Saturday, February 2nd 2019

Metro Exodus Developer Discusses Boycott of the PC Platform for Sequels over Steam Review Bombing

Update 2: February 5th, 2019: A post on TwitLonger from the official @MetroVideoGame handle has looked to bring a more positive outlook to this whole scenario, in an attempt to bridge the gap between a lone developer's sentiment and the entire 4A Games studio. The post follows:
The recent decision to move Metro Exodus from Steam to the Epic Game Store was made by Koch Media / Deep Silver alone.

The recent comments made by a member of the 4A Games development team do not reflect Deep Silver's or 4A Games' view on the future of the franchise. They do reflect the hurt and disappointment of a passionate individual who has seen what was previously nothing but positive goodwill towards his work turn to controversy due to a business decision he had no control over. We respectfully ask that any and all valid feedback over this decision is directed at Koch Media / Deep Silver, and not the developers at 4A Games.

The future release strategy of the Metro series lies with Koch Media / Deep Silver. Our decision to partner with Epic Games was based on the goal of investing in the future of the series and our development partner at 4A Games. We have every intention of continuing this franchise, and a PC version will always be at the heart of our plans.

The entire handling of this issue has seen wrong turns of hand on all parts involved, the way this particular editor sees it (my, Ravenlord's, sole opinion and not TPU's, so as to avoid a Metro-style situation here), whether it be Valve, 4A Games, the lone developer who made the initial comments, and yes, the particular users in the Metro community that reacted too passionately, inflamming what was already a sticky situation. I, for one, will never see the justice in extrapolating one "wrong" move as a reason for bringing down either the trust or confidence in a whole team of people working hard to bring their creative vision to life. But I suppose gaming is like a relationship, in a way. You can read the original story below.

The whole Metro Exodus saga has been getting uglier as we get closer to launch date. We had reported earlier this very week how Metro Exodus had jumped over to the Epic Games Store for a timed exclusive through February 2020, with Valve and THQ Nordic putting out statements on this move. The move was clearly an unpopular one, and arguably for valid reasons too, but this then led to the mob turning against Metro 2033 and Metro: Last Light by leaving an extreme number of negative reviews on the respective Steam store pages.
We do not agree with this behavior, but neither do we condone what happened next. A user by the handle scynet on the Russian Gameinator forums claimed to be one of the developers on the Metro game franchise, and expressed disappointment, and even anger at the review bombing ongoing. Perhaps emotions took over, when he then effectively threatened that the Metro series would not come to the PC platform again, and be a console exclusive, should this behavior continue and also if PC gamers in turn decide to not buy Metro Exodus as a result of the move from Steam to the Epic Games Store. We will note here that (a) the identity of said person has not been confirmed to be an actual developer for the game, and (b) such decisions are usually in the publisher hands. Regardless, both parties are not showing their best here, and hopefully cooler heads will prevail soon.

[Update: Feb 3, 2019: TechPowerUp user birdie has provided what appears to be the most accurate translation at this time, which can be seen past the break.]

An English translation by a native Russian (TechPowerUp user birdie) is seen below.
I've watched the shit storm that gave me contradicting impressions. On the one hand, Steam withdrawal was dubious, no one before us has done this so abruptly (as far as I know). This is new and and it could have caused resentment. And also this move makes it necessary to install the Epic launcher, so it could have inconvenienced certain gamers, and caused resentment.

On the other hand a reaction of the certain category of players ("torrents" only and likewise [he meant those who pirate games]) is hardly adequate. I've got the impression that people didn't really want to play and they have been waiting for a reason to pour out bile. It turns out that we (the developers) have toiled over for years trying to create something extraordinary but a certain category of players believes that our work isn't worth two minutes of installing a new game launcher. Naturally, it's their life and right, but why do they care about Metro at all? Obviously, they are not interested. I can only say that they've never been our players, they are not interested in our work, and as a result, for example, I'm not interested in their opinion. What's the point of me (and not only me) listening to their opinion?

But! Let's take a deeper look at the situation. Someone says that having shit on Metro Exodus and other games of the series has made the world a better place and put the greedy developers in their place. For that, I can only say that, at the worst scenario if all [PC] players boycott the game, then future games, if they get released at all, certainly won't be for PC. Will it be for the better or worse, is up to you. Personally, I will be sorry for devoted fans. But it won't change my appreciation of the work done by me, my friends and co-workers. I'm absolutely certain that almost everyone who is smearing us on the internet is not capable of the tiniest part of the work already done, and I hope, is yet to be done. Which means they are totally unaware of what they are talking about.

