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  • It was a good day, I hope you all had the same!! I missed the rain but, bike got sprinkled on while I was inside. I just dried the seat with my bandanna, and then stuffed it in a pocket, for the short ride home. The bandanna is normally used in cold to cold-ish weather to protect my neck from wind chill. Today it worked as a motoseat dryer.
    Anyway, I am now gonna veg out on YouTube, for a spell, then off to bed! Good Night TPU, see 'ya Tomorrow!!
    Ok, it's Thursday. Last Thursday with the bike, until Spring. Well, it's gonna rain and the temps are in the low 60's F. I have a few hours, before the rain so, I think I will get out and at'em. Gotta hit up the PO Box and then go settle in at the Key's for a couple hours, then race home before it rains, @ 6-6:30pm
    Made through the weekend and now I only have 2 more 8 hour shifts, so far. It's been a little chilly in the mornings but, ok rides home at night. I am gonna miss riding, soon. Friday it goes to storage and the Metro transit hell begins, again. Couple more payments on the bike then saving starts for an S-10 pickup.
    I am gonna watch some YouTube then, hit the sack. So, this is Good Night, TPU! :lovetpu:
    I got called in to work the morning shift Wednesday. I had to leave an hour early because I had an Eye exam appt. for 3pm. Just made it in time. I found 2 pairs of glasses I liked and I am supposed to go in tomorrow and pay $1200 for the pair. I decided, earlier today, I will just get one pair, the Armani glasses, and will go get the second pair in a few months.
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    I just can't justify spending 1200 of my paycheck, in one swoop. Pluis, I don't really need the second pair until spring, when I get my Motorcycle out of storage. So, I will just get the one pair for now and then still have some money to do whatever with, rather than figuring out a 2 week budget with what is left of my check.
    Today, I went and checked my PO Box and got my Guy Fox cologne. Then got on the Kawasaki and roamed around a bit, in the gusty wind, and ended up at Key's for my late dinner (a Thu. tradition). Now, just got a wakeup and I will be flush with a new paycheck. I need to fill my bike, a little under a half tank left,...
    ride out to the Eye shop to order up my new glasses, maybe go to one of the lakes for a sit and read session and then look up somewhere to eat. When I get home I need to order up some water for the week and some other needed sundries, from Dash Mart. Then the work week begins again, on Saturday. That's sounds like the plan.
    I made it through second 12 hour day! Back is better, after some twisting in my metal chair, last night before bed. So, I am off to bed. Good Night TPU!
    Made through the first 12 hour day, sore back and all. Hopefully, it will correct itself with a nice sleep. Otherwise, it will be Tue, or Wed, before I can get to the chiropractor. Any way, I hope everyone is well and Good Night TPU!! :sleep:
    I rode out to Lake Como today. Read a few chapters in the shade, it was a beautiful day in the upper 70's. I then rode to my Thursday afternoon Diner, Key's Cafe, and finished my book and had a great late lunch/ early dinner. Came home and watched some YouTube and now, it's time for bed. So, Good Night TPU!
    Well, made it out to my Sister's place today, spent a couple hours over there. My Nephew, currently in Thailand, called and Face-timed a bit with him. Then I rode home in the dark, it gets dark early now, and had a good ride home, compared to the traffic jam ride out there. All in All, a good day, weather in the 70's F, not bad.
    I was just looking at the weather forecast, through the end of the month. Looks like the 25th will be the day to drop the bike off for storage. So, 17 days of danity followed by months of trying to keep it together, while using Mass Transit and dealing with people at work. I am hoping for some overtime, so I can buy a vehicle for winter's here.
    Count von Schwalbe
    Count von Schwalbe
    How heavy is the bike? You could possibly do a hitch mount to haul it back.
    "The Bike" in question is a 400+ lb. Kawasaki z900RS. Plus if it's 500 miles, or so, I'd rather not ride it that far. Also, another reason for the truck, hauling my bike to places I wanna ride.
    Count von Schwalbe
    Count von Schwalbe
    Fair enuf
    2nd 12 hour shift, done. Tired and just now feeling warm. it was 50F, tonight, on my ride home. I don't know what the Wind Chill is going 40MPH but, I know what it feels like! My fingers and toes took it the worst, I was pretty bundled up (hoody, motorcycle jacket, ventilated and a rain jacket, to cut the wind).
    I had my Cowboy boots on but, my feet did get chilled. I have a set of insulated gloves but, I took them out of my bag, a couple of days ago. Coulda used them tonight! So, my hands got cold wearing my warm weather gloves. Wasn't too bad but, took a few minutes for them to unchill, when I got home.
    Now though, time for bed! I am feeling a bit beat! Good Night TPU!! :sleep:
    !st 12 hour shift is done. We only had a few calls, one of them a Medical call for a man at the Wedding that was happening in the Hotel space. He had a diabetic issue and passed out. The EMS folks treated him and then took him to the Hospital, since he bonked his head when he passed out. He is OK, just a precaution.
    Any way, off to bed, got another 12 in the morning. Good night, TPU!!
    Ok so, I rode out to a coffee shop in W St. Paul, that I've not been to in a long while. Amore, unfortunately, they still serve coffee a little too hot but, the cookies were great. I then rode out to Como Lake, spent a little time there reading, it was a little cool out but, I felt alright for a while.
