Wednesday, July 5th 2023

NVIDIA Already Using Modified "12V-2x6" Power Connector on GeForce RTX 4070 Founders Edition

A few days ago, we reported that NVIDIA and PCI-SIG have been doing some work around the existing controversial 12VHPWR power connector to make some improvements and prevent issues that happened along the way. Called 12V-2x6, the connector features minor revisions, and you can read more about it here. Today, we learn that NVIDIA has already been shipping implementations of the new 12V-2x6 connector in GeForce RTX 4070 graphics cards, confirmed by Igor's Lab. Majority of RTX 4070 cards from AIBs shipped with 8-pin PCI connector; however, it turns out that cards that didn't use the reference 12-pin connection carried a new 12V-2x6 revision.

Below, you can see the picture comparison with the connectors from the Founders Edition of GeForce RTX 4070 and RTX 4080. The new connector on the RTX 4070 has shorter sensing pins, which can detect whether the connector is fully plugged in. If not plugged all the way, the card will not draw the required maximum power load. This should, in theory, solve connector burning issues happening in the past; however, we are still left to see. In addition, we are not sure if this is the final implementation of the new connector, as the labeling refferest to it as "H+", whereas the new connector should carry the label "H++" on its module. Igor's Lab article notes, "Since the GeForce RTX 4070 FE, NVIDIA has already been using a modified 12VHPWR connector with significantly recessed pins! While the GeForce RTX 4080 Founders Edition still relies on the header from the CEM 5.0 with only 0.45 mm offset, the GeForce RTX 4070 Founders Edition has been using a modified variant with 1.7 mm inward offset since its launch, similar to the 12V-2x6 connector."
Sources: Igor's Lab, via VideoCardz
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58 Comments on NVIDIA Already Using Modified "12V-2x6" Power Connector on GeForce RTX 4070 Founders Edition

wolfCmon man, Steve's an entertainer and all he does is just for clicks. /s
You really believe this isn't true? I'm sure he likes what he does too. And I'm sure there is part 'win-win' in the whole affair. Its quite often not all black & white. But that doesn't eliminate the core principle of Youtubers doing Youtube content for a larger audience.

Honest reporting has a market and Steve was always catering to it. He didn't skip a beat to tell us every time how independent they are and how they source their own GPUs if need be. Power & money corrupts. It always does. Maybe they made an honest mistake there. But much more likely, there has been a good conversation and/or an Nvidia influence of whatever kind to produce what they had at that time. Is it money? Is it something else? Who knows. The facts are the facts, GN made a piece that's full of BS and a perfect fit with the Nvidia PR on this issue.

I'm sorry but if you think this isn't true, that's pretty naive.
Or it just matches well with your own narrative, in which case you're suffering from a chronic tunnel vision.
Posted on Reply
The worst is the power these people have, they aren't called influencers by chance. There are insanely good Youtubers, serious people with serious content like veritasium for example. But not the clickbait meme faces thumbnails crowd. None of them are serious reporters or journalists or whatever else they want to disguise themselves of. It doesn't mean they don't do good content, they do, but then shit like this happens.

The ones that assume a less serious role aren't that bad, they are clowns, entertainers, and that's fine. The problem is the ones that call themselves experts, journalists, media and crap like that.
Posted on Reply
Icon Charlie
Vayra86You really believe this isn't true? I'm sure he likes what he does too. And I'm sure there is part 'win-win' in the whole affair. Its quite often not all black & white. But that doesn't eliminate the core principle of Youtubers doing Youtube content for a larger audience.

Honest reporting has a market and Steve was always catering to it. He didn't skip a beat to tell us every time how independent they are and how they source their own GPUs if need be. Power & money corrupts. It always does. Maybe they made an honest mistake there. But much more likely, there has been a good conversation and/or an Nvidia influence of whatever kind to produce what they had at that time. Is it money? Is it something else? Who knows. The facts are the facts, GN made a piece that's full of BS and a perfect fit with the Nvidia PR on this issue.

I'm sorry but if you think this isn't true, that's pretty naive.
Or it just matches well with your own narrative, in which case you're suffering from a chronic tunnel vision.
For the Record and as stated before. GN, Hardware Unboxed, and 90% of all of the so called techie/influencers we red flagged by me and I warned my client base for misleading the customer base with the 3000 series of cards launch.