One extra thing. Despite the fact that during development I've finished every level of the game countless times, I still love playing Metro. I've completely finished previous games of the series several times and right now when we are putting the finishing touches to the game I'm going to finish it once more. For me it's already a tradition when I finish the game right before its release. It allows to evaluate the work we've done. What am I talking about? I remember the words of Prof [some nickname presumably - no idea who this person is] which I've heard straight from him several times and also on the Internet: you must create a game for yourself, so that first and most you like it yourself. And only now I'm starting to fully understand that - no smartass will make me doubt the work we've done. And there always will be the dissatisfied.
This does not seem as feverous as initial translations make it out to be, however the underlying tones are still applicable to the same bottom line. We also are more confident now that the original poster is a verified employee of 4A Games, and likely a developer on Metro Exodus as well. He/she is no doubt passionate about the work put in to the game, and ideally recognizes that the deeds (however undeserving the review bombing of past games may be) of some members of the PC gaming community does not speak for everyone. At the same time, this does not mean that 4A Games/Koch Media/THQ Nordic/Epic Games Store are all blameless in this debacle either, just that here too the work of few is affecting the rest adversely.
Sources: User 'scynet' on Gameinator Forums, TwitLonger
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288 Comments on Metro Exodus Developer Discusses Boycott of the PC Platform for Sequels over Steam Review Bombing

PC Gaming Enthusiast
lexluthermiesterThen the publishers should have had more sense than to pull the rug out from under everyone.

Sad truth. so maybe the devs need to find a better, less narrow focused publisher who will make their game available to the largest audience possible.
Absolutely! I agree with both of your points!
Posted on Reply
There is Always Moar
rtwjunkieNo. A member of the dev team (supposedly) stated the truth: if money is not made on the PC platform, there won’t be any money for the next game to be on PC. Do you know why? Because the publishers front development money, in anticipation of a game recouping their investment plus profit.

So the member of the dev team is simply pointing out that without sales, the dev team gets paid less and the publisher won’t front pc development and distribution money again. This person recognizes the harsh realities and how 4A gets the short end of the stick in this.
to this I say kthxbai
take your toys and leave the sandbox then
what we have here is a toddler throwing a tantrum because he knows hes in trouble
Posted on Reply
PC Gaming Enthusiast
OneMoarto this I say kthxbai
take your toys and leave the sandbox then
what we have here is a toddler throwing a tantrum because he knows hes in trouble
But HE is not in trouble. Very few devs can just pick up and leave a publisher. Most are tied in tight, legally, and end up getting screwed when things like this happen.

Leaving the sandbox is not easy. It’s usually a long and exhausting legal fight over IP, past royalties, future games, and quite expensive. The news is full of these accounts over the years.
Posted on Reply
There is Always Moar
rtwjunkieBut HE is not in trouble. Very few devs can just pick up and leave a publisher. Most are tied in tight, legally, and end up getting screwed when things like this happen.

Leaving the sandbox is not easy. It’s usually a long and exhausting legal fight over IP, past royalties, future games, and quite expensive. The news is full of these accounts over the years.
Except again ignoring the back peddling THQ already said that this was a 4a decision

so here is what I imagined happened

4a/Koch Media saw Epics tasty bit of a offer and wanted in on it THQ Nordic (the guys that really have the final say) said no knowing better 4a/Koch Media pitched a fit and THQ was forced begrudgingly to allow it hence there initial statement throwing 4a/Koch Media under the bus, once they saw all the idiots in support of the decision they back peddled to save face

you guys really need to step back and evaluate how these scum lords operate
Posted on Reply
Vayra86It is not more than that. Its a store. You're not buying a piece of the Epic Store, you're buying a game and the Store is the medium that feeds you it. Steam is just the same, except with a ton of junk built around it, of which the better half is filled with pretty useless clutter. That list @Patriot posted up there... it contains every Steam feature so that it can put lots of red boxes next to the other stores... but it lacks a crucial security item like 2FA. That alone speaks volumes. This is 10 year old temper tantrum level of argument. It is a lazy customer argument, it is a short-sighted customer argument. Nobody cares about 75% of the features on that list.

