Tuesday, November 15th 2022

AMD Confirms Radeon RX 7900 Series Clocks, Direct Competition with RTX 4080

AMD in its technical presentation confirmed the reference clock speeds of the Radeon RX 7900 XTX and RX 7900 XT RDNA3 graphics cards. The company also made its first reference to a GeForce RTX 40-series "Ada" product, the RTX 4080 (16 GB), which is going to launch later today. The RX 7900 XTX maxes out the "Navi 31" silicon, featuring all 96 RDNA3 compute units or 6,144 stream processors; while the RX 7900 XT is configured with 84 compute units, or 5,376 stream processors. The two cards also differ with memory configuration. While the RX 7900 XTX gets 24 GB of 20 Gbps GDDR6 across a 384-bit memory interface (960 GB/s); the RX 7900 XT gets 20 GB of 20 Gbps GDDR6 across 320-bit (800 GB/s).

The RX 7900 XTX comes with a Game Clocks frequency of 2300 MHz, and 2500 MHz boost clocks, whereas the RX 7900 XT comes with 2000 MHz Game Clocks, and 2400 MHz boost clocks. The Game Clocks frequency is more relevant between the two. AMD achieves 20 GB memory on the RX 7900 XT by using ten 16 Gbit GDDR6 memory chips across a 320-bit wide memory bus created by disabling one of the six 64-bit MCDs, which also subtracts 16 MB from the GPU's 96 MB Infinity Cache memory, leaving the RX 7900 XT with 80 MB of it. The slide describing the specs of the two cards compares them to the GeForce RTX 4080, which is what the two could compete more against, especially given their pricing. The RX 7900 XTX is 16% cheaper than the RTX 4080, and the RX 7900 XT is 25% cheaper.
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166 Comments on AMD Confirms Radeon RX 7900 Series Clocks, Direct Competition with RTX 4080

Dirt Chip
AusWolfThat's a nice 11 generation skip! :D
I surly hope to see a noticable difference :)
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Performance Enthusiast
spnidelman you REALLY take online discussion too seriously
I don't really care for your erroneous opinion and commentary of my life, or your trolling, so, anything else relevant to the topic you'd like to share?
Posted on Reply
Dirt ChipA fun fact: Just yesterday I ordered my next system that I've been working on for the past 2 years, mainly by waiting for the right parts for me to become. A nice video editing machine based on 13900k and 64GB DDR5 that will replace my current "dirt sheep" i5-2400 with 16GB DDR3 (I managed to skipped ddr4 and pcie4 altogether, yey). The 970GTX will stay for the time being, until a suitable canidae will show itself, hopefully in 2023 but I'm in no hurry.
Yowza bro. That is a hell of an upgrade. I pulled a trigger for 2700x when my 3770K started showing age. My sister is still happily running a i7 970 :)
To be fair you did it right. I know DDR5 is still a bit expensive but for such a CPU ddr4 is a waste of performance. DDR5 is the only way.
for a GPU you can use a used card or is that not your thing?
Posted on Reply
ValantarPretty much exactly this. As with all new, demanding graphics settings, really. It's a cool bonus if you can run it, if not then not.

If "high resolution" is 2160p to you, I agree. On the other hand, 1440p high refresh rate gaming is shockingly accessible these days though, as long as you don't demand the highest possible settings and the best monitor ever. 1440p144 monitors can be had for as low as $200 (no, not good 1440p144 monitors); even a lowly RX 6600 manages well above 60fps average across the TPU test suite at 1440p (and that's at Ultra!), and CPUs great for gaming are more affordable than ever (looking at you, 12100F).

A big part of the current issues in the gaming market is that, I think for the first time ever, pretty much anything is good enough. We've actually moved beyond the point where you need to upgrade frequently to keep playing games - now it's that you need to upgrade frequently if you want to keep up with ever increasing resolutions (beyond a certain point, why?) at ever increasing refresh rates (beyond a certain point, again, why?). And chipmakers are recognizing this - the need they used to fulfill is saturated already, and they're struggling to invent new needs to drive sales. It's difficult to imagine that this won't lead to a major downturn for the entire industry over the next decade or so.
I just finally got 4k 120hz monitor, an OLED with low input lag and low latency.
If I was still using 1440p I'd probably keep my 1080 for a while longer, but now I want to play at 4k preferably at 60-120 fps without breaking the bank since cards have more than doubled in price since I last bought one lol
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Dirt ChipI found a different way out of the upgrade limbo- I waited long enough now that I don't even bother with modern AAA and really don't care about that rat race. I suggest everyone to try- it is very liberating. As NV did, push the un-buy bottom, stick to it for 5 years or so and the magic will begin. And I haven't giving up on gaming at all, not for a day.
I keep my good old faithful 970GTX and play whatever free game EPIC, STEAM or so send me. Many good "old" but new to me titles are still keeping me busy very happily.
You can say that NV\AMD business practice left me no choice or shoved me in that direction and maybe it is true, but in the end they don't see my money and that what's count.
I don't see any productive way to make a change except make the call not to upgrade or to propone it as much as you can. And that practice is DOA because most people don't have the patience to wait- gaming is filling a very important need to them.
I know that and I know that trying to change that very human nature is to battle windmills. It is their escapism and aiming at a long range goal, while sacrificing today, is not a possibility.
Unless united under a very strong symbol, and no such symbol is around, the change will not come from forums like this or from YouTube channels.
Only fierce competition will help.
The essence of gaming is hardware-agnostic.

Heck, we used to be good with pen&paper :)
I still am...

