Monday, February 20th 2023

AMD RDNA4 Architecture to Build on Features Relevant to Gaming Performance, Doesn't Want to be Baited into an AI Feature Competition with NVIDIA

AMD's next-generation RDNA4 graphics architecture will retain a design-focus on gaming performance, without being drawn into an AI feature-set competition with rival NVIDIA. David Wang, SVP Radeon Technologies Group; and Rick Bergman, EVP of Computing and Graphics Business at AMD; gave an interview to Japanese tech publication 4Gamers, in which they dropped the first hints on the direction which the company's next-generation graphics architecture will take.

While acknowledging NVIDIA's movement in the GPU-accelerated AI space, AMD said that it didn't believe that image processing and performance-upscaling is the best use of the AI-compute resources of the GPU, and that the client segment still hasn't found extensive use of GPU-accelerated AI (or for that matter, even CPU-based AI acceleration). AMD's own image processing tech, FSR, doesn't leverage AI acceleration. Wang said that with the company introducing AI acceleration hardware with its RDNA3 architecture, he hopes that AI is leveraged in improving gameplay—such as procedural world generation, NPCs, bot AI, etc; to add the next level of complexity; rather than spending the hardware resources on image-processing.
AMD also stressed on the need to make the GPU more independent of the CPU in graphics rendering. The company took several steps in this direction over the past many generations, with the most recent being the multi-draw indirect accelerator (MDIA) component introduced with RDNA3. Using this, software can dispatch multiple instanced draw commands that can be issued on the GPU, greatly reducing the CPU-level overhead. RDNA3 is up to 2.3x more efficient at this than RDNA2. Expect more innovations along these lines with RDNA4.

AMD understandably didn't talk anything about the "when," "what," and "how" of RDNA4 as its latest RDNA3 architecture is just off the ground, and awaiting a product ramp through 2023 into the various market-segments spanning from iGPUs to mobile GPUs, and mainstream desktop GPUs. RDNA3 is currently powering the Radeon RX 7900 series high-end graphics cards, and the company's latest 5 nm "Phoenix Point" Ryzen 7000-series mobile processor iGPUs. You can catch the 4Gamer interview in the source link below.
Sources:, HotHardware
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221 Comments on AMD RDNA4 Architecture to Build on Features Relevant to Gaming Performance, Doesn't Want to be Baited into an AI Feature Competition with NVIDIA

lasI use Nvidia RTX and I don't give a f about ray tracing, gimping performance while delivering pretty much nothing you will see when you actually play - instead of standing still - yet decreases performance by a ton. DLSS and DLDSR is the best features about RTX for me and lets be honest, it could probably have been done without dedicated hardware.......

RT is mostly good for screenshots because without the absolute most expensive card, people won't be using it anyway, unless they think 30 fps is great, hell in some games it even feels like there's additional processing lag when RT is enabled, even when fps is "decent" - I think it's a gimmick and I hope AMD will be very competitive in raster perf going forward. ALOT of people don't care about RT and 1440p is still the sweet spot and will be for long, this is where AMD shines as well. 7900XTX already bites 4090 in the butt in some games when raster only and 1440p. This is why I consider going AMD next time.

And FYI AMD has 15-16% dGPU marketshare and that is on Steam, it's probably more + 100% of Console market.
You are assuming you are the reference for the entire market ? :roll:

Posted on Reply
fevgatosWell it doesn't really matter whether you think it's worth it or not. Why is it okay for the 7900xt not only to be 15% more expensive at launch, not only consuming 30% more power, but also getting it's ass handed to it in rt?
Actually it does matter what people think. Why you ask? Because we are going to buy these cards. You need to look closer to those numbers you have given cause it does not seem correct. You keep arguing about RT making Raster irrelevant and being omitted in your calculations. Rasterization is literally core for gaming nowadays not RT.
Also, there are games with RT where 7900xtx is faster than a 4070Ti like Forspoken, The Calisto protocol both at 4k but I'm guessing these games are not good to evaluate RT performance right?
Posted on Reply
Vya Domus
fevgatosMaximum power draw is completely useless.
Lmao, no it's not. What a laughable statement.
fevgatosIn games as per tpu the 7900xt draws 50 more watts.
No, it's not "in games", it's in ray tracing games, as it's clearly labeled on the chart. Knowing how I typically prove you wrong on every occasion you didn't thought I'd notice that ? Here is the correct chart for that, not that it matters much, you're still wrong, 273 to 321 is 17% more not 30%, just say you're bad at math, it's understandable.

Also do you want to know why the 4070ti is drawing less power in ray tracing games and the 7900XT doesn't ? It's because it's clearly bottlenecked by something else, likely memory bandwidth, what a great well balanced architecture Nvidia designed lol.
fevgatosIn basic video playback it consumes 400% (lol) more power. 400 freaking percent. That numbers is insane.
Yeah bro maximum power draw is useless but I am sure everyone is picking a 4070ti over a 7900XT because of the video playback power draw, duh, now that's important stuff right there. Do you know what the power draw is when you use notepad ? I reckon that's even more important.

Clutching at straws much ?
ratirtThe Calisto protocol noth at 4k but I'm guessing these games are not good to evaluate RT performance right?
Duh, obviously.
Posted on Reply
beedooCan't see the problem. Here in Australia, the 7900XT seems to be cheaper than the 4070ti, and as far as TPU's own reviews of the two cards is concerned, I can't see the 7900XT being destroyed by the 4070ti anywhere - in fact, the average gaming framerate chart at the end shows the 7900XT above the overclocked 4070ti at every resolution (raster)...

...unless you meant RT, or video compression, or DLSS, or something else - but you didn't say any of that.
I have a 7900Xt and do not miss in anyway my 6800XT. Take that for what it is. Before people talk about the XT is $400 worth it to you? Not me.
Posted on Reply
RH92This is why AMD sits at an all time low of 10% dGPU market share , they fail to read the room !!!
I wonder, do you use Tensor or Ray tracing cores anywhere?
Posted on Reply
fevgatosBeats it by 10% but until a few days ago it was 14% more expensive, while massively losing in rt and consuming 30% more power. Great deal my man
It has always been pretty much the same price where I am. 7900XT is like 5% more expensive, but has ~10% more performance and twice the memory with much higher bandwidth.

Most people don't really care about RT at all. I am using RTX but I would take more raster perf any day over RT perf which is a joke in most games unless you buy the absolute most expensive GPU, or you will be looking at crappy framerate with RT on anyway

The low bandwidth of 4070 Ti shows the higher the solution go, 504 GB/s is pretty low for a 799 dollar GPU and 12GB VRAM is also low in 2023.

It does not consume 30% more, haha. It consumes 12% more. 284 vs 320 watts in gaming load. And when you actually overclock those cards, 7900XT will perform even better, because Nvidia always maxes out their cards and chips so overclocking will net you a few percent performance at most.

7900 XT will age better for sure, you will see in 1-2 years. In some games, it's on par with 4080, just like 7900XTX beats 4090 in some games. In RT, no, but RASTER yes. Once again, pretty much no-one cares about ray tracing at this point. It's a gimmick and I will take 100% higher fps any day over RT.

Why are you even talking about power consumption when you have a 4090 which spikes at 500+ watts, it has terrible performance per watt and laughable performance per dollar.

Actually 4090 is the worst GPU ever in terms of perf per dollar.


And 4080 Ti and 4090 Ti will probably release very soon making 4090 irellevant, just like last time.
Posted on Reply
OneMoarlet me put this to you

What if I where to combine AI Art Generation with ChatGPTs Natural Lanuage Interface with Something like Unreal Engine 5 (we really are not far away from this at all all the pieces exist it just takes somebody to bring it all togetor )

what if you could generate entire envroments just by telling a AI to "show me the bridge of the enterprise"
if you can't see the potental and the way the winds are shifting you may our soon to exist Ai-god have mercy on your fleshy soul
A lot of people are excited about "A.I democritizing creative/technical jobs", but not realizing that it's also going to oversaturate the market with low effort content. We are already finding faults on stuff that require a lot of money and willpower to do, A.I generated content is just going to make more of them.