YOU CAN NOT EQUATE PERFORMACE AT THE EXPENSE OF A HIGH INCREASE ENERGY USAGE. It just the same thing is... "The more you buy, the more you save", nonsense by Leather Jacket Guy. That is why they got red flagged by me. This is why I went with the 5700/XT series of cards (at the price I got them) because I knew how to get the best performance out of them FOR THE WATTAGE. This is why I am still using this card today.

Only Jim @ Adored TV got it right and explained the reasons why Ngreedia did it that way. For his reward? He was hounded by the goons on YouTube to the point for leaving for many many months.

Since Ngreedia as essentially back stabbed everyone now, almost all of the sites have changed their tune. Now they are angry sad pandas doing the theme of "protecting the consumers" from the BADDDD Tech companies.

Heh, I'm older than Dirt. I could be in age your grand or great grand father. But because of my age and thank God I still have brain cells left, I can smell a effing con, scheme, HAPPY tap dances by people that have no business of being where they are now. Don't mess with a man whose high school project was resurrecting from the dead an entire 2nd generation IBM computer for his high school extra credit in his computer/tech classes.

I've been there. I done that and I got the scars to prove it.

Steve did what Steve has done and there is no changing those facts. The problem is how far can you trust them. So far Steve has upped his game and several other sites has had to as well to stay relevant in the DIGITAL ECONOMY OF YOUTUBE. Many of those sites I've upgraded to Yellow. I'm going to wait a few more years to upgrade them back to Green if they continue to do quality work.

Lets see if they continue to give a more honest a relevant approach to their commentary. However with all thing and especially the influencers on YouTube...

Truth,... but Verify.
Posted on Reply
RavenmasterSo they're changing the spec to fix a design flaw but they're not recalling all the old faulty versions...
The three Ds of avoiding accountability: Deny, Deflect, Diffuse.

Douchebaggery 101.
Posted on Reply
The old version is not faulty. It's just less foolproof. The problem is in the dimples. I bought 18Awg cable with dimples, at least on the PSU side and that may have worked before, the GPU side is so microscopic that i can't tell and it needs more work.
Posted on Reply
N/AThe old version is not faulty. It's just less foolproof. The problem is in the dimples.
That's simply absurd. And insulting for the people that got their insanely expensive cards melt. Of course a card with a bad design is faulty, it works but it was badly designed, i'm sure no one did this on purpose but the lack of accountability from the ones designing and not testing it is appalling. Shifting the blame to "user error" is disgusting. I always said this and i was right.

not so much foolproof as more foolengineering
Posted on Reply
kongaThis is literally one of the solutions they proposed becoming reality, so did they really not help at all?

Oh, please. GN is one of the most successful channels on tech youtube. Nobody wondered how they've made such a professional video because they've produced plenty of other professional videos on their own. GN has also slammed Nvidia repeatedly for the 40-series in reviews, but sure, they're paid off anyway I guess? lol
I have to agree that GN did help. What frustrated me though was that people were using that video as if it were evidence that the issue was entirely user error when the video itself clearly stated multiple potential root causes (key word is potential, the results were not definitive for all cases of the issue).
john_Nvidia managed to avoid a product recall here. Now they silently replace connectors to make their products more safe and at the same time avoid lawsuits.

GN helped to make the "problem" (for Nvidia) to go away in an instance.
No one really wondered how GN managed to create such a professional video? No one?
While this is true, I do not think it was their intent. A lot of people in the community misrepresented what the video actually said. Not sure if this stemmed from lack of clarification (as in the video needs to be more concise) or people simply having an agenda (fanboying).

I think Nvidia should offer free recalls to people with the V1 connector. If it is enough of an issue that Nvidia switched it's products over that quickly to the new connector, clearly it warrants a recall.
john_Jaytwocents's channel - yeah that guy "Buy RTX 3090 now that you can at $1500") published a video review of the RTX 4060 Ti that was looking like an advertisement directly from Nvidia's marketing department that had to remove a few hours latter with a second video apologizing.
To be fair, Jayz hasn't really been making the best commentary. By that I mean he's been wrong on pretty much everything for awhile now. Not trying to bash him, he just has a very bad track record. Plus he's always been an Nvidia homer, he was only forced to be more inclusive of AMD products because of his audience. Always assume ignorance before malice.
Posted on Reply
N/AThe old version is not faulty. It's just less foolproof. The problem is in the dimples. I bought 18Awg cable with dimples, at least on the PSU side and that may have worked before, the GPU side is so microscopic that i can't tell and it needs more work.
Releasing a non foolproof version to segments where fools and money get parted... Bad business decision
Posted on Reply
I mean a fool not in the sense of being able to part with one's money easily, but rather in the sense that at the first sight of the nvidia's adapter there should be red lights going "danger will robinson danger!" in the head. and the resulting thought that "Im not plugging this in my precious PC because Im really going to be parting with the money this time". And of course there are things like the Igors adapter and the GNs adapter that are made differently, and the Cablemod that has dimples, yeah I clearly saw that and they still blame the card when no, it's the connector cable that is made by fools in some garage. No quality control. Prove me there are no dimples on every connector that melted.
Posted on Reply
Wow learning a lot from this thread. Not about cables but certainly about users of this forum
Posted on Reply
evernessinceWhile this is true, I do not think it was their intent. A lot of people in the community misrepresented what the video actually said. Not sure if this stemmed from lack of clarification (as in the video needs to be more concise) or people simply having an agenda (fanboying).