How come we never saw this kind of noise about Origin, or Battlenet, or Uplay? The biggest shitstorm we saw was 'I need to DRM twice' when going through Steam and Uplay. No game boycotting, no lists like the one above... yet Origin and Uplay have been considerably worse for quite a long time. Oh, and last I checked, those stores are doing just fine.

I'm sorry mate, but the level of this discussion is an all-new low for PC gamers worldwide. This is the reality: people are too lazy to install another launcher, and the 4A dev quote hits the nail on the head - if people can't be bothered to take that effort, they're not really waiting for a Metro game. He gets it, and he lays out the consequence of a boycot for the PC platform. Again: he gets it. If the game doesn't run a profit on the PC, it won't go there again. That argument has nothing to do with Epic or Steam. Its about the game. Not the store.
Dev and you are delirious.
I am not giving my money and information to Epic so that it can get stolen or sold. In the short time they have had their excuse for a store open they have already had 2 security breaches.
I would love to play the game, but I won't be paying for it till it comes to GOG or Steam. AND yes there is plenty of people who no longer play certain games because of Uplay.

People care about support forums
People care about ease of playing together.
People care about gifting and game sharing...
People care about name change
Well over half of those things I would say everyone cares about, and the rest shifts depending on the group.
Just because the list favors the most built out content delivery system that currently exists doesn't mean you should just ignore it.

You may not care about anything other than playing single player because you have no friends... but in reality they are wanted features. The consequence for using a content delivery system for your advertisement and revenue generation, then stealing from them is lack of sales.

I intensely dislike Origin, I will not use Uplay or MS store, GOG gives choices and drm free options, for that I am grateful and you don't have to use the launcher if you don't want, just download the game and play directly because no DRM, can even add the game to steam and play that way.

Treating your customers like shit is why piracy happens. Forcing them to do things your way... We play on PC to have choices, not be locked into a particular launcher... especially one as shitty, unstable and insecure as Epic. Just because a list is made by someone who is not security minded and values 2FA the way I do doesn't make it less valid...

From a dev and publisher point of view, there is a lot that steam does for that 30%
Like the advertising, distribution and storage forever, customer support, forums, they let you run the game how you want.
Is 30% too much? Perhaps, that is something to negotiate, not to leverage advertisement and then lock exclusivity. I am not against a new store front, I am against Exclusives.
Like I said, plenty of titles I do not play because of them being locked inside Uplay...
Posted on Reply
PC Gaming Enthusiast
OneMoarExcept again ignoring the back peddling THQ already said that this was a 4a decision

so here is what I imagined happened

4a/Koch Media saw Epics tasty bit of a offer and wanted in on it THQ Nordic (the guys that really have the final say) said no knowing better 4a/Koch Media pitched a fit and THQ was forced begrudgingly to allow it hence there initial statement throwing 4a/Koch Media under the bus, once they saw all the idiots in support of the decision they back peddled to save face

you guys really need to step back and evaluate how these scum lords operate
Exactly. I’ve been saying all along that THQ are the scumlords. Devs almost never have control of distribution. Koch Media is not 4A. They are another publisher layer. THQ has decided to throw the dev under the bus here instead of taking responsibility. It’s too bad more people can’t blame the proper organization.
PatriotYou may not care about anything other than playing single player because you have no friends... but in reality they are wanted features
Only an insecure person who needs masses of “friends” (yeah, we both know they aren’t actual friends) to feel good, would accuse someone who happens to like single player games of only liking them because they have no friends. It was totally uncalled for.

People who like single player love the story and worlds created, and want to see it play out, to be entertained. SP games are in the same category as literature and movies, most of which have great stories, in which they want to see it played out.
Posted on Reply
There is Always Moar
PatriotDev and you are delirious.
I am not giving my money and information to Epic so that it can get stolen or sold. In the short time they have had their excuse for a store open they have already had 2 security breaches.
I would love to play the game, but I won't be paying for it till it comes to GOG or Steam. AND yes there is plenty of people who no longer play certain games because of Uplay.

People care about support forums
People care about ease of playing together.
People care about gifting and game sharing...
People care about name change
Well over half of those things I would say everyone cares about, and the rest shifts depending on the group.
Just because the list favors the most built out content delivery system that currently exists doesn't mean you should just ignore it.

You may not care about anything other than playing single player because you have no friends... but in reality they are wanted features. The consequence for using a content delivery system for your advertisement and revenue generation, then stealing from them is lack of sales.