We need to be carefull about how we use that tool, (who's becoming more than a tool) a few generation down the line, we might just end up with a society addicted to get instant results, and less interested to learn stuff. Studies shows that gen Z are really not that tech literate...because they don't need to understand how something actually work to use it, it's been simplified so much.
So in that sense I like AMD statement, we don't need to use A.I for every little thing. It's a wonderfull thing for sure, but overusing it might also have bad consequences.
Posted on Reply
AMD said that it didn't believe that image processing and performance-upscaling is the best use of the AI-compute resources of the GPU

Also AMD:

AMD FidelityFX™ Super Resolution (FSR) uses cutting-edge upscaling technologies to help boost your framerates in select titles1 and deliver high-quality, high-resolution gaming experiences, without having to upgrade to a new graphics card.

i assume they mean they no longer what us to have high quality without having to upgrade to a new gpu. From a sales perspective it makes sense.
Posted on Reply
lastwice the memory with much higher bandwidth.
twice the memory and it's still not utterly obliterating the 4070 Ti? What is going on here. It's as if bandwith and memory size are massively overhyped (mainly by the AMD crowd)
Posted on Reply
Argyrtwice the memory and it's still not utterly obliterating the 4070 Ti? What is going on here. It's as if bandwith and memory size are massively overhyped (mainly by the AMD crowd)
Twice the memory, for longevity

3080 10GB is already in trouble for 3440x1440 users

Nvidia gimping makes people upgrade faster, smart tactic

You are using 2060 6GB which barely does 1080p today, 2060 "Super" came out for a reason, now with 8GB VRAM :laugh:

You also bough into Intel 6C/6T is enough I see, sadly 6C/6T chips are choking only a few years after, 6C/12T is bare minimum for proper gaming, just like 8GB VRAM is bare minimum for 1440p and up

AMD generally gives you better longevity than both Nvidia and Intel, wake up and stop being milked so hard

Posted on Reply
Vya Domus
Argyrtwice the memory and it's still not utterly obliterating the 4070 Ti? What is going on here. It's as if bandwith and memory size are massively overhyped (mainly by the AMD crowd)
If only you'd have some technical knowledge on the matter you'd understand how this works.

The 4070ti has less memory bandwidth but a lot more L2 cache, L2 is going to be faster than the L3 AMD has on it's GPUs but then they also increased the memory bandwidth this generation as well. In other words bandwidth absolutely does matter, that's why they had to increase the L2 cache in the first place however more cache is not a complete substitute for VRAM bandwidth, the 4070ti is slower at 4K than than it is at lower resolutions, the only explanation for that is in fact the lack of memory bandwidth and possibly memory capacity as well depending on the game.
Posted on Reply
Vya DomusLmao, no it's not. What a laughable statement.

No, it's not "in games", it's in ray tracing games, as it's clearly labeled on the chart. Knowing how I typically prove you wrong on every occasion you didn't thought I'd notice that ? Here is the correct chart for that, not that it matters much, you're still wrong, 273 to 321 is 17% more not 30%, just say you're bad at math, it's understandable.

Also do you want to know why the 4070ti is drawing less power in ray tracing games and the 7900XT doesn't ? It's because it's clearly bottlenecked by something else, likely memory bandwidth, what a great well balanced architecture Nvidia designed lol.

Yeah bro maximum power draw is useless but I am sure everyone is picking a 4070ti over a 7900XT because of the video playback power draw, duh, now that's important stuff right there. Do you know what the power draw is when you use notepad ? I reckon that's even more important.

