button on my PC right now that gave me an 8% performance boost sometimes for 220W, i would not push that button.
Would you? Then you might like AL.