I intensely dislike Origin, I will not use Uplay or MS store, GOG gives choices and drm free options, for that I am grateful and you don't have to use the launcher if you don't want, just download the game and play directly because no DRM, can even add the game to steam and play that way.

Treating your customers like shit is why piracy happens. Forcing them to do things your way... We play on PC to have choices, not be locked into a particular launcher... especially one as shitty, unstable and insecure as Epic. Just because a list is made by someone who is not security minded and values 2FA the way I do doesn't make it less valid...

From a dev and publisher point of view, there is a lot that steam does for that 30%
Like the advertising, distribution and storage forever, customer support, forums, they let you run the game how you want.
Is 30% too much? Perhaps, that is something to negotiate, not to leverage advertisement and then lock exclusivity. I am not against a new store front, I am against Exclusives.
Like I said, plenty of titles I do not play because of them being locked inside Uplay...
30% is peanuts for the service you get

I get unauthorised login attempts for my epic account at least once a month they didn't even have 2fa for over a year

also the only reason epic can afford to have a pricing war is dat forkknife money when that runs out the percent will go up
Posted on Reply
Well for me if i was a developer I would do a multi-platform game as I would more people to know about it, exclusivity is only good if you make your own console like Nintendo and I would like Nintendo to terminate its console business altogether and start behaving like sega, imagine Metroid/Zelda games for pc, its games would be many times more successful/profitable if they launch for pc.
Posted on Reply
rtwjunkieOnly an insecure person who needs masses of “friends” (yeah, we both know they aren’t actual friends) to feel good, would accuse someone who happens to like single player games of only liking them because they have no friends. It was totally uncalled for.
This thread is the reason I gravitate towards single player games now.
Posted on Reply
Nice clickbait, did you "forget" to include what the developer said (in English), or would this undermine your low quality article? Here's what was said:

[INDENT]I watched the bubbling. Impressions are twofold. On the one hand, the withdrawal from Steam is ambiguous, so no one has done so sharply (as far as I can tell). This is new, which could cause rejection. Yes, and such a move pulls the need to install the Epic launcher, which could cause some inconvenience to the players, and therefore cause discontent.[/INDENT]
[INDENT]On the other hand, the reaction of a certain category of players is hardly adequate. It seems that people did not want to play, just waited for a reason to pour out their bile. That is, it turns out that we (the developers) for years have been hard and painful, with losses, trying to do something special, but a certain category of players believes that our work is not worth even a couple of minutes to install the launcher. Naturally, it is their life and their right, but then what do they care about Metro? Obviously, it is not interesting to them. I can only say that they were not our players either, they are not interested in our work, which means that, for example, the opinion of such people is not interesting for me either. What is the point for me personally (and not only) to listen to their opinion?[/INDENT]
[INDENT]But! Consider the situation deeper. Someone says that if they crap Exodus and the previous games in the series, it will make the world better, they will put greedy developers in their place. To this, I can answer that in a pinch, if all the PC players announce a boycott of Metro Exodus, then the next Metro, if it does, is definitely not going to be on the PC. Better or worse, decide for yourself. I personally feel sorry for the loyal fans, yes. But my assessment of the work done personally by me and my friends and colleagues will not change this. I firmly know that almost everyone who pours this dirt on the net is also incapable of a bit of what we have done and hopefully do more. And that means they have no idea what they are talking about.[/INDENT]
[INDENT]And further. Despite the fact that during the development I went through each level of each game, hell knows how many times, it is interesting for me to play Metro. I went through the previous parts completely and more than once, and now I am going to go through the whole PC version, to which we make the final touches. For me, this is already a tradition, I always replay the game completely before release. It allows you to evaluate the work done. What is it for me? I remember the words of the Prof, which I have heard more than once, both from myself and on the Internet – the game must be made for myself, so that you like it first. And only now do I begin to understand this fully – no clever man can shake me about the value of the work that we have done. And there will always be disgruntled.[/INDENT]

Source in English:
Posted on Reply
somethinggenericNice clickbait, did you "forget" to include what the developer said (in English), or would this undermine your low quality article? Here's what was said:


Source in English:
There's no source in English, the original post was in Russian. Mind that I translated it earlier and WCCFTech translation looks like to be loosely based on mine - they even copied my round brackets verbatim, lol.
Posted on Reply
birdieThere's no source in English, the original post was in Russian. Mind that I translated it earlier and WCCFTech translation looks like to be loosely based on mine - they even copied my round brackets verbatim, lol.
Source seems to be a loose word for this, its just Google translated and WccfTech just cleaned up things like that it seems. Below is a google translate of the original post on the forums, notice "stim" instead of Steam, Really like your version though since you caught the little things that Google translate doesn't. Hopefully they update the article with your translation!
I watched the bubbling. Impressions are twofold. On the one hand, the withdrawal from the stim is ambiguous, so no one has done so sharply (as far as I can tell). This is new, which could cause rejection. Yes, and such a move pulls the need to install an epic launcher, which could cause some inconvenience to the players, and therefore cause discontent.