Clutching at straws much ?

Duh, obviously.
Of course maximum power draw is absolutely useless. Card A has 400w max power draw and 200w average, card B has 280w max and 250w average. Card A is clearly absolutely unarguably better at power draw. You can't even argue that.

So you proved me wrong by agreeing with me that the XT draws a lot more power. Great, and yes that's usually the case, you prove me wrong every single time by admitting that everything I said is absolutely the case. Gj, keep it up
lasTwice the memory, for longevity

3080 10GB is already in trouble for 3440x1440 users

Nvidia gimping makes people upgrade faster, smart tactic

You are using 2060 6GB which barely does 1080p today, 2060 "Super" came out for a reason, now with 8GB VRAM :laugh:

You also bough into Intel 6C/6T is enough I see, sadly 6C/6T chips are choking only a few years after, 6C/12T is bare minimum for proper gaming, just like 8GB VRAM is bare minimum for 1440p and up

AMD generally gives you better longevity than both Nvidia and Intel, wake up and stop being milked so hard

Yeah, that 6c12t that amd launched in 2023 for 350 gives you great longevity over the 14c Intel offers. LOL
Posted on Reply
Vya Domus
fevgatosCard A has 400w max power draw and 200w average, card B has 280w max and 250w average.
That doesn't happen in the real world, both AMD and Nvidia have very strict power limits, the 7900XT has a 300W TBP limit and the average and maximum power draw are, surprise, surprise, about the same, matter of fact both 4070ti and 7900XT have similar maximum and average power readings to their respective limits.

Actually if you'd use your head for a second you'd realize that what you're saying is complete nonsense anyway, a GPU is typically always facing 100% utilization, it makes no sense that a GPU with let's say 300W TDP limit would ever average out at 200W with 400W maximum readings, it just wouldn't happen. As usual your complete lack of understanding of how these things work prohibits you from ever making a coherent point.

But as I keep saying none of that matters, you're just wrong, it doesn't use 30% more power. Do you not know how to read or are you purposely ignoring this ?
fevgatosSo you proved me wrong by agreeing with me that the XT draws a lot more power.
Completely delusional.
Posted on Reply
Vya DomusIf only you'd have some technical knowledge on the matter you'd understand how this works.

The 4070ti has less memory bandwidth but a lot more L2 cache, L2 is going to be faster than the L3 AMD has on it's GPUs but then they also increased the memory bandwidth this generation as well. In other words bandwidth absolutely does matter, that's why they had to increase the L2 cache in the first place however more cache is not a complete substitute for VRAM bandwidth, the 4070ti is slower at 4K than than it is at lower resolutions, the only explanation for that is in fact the lack of memory bandwidth and possibly memory capacity as well depending on the game.
Vya DomusThat doesn't happen in the real world, both AMD and Nvidia have very strict power limits, the 7900XT has a 300W TBP limit and the average and maximum power draw are, surprise, surprise, about the same, matter of fact both 4070ti and 7900XT have similar maximum and average power readings to their respective limits.

Actually if you'd use your head for a second you'd realize that what you're saying is complete nonsense anyway, a GPU is typically always facing 100% utilization, it makes no sense that a GPU with let's say 300W TDP limit would ever average out at 200W with 400W maximum readings, it just wouldn't happen. As usual your complete lack of understanding of how these things work prohibits you from ever making a coherent point.

But as I keep saying none of that matters, you're just wrong, it doesn't use 30% more power. Do you not know how to read or are you purposely ignoring this ?

Completely delusional.
Absolutely wrong. My 4090 has a power limit of 520 watts. It can actually supposedly draw that much, but average in games is way lower than that. And of course that insane power draw on the 7900xt while just watching videos is irrelevant to you. 400% - 4 times as much power to play a YouTube video, no biggie I guess lol
Posted on Reply
Kohl Baas
AMD said that it didn't believe that image processing and performance-upscaling is the best use of the AI-compute resources of the GPU

Also AMD:

AMD FidelityFX™ Super Resolution (FSR) uses cutting-edge upscaling technologies to help boost your framerates in select titles1 and deliver high-quality, high-resolution gaming experiences, without having to upgrade to a new graphics card.

i assume they mean they no longer what us to have high quality without having to upgrade to a new gpu. From a sales perspective it makes sense.
FSR does not uses AI-processing resources.