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    ...and go get my glasses repaired, or replaced. I damaged one of my ear pieces, taking my helmet off before removing my glasses! :banghead: It was during one of my lack of sleep times, a couple weeks ago. It wasn't all that bad but, it's been made worse over time. Now, if I turn my head or look down,
    my glasses will either fall off or move off my nose. The right ear piece has also developed a binding, when closing them up. All in All, it is time to go in, they might even want a re prescription, since it has been a few years. But since I get paid tomorrow, I am ready for it. Anywho, it was a good day!
    I hope Everyone out there in TPU Land is also having a Great Day!! :clap::lovetpu: This will be Good Night, since I will be Raid-ing until I go to bed.
    OK, So, I did absolutely NOTHING today. I WAS gonna go to my sister's place and grab a coffee and a cookie at the (?) UP coffee shop? I don't remember the name but, they have great cookies. Anyway, my sister had a doctor's appt this morning and she texted me that she was not feeling well, when she got home.
    That plan was shot. I had the rest of the day to figure something out, to do something. Did nothing, deleted some e-mails, ate a Chicken Pot Pie, watched some YT and that's that. I did drink some water, quite the accomplishment, drinking water. :kookoo:
    Anywho, I am gonna read some WIRED magazine, for a bit, then go to bed, try to be more successful at getting outside, tomorrow. Good Night TPU, I am going to remove myself from the computer now, been sitting here, All Day!
    So , my day started out stupidly. I wanted to go get a coffee and pick up mail at my PO box, before work. When I got up, I dressed and got on the computer to check my capital one acct. It has a 2 factor check, either a text message or, a phone call, for a 6 digit code to sign in.
    i.e. approaching a light as it turns yellow, car in front hits the brakes and then proceeds through the intersection. Thus causing me to brake and miss the light. Twice by the same car where there was only one lane in the construction zone. Then, downtown, a car cut over in front of me to make the same turn I was gonna make,
    then speeds up to the next light, I follow because I know the next light can be caught on green, if I hurry. They hit the brakes then gassed it through the intersection, leaving me stuck at the light! By far the worst start of a day in a long while. At work I found out about the Verizon outage, it was a little after 6pm before it was resolved.
    Fortunately, work was a breeze, no radio calls to respond to, just the regular checks. Which is good, because if it had been a weird day, at work, I may have lost it!! I am good now, uneventful ride home and I am still kicking!. Again, gonna chill with some YT and hit the sack. Good Night!!
    Just got home from work. Done with the 2 12 hour shifts and I am a little bushed. I do get to sleep in a bit, since I don't have to leave until 1:30-ish pm. I am gonna watch some YouTube then go to bed. So, this is Good Night, TPU. I hope everyone had a Great Sunday! :rockout: :sleep:
    Last night I stayed in w/ the ice cream, ordered up some water, from Doordash and did a little cleaning up (work in progress). Now? I am heading out the door for a ride to the lake, w/ a book, and then a stop at Key's for a late lunch/ dinner. Then back home for another short round of cleaning and do a load, or 2, of laundry.
    rant/I made it. I woke up today!! I also just got some great news, that relieved a little tension. I was worried about storing my bike for the winter. There's only 1 place around here that will do it, I know because of days of web searching and phone calls, last year. So, a couple of days ago, I looked them up again.
    What a relief! I have been a little worried about this, really since before the Flood Run. Because last year I had to bring it in in Sep. I also remember being a little pissed, because there was still nice weather last Sep. Relief, is not a word that fills the feelings I have right now, Joy is in there, too! LOL!
    I am going to shower and shave. Then, see where my energy level is. I am so happy right now, I want to celebrate! So, maybe I will go out and do something fun, or maybe just stay in and have some ice cream. LOL
    Anywho, I hope you all are having a Great Wed., also!! :lovetpu: /rant
    Relax with an energy drink and play some game and music.
    OK so, I knew I had a 16 hour shift tomorrow,Tuesday, but I got called in to work an extra shift today, also. Sun, Mon and Tues. add up to 44 hours. Plus my PTO on Saturday means 56 hours. However, since PTO doesn't count for overtime, I will have 52 hours reg pay and only 4 hours overtime, this week.
    The kicker is, the last 2 days were 28 hours and tomorrow is another 16 starting at 7 am. Which means getting up and 5:30 and rushing out the door by 6. So, another 5, and change, hours of sleep, again, tonight. Which means, it is bedtime, right now! Good Night TPU!
    Well, did 189.1 miles on the bike today. All part of the Fall Flood Run, a Motorcycle ride up and down the Mississippi, along the Wisconsin and Minnesota border. It was a blast but, I am beat. Got home Hours ago, took a nap but, still tired. So, Good Night TPU!! :sleep: 12 hour shift starts in the morn.
    For reasons I cannot explain, I just spent the last 2+ hours, on FaceBook. :banghead: What a waste of time. Now, it's time for bed and I didn't do a single thing I had planned to do! Oh, well. Good Night TPU! :lovetpu::sleep:
    As it turns out, the windscreen is correct, I just installed it. Apparently, the dealer tech was looking at the wrong section of installations. It took me an hour, because I had to run back and forth, for tools, to my Apt. I thought I had what I needed until I got the headlight surround off. No big deal, it's on!
    Now I need to shower, again, since I sweat my butt off in the non air flow basement of the garage. BTW, I assembled the windscreen in my Apt. and then just had to remove the headlight. No one noticed and it all went smooth. Hopefully, I don't get in trouble, LOL! Anyway, shower and off to RIDE!!
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    Got the Bike back, no windscreen. Apparently, I was sent the wrong one, Which sucks. There's no way to get the right one in time for the ride I am going on. Anyway, Bikes back and I am going to bed. I will see about returning the damn thing, tomorrow! Good night TPU! :sleep: :banghead:
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