On the other hand, the reaction of a certain category of players (onli torrents and all that) is hardly adequate. It seems that people did not want to play, just waited for a reason to pour out their bile. That is, it turns out that we (the developers) for years have been hard and painful, with losses, trying to do something special, but a certain category of players believes that our work is not worth even a couple of minutes to install the launcher. Naturally, it is their life and their right, but then what do they care about the Metro? Obviously, it is not interesting to them. I can only say that they were not our players either, they are not interested in our work, which means that, for example, the opinion of such people is not interesting for me either. What is the point for me personally (and not only) to listen to their opinion?

But! Consider the situation deeper. Someone says that they say they crap Exodus and the previous games in the series, it will make the world better, they will put greedy developers in their place. To this I can answer that in a pinch, if at all all the PC players announce a boycott of the Metro, then the next metro, if it does, is definitely not on the PC. Better or worse, decide for yourself. I personally feel sorry for the loyal fans, yes. But my assessment of the work done personally by me and my friends and colleagues will not change this. I firmly know that almost everyone who pours this dirt on the net is also incapable of a bit of what we have done and hopefully do more. And that means they have no idea what they are talking about.

And further. Despite the fact that during the development I went through each level of each game, hell knows how many times, it is interesting for me to play Metro. I went through the previous parts completely and more than once, and now I am going to go through the whole PC version, to which we make the final touches. For me, this is already a tradition, I always re-pass the game completely before release. Allows you to evaluate the work done. What is it for me? I remember the words of the Prof, which I have heard more than once, both from myself and on the Internet - the game must be made for myself, so that you like it first. And only schA begin to understand this fully - no clever man can shake me about the value of the work that we have done. And there will always be disgruntled ..
Posted on Reply
The same happens with Blizzard. In the past few years, a bunch of idiots defiled the Interet. I just can't understand what drives them to such pathetic behaviour. And Steam is just as pathetic as these idiot Internet trolls are, as it lets these negative reviews stay there.
Posted on Reply
30% is peanuts

also the only reason epic can afford to have a pricing war is dat forkknife money when that runs out the percent will go up
What about Valve and Dota2 and CSGO. What happens if THEY stop making money? Raise rates higher than 30%? Valve makes truckloads off those games.
Posted on Reply
I don't recall having this issue back in the day with hard copies... Worked fine without having the need for a platform.
Posted on Reply
TheDeeGeeI don't recall having this issue back in the day with hard copies... Worked fine without having the need for a platform.
True, but I personally like the advantages such as the Workshop, discussion boards, easy patching methods, and being able to download the game again. When I was a wee lad, I think I bought Age of Empires about 3 times because I kept losing the CD Key and you couldn't install the game without it.
Posted on Reply
Editor, Reviews & News
birdieThere's no source in English, the original post was in Russian. Mind that I translated it earlier and WCCFTech translation looks like to be loosely based on mine - they even copied my round brackets verbatim, lol.
There was an issue on our end preventing a timely update to the post with your translation, and it has been fixed now. I have now updated the post accordingly, and thanks again for your help with the translation.
Posted on Reply
VSGThere was an issue on our end preventing a timely update to the post with your translation, and it has been fixed now. I have now updated the post accordingly, and thanks again for your help with the translation.
Wow, article updated, color me impressed and with a bit more faith in humanity. Though their quote doesn't mention boycotting PC games, rather, seems to point to the obvious fact that if PC gamers shit on their game and don't buy it, they won't release for PC, which makes sense.

Posted on Reply
PatriotYou may not care about anything other than playing single player because you have no friends... but in reality they are wanted features.
I'd respond, but what I was thinking has already been said..
rtwjunkieOnly an insecure person who needs masses of “friends” (yeah, we both know they aren’t actual friends) to feel good, would accuse someone who happens to like single player games of only liking them because they have no friends. It was totally uncalled for.
Have to agree here. Very uncalled for. Though I have to say the graph is kinda cool. And it seems mostly accurate.
Posted on Reply
cdawallIf all of the companies producing games could stop being dumb that would be great.

