Because QLC drives have sequential speed basically the same or slightly worse than hard drive and you only save 5-10 dollars tops by not going TLC, which is easily 2 times as fast. Also endurance of QLC drive is really subpar, basically half of TLC. Not sure about you, but my TLC SSD, which I have for 2-3 years already already lost 13% of its life. And I tried to not abuse it, meaning no torrenting on it. You might think that's excessive as I won't keep system running for decades. Fine, but I'm not really convinced that using up all wear allowance is a good idea, since it is calculated to be fine for 80% of all drives made and your drive might be in that unfortunate 20%. Also the drive I use does have DRAM cache, if it didn't, it should wear out significantly faster. And now think about QLC drives. They are at least 2 times worse (It might be 4 times, because it might be squared) in performance and endurance. And on top of that, QLC is still not proven technology to be good for long term storage due to all SSDs having to be able to keep data intact unpowered for some time, QLC might further reduce tolerance for that. And if you are so desperate for storage, might as well just get hard drive at that point. No worries about endurance, a bit worse performance, but times more space. QLC as it is today, doesn't have a proper reason to exist, PLC is even worse and in any case should be avoided. Also if you need to make hard drive a bit faster, you can just compress data on it and thus you might save to time.