I really wonder what this whole evolution of games in the digital space is like if you haven't seen it grow naturally into games. I mean, lots of concepts we have in gaming originate from simple board games and stuff like the above D&D. The whole RPG-lite we have today... came straight from tabletop. Lots of recent games also try to move 'back to tabletop experiences', mostly turn-based strategy and stuff like that, being essentially digital games of chess with many more layers on top. Look at the continuous succcess of Total War Warhammer; it works because it really does mimic the tabletop experience in a fantastic way, even adding progression to your army build in the campaign. In that sense, its easy to understand the renaissance of 'old games' lately, and why they work, its like opening back up to games that are so much closer to the 'source' than all of their sequels.

And it happens vice versa. A card game like Munchkin actively takes digital-inspired roleplay elements and progression ideas and runs with it; gear up, smash monsters. When you can decouple the game from the visual aspect, a whole world opens up indeed ;)
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Vayra86The essence of gaming is hardware-agnostic.

Heck, we used to be good with pen&paper :)
I still am...

I really wonder what this whole evolution of games in the digital space is like if you haven't seen it grow naturally into games. I mean, lots of concepts we have in gaming originate from simple board games and stuff like the above D&D. The whole RPG-lite we have today... came straight from tabletop. Lots of recent games also try to move 'back to tabletop experiences', mostly turn-based strategy and stuff like that, being essentially digital games of chess with many more layers on top. Look at the continuous succcess of Total War Warhammer; it works because it really does mimic the tabletop experience in a fantastic way, even adding progression to your army build in the campaign. In that sense, its easy to understand the renaissance of 'old games' lately, and why they work, its like opening back up to games that are so much closer to the 'source' than all of their sequels.

And it happens vice versa. A card game like Munchkin actively takes digital-inspired roleplay elements and progression ideas and runs with it; gear up, smash monsters. When you can decouple the game from the visual aspect, a whole world opens up indeed ;)
Sorry for going on a tangent, but I feel like sharing this:

I had an argument with a friend about gaming not long ago. I started it by saying that TV series and movies from big Hollywood studios are all the same crap nowadays. His (strawman) counter-argument was that games are all the same - you just kill things, sometimes with guns, sometimes with swords, etc. Then I sent him links for the trailers of Abzu, Deliver us the Moon, Spintires, The Last Tree, Cities: Skylines, Ori and the Blind Forest, and Stray and asked him to show me the part where you kill things. This argument made me realize how versatile gaming really is, especially when you compare it to films and TV series that come from a handful of studios, sharing the same view and message. AAA titles easily disappoint, just like Hollywood blockbusters do, but we, gamers, at least have a wide variety of choice. :)
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darrenjRay tracing??
What about it?
Posted on Reply
AusWolfWhat about it?
How will the new AMD cards RDNA 3 tackle ray tracing?
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darrenjHow will the new AMD cards RDNA 3 tackle ray tracing?
Probably not that great as Nvidia....
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darrenjHow will the new AMD cards RDNA 3 tackle ray tracing?
We'll see on 13th December when reviews come out.
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The elephant in RT room is that the perf drop % from "RT on" in 4000 series is as bad as in the previous gen, contrary to yet another of the promises of the bright future when there will be "enough RT cores".

This likely happens because a lot of "hardware RT" is actually good old shader code. (preparing/maintaining BTG structure etc)
darrenjHow will the new AMD cards RDNA 3 tackle ray tracing?
You mean, given that 7900XTX is faster than 3090Ti at RT? :D

Yeah. Will struggle, of course.

But you can always buy a 2060 or 3050 as a spare card to play RT games. While it will be several times slower than on the latest AMD cards, you will get more features, such as fancy DLSS upscaling sprinkled with AI and all... :roll:
Posted on Reply
medi01You mean, given that 7900XTX is faster than 3090Ti at RT? :D
It looks that way if AMD did not cherry pick in the 4 RT titles they used.

The meta review had the 3090Ti at 83.2% of the 4080 in 4K RT performance.

AMDs slides showed that the geomean gain for the 7900XTX over the 6950XT in RT was 66% so applying that to the 6950XT 52.9% average in the meta review puts the 7900XTX at around 87.8% of a 4080.

Funnily enough that means the $1,000 price tag is about inline with the RT performance scaling because the 4080 MSRP give you $12 per index point and the 7900XTX is $11.39
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AMD has also their rip off gpu, the RX 7900 XT.
Just let this sink in: RX 6800 XT is closer in performance to the RX 6900 XT than the RX 7900 XT is to the RX 7900 XTX(acording to amd own slides). Think about it really hard xD. THe price of the 7900 XT should be $650 MAX.
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N3M3515THe price of the 7900 XT should be $650 MAX.
Let's bait for wenchmarks first.
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ratirtOh the answer is so obvious here. I DON'T CARE. Sorry I had to :D

What is this really? Real 7900xtx? 7900xtx release is just around the corner with 7900xt. Both cards launch at the same time. Leak said the first 7900xtx has an issue? It is not out yet put yourself together and stop listening to trolls in the media trying to get some subscribers and likes. Also, try not to be a troll yourself. Wait for reviews, these will tell you the real picture not so wanna be trolls in the media spewing crap.

How about this. I remember not long ago companies advertised cards for 4k gaming. Well this is now gone but how about RT and 1080p gaming? Obviously emphasis on RT which is so damn cool and makes your game hundred times better right? They are preparing for 4k gaming advertisement again it will just have RT there. It all repeats itself with a minor change RT in the mix.
bro the refresh will come less than a year to bring +500mhz minimum on the same chip, no problem ? hum
they did the same thing with 6900XT , RUSHING the production , release a fonctionnal GPU and do the real thing after.
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