As a whole I am tired of having to install everyone and their brothers launcher. If everyone wants their own launcher go back another step and let me just launch the game. Skip the launcher. Why there has to be another layer of frivolous software on my pc I don't understand.

If everyone thinks threatening to drop PC or whatever is the best choice for them, then regardless of how good the game is I would rather play EA garbage than deal with a dev that thinks he can tell me how to live my life.

Also stop ruining things I enjoy.

Thanks, in advance for ignoring what people actually want.
Ya that's pretty much where I come down as well on this. +1
"I go fast!1!11!1!"
PatriotLike the advertising...
Steam was good about that before 2015. Since they invited all of the Unity asset swap garbage on their platform, there's a whole lot of noise and very little in the way of solid advertising. Let's look at what 90% of your developers actually care about...
1) Regional pricing if your game has lots of localizations.
2) Online gaming because running your own servers sucks.
3) Early Access if your game is not completely funded.
4) How much money the distribution platform keeps per sale (chart doesn't include this and it's a make or break thing).

Niche things developers may care about:
5) Marketplace/Microtransactions for additional revenue stream at low cost.
6) VR support if the developer is making VR games.

The rest is work for them or doesn't affect them in a meaningful way.
PatriotI am not against a new store front, I am against Exclusives.
If you look at what Tim Sweeney said, it is very possible that Metro Exodus wouldn't even exist without Epic Games committing monies to help develop, market, and publish it. If there is, in fact, an exclusivity agreement between Epic Games and A4 Games, then Epic Games is more than a distributor (like Steam), it's a publisher too. Think of Metro Exodus like Unravel for Origin/EA. Independent games that are published by a larger company and a requirement for that is exclusivity to the Origin/EA market on PC.

Here's a VERY important quote from Tim Sweeney:
The proliferation of launchers is an annoying side effect of this, but the problem could eventually be solved through federated or decentralized software update tools. There are ongoing conversations about this.
I have been advocating this for years and it's something blockchain technology can make possible. There needs to be an open infrastructure for game distribution which all distributors participate in (build servers and add them to the network, get paid for servicing users on the network). The entire network acknowledges your right to software and so long as there as at least one participating, it will be honored. If Sweeney is on the verge of making this a reality then more power to him.

Epic Games Store is relatively young and perhaps it is just a stop gap measure...but that's going off topic.

Point is, the relationship between Metro Exodus and Epic Games is likely more complex than it appears on the surface. If Metro Exodus is contractually exclusively, it was a mutually agreed to thing. If you don't like it, wait until the contract expires and buy it where you want. If you don't mind then support A4 Games and Epic Games in their pursuit of cheaper, better games. The store should only be a temporary inconvenience.
Posted on Reply
I understand the outrage but man I have steam too and I don't understand this hate for games that are not going to steam. I mean it just proves you love steam more than you love the game. I would love for everything to be on steam but I also understand the monopoly they have over everything. So I don't mind at all and people need to keep calm heads when it comes to this. This steam or nothing mentality makes no sense.

Heck, I can pretty much bet that steam probably makes way higher margins and less money back in developer's pocket. We should all be for developers making their money back so they can invest more back. Bash me for it, I love steam but I will never be boycotting shit because I play games because of the game not because I am a steam fanboy. People should be pissed if they already purchased and they lost their right to play on steam. Which doesnt seem to be the issue here. Just cuz you can't buy it on steam? common!

Bash me all you want but this love for steam is pure nonsense. Developers need to make money too and I can bet they are glad for EPIC fighting steam. Don't understand this mad love for steam lol. Don't buy that is your right but steam isn't entitled to every game. Its like if its not on amazon I am not going to buy it. Dumb!
Posted on Reply
Minus Infinity
I'd be more sympathetic if EA were actually trying to give STEAM real competition and thus helping improve STEAM as well. Competition is good for consumers and businesses. This is just EA trying to undercut STEAM but in no way improve the model. Consumers will lose out in the end. Metro should have been on both services and let the market decide where they want to purchase the game. You can't say it's coming to STEAM and take pre-orders and then screw people over because you found a better deal. If they had never announced it was coming to STEAM in the first place they wouldn't be in this shit storm. I won't be using EA's store ever.
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