I think Nvidia should offer free recalls to people with the V1 connector. If it is enough of an issue that Nvidia switched it's products over that quickly to the new connector, clearly it warrants a recall.
I would have agreed with you if Steve wasn't insisting on pushing the "user error" narrative. He is willing to accept either plain "user error" or an adapter that slightly increases the chances of having a "user error". In the end it is "user error". We can all make our own guesses about the reasons of why he have to keep insisting in that narrative. Is it that he still believes it's user error and that's obviously OK? Is it something else?

See the part of Northbridge Fix's video and how much Steve tries to find indications that first, there isn't a problem, second if there is a problem that abides in the same "user error" category.
Posted on Reply
john_I would have agreed with you if Steve wasn't insisting on pushing the "user error" narrative. He is willing to accept either plain "user error" or an adapter that slightly increases the chances of having a "user error". In the end it is "user error". We can all make our own guesses about the reasons of why he have to keep insisting in that narrative. Is it that he still believes it's user error and that's obviously OK? Is it something else?

See the part of Northbridge Fix's video and how much Steve tries to find indications that first, there isn't a problem, second if there is a problem that abides in the same "user error" category.
Steve really pushed the "user error" to absurd levels. Someone has to pay the bills. :D
Posted on Reply
Performance Enthusiast
Vayra86You really believe this isn't true?
I don't deal in absolutes like you stated it the first time, that's all. Of course they also entertain, but I'd barely call what GN does entertainment, I can barely stand his voice, I respect his knowledge and investigations amd the conclusions drawn (read below) go beyond the parroted user error.
evernessinceI have to agree that GN did help. What frustrated me though was that people were using that video as if it were evidence that the issue was entirely user error when the video itself clearly stated multiple potential root causes (key word is potential, the results were not definitive for all cases of the issue).
That's a bit more balance for my liking than straight to the pitchforks.
Posted on Reply
claesWow learning a lot from this thread. Not about cables but certainly about users of this forum
I see a lot of people who are very full of themselves. Some of them have even taken to color coding. That's like nerd defcon 5.
Posted on Reply
john_I would have agreed with you if Steve wasn't insisting on pushing the "user error" narrative. He is willing to accept either plain "user error" or an adapter that slightly increases the chances of having a "user error". In the end it is "user error". We can all make our own guesses about the reasons of why he have to keep insisting in that narrative. Is it that he still believes it's user error and that's obviously OK? Is it something else?

See the part of Northbridge Fix's video and how much Steve tries to find indications that first, there isn't a problem, second if there is a problem that abides in the same "user error" category.
In that video I have to say I agree with the things Northbridge fix points out. It would pretty much be impossible for a customer who had a adapter burn up their connector to then install a 90 degree adapter.

Can't say I've really paid close attention to the amount of times GN's used the word user error vs design issue either but I can definitely see how them repeating the word user error many times while only mentioning the design issue once or twice can give people the perception. I have to go back and review GN's video on the topic and pay particular attention how much they mention each and their tone towards them. IThe main issue lies with the connector's design and it would be poor messaging on GN's part if they put more emphasis on the user error part.
Posted on Reply
Bomby569That thing was disastrous and i don't even understand how people paid 2000$ and didn't complain about a badly designed fire hazard connector. GN didn't help at all.
Anyway now they have a rare specimen of a card with a badly designed connector and their value in the used market will go to shit. I can't say i'm sorry honestly.
Because 99.99999% didnt have a problem, and those that did got their card replaced even though it was their own fault?
Posted on Reply
evernessinceuser error vs design issue
There is no "vs". If you go at 17:10 of the above video, Steve says that it is a combination of user error and a design oversight. All good there until he explains what he means with that "design oversight". And he means a design that "encourages more user error". There, "user error". In all cases it's user error.
GN will burn alive any company that comes out with a faulty/bad design. Except Nvidia.
Posted on Reply
TheoneandonlyMrKShould put to bed the bullshit that it was all customers, A BAD design is a BAD Design.