Your welcome.
Posted on Reply
fevgatosOf course maximum power draw is absolutely useless. Card A has 400w max power draw and 200w average, card B has 280w max and 250w average. Card A is clearly absolutely unarguably better at power draw. You can't even argue that.

So you proved me wrong by agreeing with me that the XT draws a lot more power. Great, and yes that's usually the case, you prove me wrong every single time by admitting that everything I said is absolutely the case. Gj, keep it up

Yeah, that 6c12t that amd launched in 2023 for 350 gives you great longevity over the 14c Intel offers. LOL
The gaming power draw of the 7900XT is 36W more, not a massive amount as you claim, a card that has more VRAM, higher bandwidth, and is faster of course draws a bit more power.
I'm not sure why you even brought up CPU's but launch prices are pointless, only people that always buy the latest thing care about launch prices. The 7600X has 6 performance cores, and now sells for less than $250, Intel is still charging over $300 for 6 performance cores, also you get less upgrades from an Intel board.
Posted on Reply
Vya Domus
fevgatosMy 4090 has a power limit of 520 watts. It can actually supposedly draw that much, but average in games is way lower than that.
Then it's not utilized 100%, it's as simple as that.

If you have a 300W average, a 300W limit and a 400W power maximum then that means the contribution of that 400W maximum figure to the average is basically none whatsoever and the power limit is doing it's job as it's supposed to. That's why your example is dumb and nonsensical, this isn't a matter of opinion, you just don't know math.

There isn't a single card on those charts which has a disparity between average and maximum that big, nonetheless going by maximum is still preferable, for instance it's useful in choosing a power supply. You think it's useless because you simply don't know what you're talking about.
Posted on Reply
Vya DomusWho really cares, they're both right and wrong, besides upscaling the ML hardware accelerators really are worthless for the consumer space, at the same time they wont be used for anything else any time soon.

You're both beyond utterly wrong though, over 3 billion in revenue is not insignificant by any stretch of the imagination.

They've always made a huge chunk of their money from consumer products, sadly for Nvidia marketing and sponsorship deals don't work very well outside of the consumer market. You can't buy your way to success as easily and actually have to provide extremely competitive pricing because ROI is critical to businesses as opposed to regular consumers so you can't just price everything to infinity and provide shit value.
that is in 2021 when gaming GPU sales are being boosted significantly by crypto. look at nvidia numbers for Q3 2022. gaming sales is only half of that. gaming contribute less and less towards nvidia revenue.
Posted on Reply
I'm not sure I understand what this means.
He said "with the company introducing AI acceleration hardware with its RDNA3 architecture, he hopes that AI is leveraged in improving gameplay—such as procedural world generation, NPCs, bot AI, etc; to add the next level of complexity; rather than spending the hardware resources on image-processing."
Isn't it something that's up to the game and CPU entirely ?
Does it mean that they will now go towards a more bruteforce approach ? like full raster performance instead of going down the AI-path like Nvidia ?
I'm confused
Posted on Reply
Vya DomusThen it's not utilized 100%, it's as simple as that.

If you have a 300W average, a 300W limit and a 400W power maximum then that means the contribution of that 400W maximum figure to the average is basically none whatsoever and the power limit is doing it's job as it's supposed to. That's why your example is dumb and nonsensical, this isn't a matter of opinion, you just don't know math.