I used to watch GN, that says a lot, guy's a drama hunting click beast.
They all are end of day, some more so than others. I have contacted various media reviewers over the years about things that would think would interest them, but I expect they look at it "is it going to create enough clicks" if no, not interested. Thats why most content e.g. is focused on recently released hardware as that creates most content. Occasionally get nice gem of videos, some channels more so than others, but its a reason why the industry is so focused on reviews, they probably the cheapest way of getting clicks, a review sample provided free from the vendor and its usually pre release so that gets the interest of all the potential customers. Reviewers claim the free samples are not needed, bu tthen throw a fit on the occasion they get blacklisted.

Remember a dude who reviews phones, phone after phone gave great reviews for iphone, then one day Apple decides to not send him latest model, posts a rant video, buys the phone and posts a review saying its a crap product lol.
Posted on Reply
fevgatosBecause 99.99999% didnt have a problem, and those that did got their card replaced even though it was their own fault?
there were those cars with brakes defaults, only 0.000001% crashed. They recalled them all.

That doesn't mean they won't have issues in the future. Anyway it was as much user error that they revised it all a couple months later, stop parroting youtubers.
Posted on Reply
Bomby569there were those cars with brakes defaults, only 0.000001% crashed. They recalled them all.

That doesn't mean they won't have issues in the future. Anyway it was as much user error that they revised it all a couple months later, stop parroting youtubers.
Anything might have issues in the future. The new connector might have issues the day it's released, or in the future. What kind of argument is that??

If the driver of the car didn't push the brakes, then it's not an issue with the brakes.
Posted on Reply
fevgatosAnything might have issues in the future. The new connector might have issues the day it's released, or in the future. What kind of argument is that??

If the driver of the car didn't push the brakes, then it's not an issue with the brakes.
damn your either a Nvidia or Steve's fanboy, can't really decide. It's just sad.

Anyway if the new connector has issues, someone just has to ask Steve to say is user error and it's fine, so it's all good. Hopefully Steve woun't be making videos about cars in the future.
Posted on Reply
Bomby569damn your either a Nvidia or Steve's fanboy, can't really decide. It's just sad.
It's easy. Nvidia.
fevgatosIf the driver of the car didn't push the brakes, then it's not an issue with the brakes.
He pushed the brakes. Just not "all in". It was 3 millimeters from the maximum and brakes work only when pushed "all in", so "user error".
Pity he was born short and couldn't push the brakes "all in". We shall all remember him.
Posted on Reply
fevgatosBecause 99.99999% didnt have a problem, and those that did got their card replaced even though it was their own fault?
Talk about blinkers.

See the OP, at least two professionals know your so wrong they changed the design.
Posted on Reply
TheoneandonlyMrKTalk about blinkers.

See the OP, at least two professionals know your so wrong they changed the design.
So 8pins are also problematic , since PCIe sig changed those as well. After all, I've seen 8 pins literally on fire, even burning houses down, something that has never happened with 12+4. The worse thing was, they just stopped working.

So, whoever is still on an 8pin card, hurry up and upgrade, you have a fire hazard on your hands. Rofl
Bomby569damn your either a Nvidia or Steve's fanboy, can't really decide. It's just sad.

Anyway if the new connector has issues, someone just has to ask Steve to say is user error and it's fine, so it's all good. Hopefully Steve woun't be making videos about cars in the future.
I'm a fanboy of common sense. They changed 8 pins to 12+4. Does that mean there was something wrong with 8 pins? No, not to my knowledge and experience, everything was fine.
Posted on Reply
fevgatosI'm a fanboy of common sense. They changed 8 pins to 12+4. Does that mean there was something wrong with 8 pins? No, not to my knowledge and experience, everything was fine.
don't you even read the news you are commenting on? it was revised (key word revised) because "PCI-SIG have been doing some work around the existing controversial 12VHPWR power connector to make some improvements and prevent issues that happened along the way. Called 12V-2x6, the connector features minor revisions"
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