There isn't a single card on those charts which has a disparity between average and maximum that big, nonetheless going by maximum is still preferable, for instance it's useful in choosing a power supply. You think it's useless because you simply don't know what you're talking about.
Next thing is he is going to tell you he uses Vsync or frame cap at 60. I've seen those user who claim that 4090 is very efficient and use very little power with Vsync enabled or frame cap. Then they measure power consumption and according to their calculation it is very efficient. Utter crap but it is what it is. Countless of those posts everywhere.
Or even better. Downclock it 2000Mhz and then measure. But when they check how fast can it render then obviously no limits but then they do not bring the power consumption up since it is irrelevant. :laugh:
Posted on Reply
JAB Creations
tabascosauzLet me guess, when AMD introduced a 128MB stack of L3 ("Infinity Cache") to cushion the reduction in bus width and bandwidth, you hailed it as a technological breakthrough.
When Nvidia does the exact same thing with 48MB/64MB/72MB L2, you consider it "making the wrong bet". Okay.

In case you haven't noticed, a 530mm^2 aggregation of chiplets and an expensive new interconnect didn't exactly pass along the savings to gamers any more than Nvidia's 295mm^2 monolithic product did.
False arguments used: strawman, loaded question, black-or-white, ambiguity.
  • Strawman: fabricating AMD's L3 cache as the same thing as Nvidia's L2.
  • Loaded question: claiming that I somehow "hailed" a performance enhancement to try to make me appear to either blindly support it or shy away thus somehow "retracting" the statement about Nvidia's L2 cache.
  • Black-or-white: implying that my criticisms of Nvidia automatically make me blindly agree with allow any of AMD's actions.
  • Ambiguity: ignoring that AMD's L3 cache is cheaper to implement versus Nvidia's L2 cache using direct die space.
In short: AMD's implementations are more generic and better suited for long-term performance whereas Nvidia's is a knee-jerk reaction to do everything it can to have the "best of the best" in order to work off of the mindless sports mentality of "team green" versus "team red".
Posted on Reply
RDNA3 already have some AI units, RDNA4 will probably continue to have. The thing is AMD have their own CNDA cards and Xilinx chips that will always be better than RDNA at AI.

The thing also is on the gamers side: You don't need huge amount of raw "AI compute power". You just run the trained model on the actual data. You don't train it live. The learning pass require way more processing power.

The thing is Nvidia do not have a specialized compute/AI architecture like AMD. (They have a brand, but it use the same architecture as gamers GPU most of the time).

In the end, who know what strategy is the best. Nvidia with less monolithic chips and architecture but large space of die used for AI that is wasted most of the time for gamers or AMD with 2 architectures and a specialized gamers architecture more tailored for the current workload.

We have also to consider that there is ASIC in the loops that destroy GPU application.

In the end, i do not know. I am pretty sure those big boss of tech company sees things we do not see. But i don't think that AMD move is bad. They just say our gamers cards won't compete on RAW AI power vs Nvidia. They don't say their CNDA arch won't compete or that they won't have ai acceleration on RDNA GPU.

Just that it won't be a focus.
Posted on Reply
fevgatosThe fact that you are misquoting numbers on power draw tells me all I need to know. Maximum power draw is completely useless. In games as per tpu the 7900xt draws 50 more watts. In basic video playback it consumes 400% (lol) more power. 400 freaking percent. That numbers is insane.

Your derailing a thread , Again with fanboi bs, re read the OP does it compare the 7900XT with a 4070Ti, no not at all so wtaf are you on about and how. Is it you get away with this shit yet this post will be gone in a minute.

Just report it they say, I did, it didn't work now I'm here.

As for AI I fully align with AMD.

Use it for in game adversarial intelligence because using it to invent extra frames is arse IMHO especially given NPC and in game enemies are total shite.

Instead of an intelligent team to fight or a clever boss we get refurbished boss fights that are just about learning different attack patterns, Great.
Posted on Reply
Oh well Nokia thought smart phone was gimmick until it was too late.

Companies don't get to decide what is gimmick, consumers will do that. Looks like AMD is following Nokia lead
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