Wednesday, March 15th 2023

Reference NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Rumored to Launch at $749

According to the latest rumor coming from Moore's Law is Dead, the upcoming NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 could have a higher MSRP than expected, and could launch at $749. Yesterday, another rumor pointed out that NVIDIA is splitting the reviews for the GeForce RTX 4070 on two dates, with reference models that are sticking to MSRP going out on April 12th, and custom, higher-priced versions, a day later, on April 13th. The same date, April 13th, is when the GeForce RTX 4070 should hit retail shelves.

According to Moore's Law is Dead, the MSRP for reference versions will be set at $749.99, which is a bit more than earlier expected, and just $50 less than the launch MSRP for the GeForce RTX 4070 Ti. The custom versions, or "premium" as some now called them, could start at $799.99.
The NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 is also based on the AD104 GPU, as the RTX 4070 Ti, but has 46 streaming multiprocessors (SMs), leaving it with 5,888 CUDA cores enabled. On the other hand, it is rumored to come with the same memory configuration as the GeForce RTX 4070 Ti, featuring 12 GB of 21 Gbps GDDR6X memory on a 192-bit memory interface. The TGP is set at 200 W.

The performance is expected to land somewhere between the RTX 3080 Ti and the RTX 3080, or pretty much in line with the RX 6900 XT. Of course, a 50% bump in the launch price compared to the predecessor, the RTX 3070, leaves a rather sour taste.
Sources: Moore's Law is Dead (Youtube), via Wccftech
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191 Comments on Reference NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Rumored to Launch at $749

Defiant_676im chilling with a 7900xt on my work pc and a 7900xtx on my main pc at home.. 6900xt, Radeon VII and rx 570 before as well, never have i ever had a driver problem or crashing or anything besides smooth gaming which is mostly the division 1 and 2 plus some battlefield 4 and 1, only problems was unstable undervolting which is a user error.

if u haven't experienced a recent AMD card, then don't believe just anyone about drivers, unless you're sure they own the product and not just lying to hate on AMD, i can play and record any game you play and you can see how smooth and stable it would run, so you don't have to feel trapped into just buying from 1 vendor and paying more and more even if you're getting less,

pc gaming as you know is all about choices in hardware and thankfully AMD and Intel are competing in GPUs, hope intel comes up with something better in the future compared to Arc, and AMD needs to be less greedy, 7900xt shoulda been $699/$750 tops for a custom model.

best regards!
I am glad to hear you're doing fine playing a couple of games. I have on-hands experience with installing latest drivers for my friend's 7900xt
It didn't go well. Black screen.
Installed older driver, yes screen. yay!

He's returning the card and buying NVIDIA.
Sorry, khmm
Posted on Edit | Reply
Defiant_676im chilling with a 7900xt on my work pc and a 7900xtx on my main pc at home.. 6900xt, Radeon VII and rx 570 before as well, never have i ever had a driver problem or crashing or anything besides smooth gaming which is mostly the division 1 and 2 plus some battlefield 4 and 1, only problems was unstable undervolting which is a user error.

if u haven't experienced a recent AMD card, then don't believe just anyone about drivers, unless you're sure they own the product and not just lying to hate on AMD, i can play and record any game you play and you can see how smooth and stable it would run, so you don't have to feel trapped into just buying from 1 vendor and paying more and more even if you're getting less,

pc gaming as you know is all about choices in hardware and thankfully AMD and Intel are competing in GPUs, hope intel comes up with something better in the future compared to Arc, and AMD needs to be less greedy, 7900xt shoulda been $699/$750 tops for a custom model.

best regards!
I think people just don't trust AMDs driver team more than their drivers actually having issues. I had a ton of issues with my 7970s but they were in crossfire so I chalked it up as that. My 290X had some black screening issues in multiple PCs. Never had any issues with RX 570/580s but then there was the whole 5700XT debacle which to be fair I ran one for months without issues to try and replicate others issues. I know multiple people personally who had issues with 5000 series in general though. Most recently AMD decided not to release updated drivers for 6000 series for multiple months which was stupid.

My biggest issue with Amd though is they just haven't offered the performance I wanted more so than the drivers being bad.
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Does the MSRP include a free entry VR headset and festival tickets too?
Posted on Reply
Tek-CheckDoes the MSRP include a free entry VR headset and festival tickets too?
By far the best comment I've seen in this thread.
You made my day.
Posted on Edit | Reply
Defiant_676im chilling with a 7900xt on my work pc and a 7900xtx on my main pc at home.. 6900xt, Radeon VII and rx 570 before as well, never have i ever had a driver problem or crashing or anything besides smooth gaming which is mostly the division 1 and 2 plus some battlefield 4 and 1, only problems was unstable undervolting which is a user error.

if u haven't experienced a recent AMD card, then don't believe just anyone about drivers, unless you're sure they own the product and not just lying to hate on AMD, i can play and record any game you play and you can see how smooth and stable it would run, so you don't have to feel trapped into just buying from 1 vendor and paying more and more even if you're getting less,

pc gaming as you know is all about choices in hardware and thankfully AMD and Intel are competing in GPUs, hope intel comes up with something better in the future compared to Arc, and AMD needs to be less greedy, 7900xt shoulda been $699/$750 tops for a custom model.

best regards!
Well I did, I got a 6400 to replace my old 1050 ti for my HTPC, yes the performance is better for video playback specially at 4K but AMD drivers suck, with my old 1050 TI I was able to set my smart tv to 10 bit, with AMD I'm stuck at 8 bits, also VRR doesn't works, so yes, AMD drivers suck in comparison to Nvidia.
Posted on Reply
GerKNGTL;DR you never used DLSS 3
Oh, you got me. I tried, but I couldn't fathom dishing out $1000 or more for an upgrade over my 3080Ti just generate extra frames so I can try to tell myself that my purchase was worthwhile.
Posted on Reply
enb141Well I did, I got a 6400 to replace my old 1050 ti for my HTPC, yes the performance is better for video playback specially at 4K but AMD drivers suck, with my old 1050 TI I was able to set my smart tv to 10 bit, with AMD I'm stuck at 8 bits, also VRR doesn't works, so yes, AMD drivers suck in comparison to Nvidia.
I see my friend and I are not alone in the AMD drivers issues category...
I owned lots of Nvidia cards dating back from 4200Ti
I never had problems with any of them,
but the other day when I saw that black screen I was truly amazed

My friend was scared though, after all, he paid for the card.
Posted on Edit | Reply
spanjamanI wouldn't buy that card.
First of all, it's ASRock, second of all, drivers are bad and third of all I could buy 4070ti for the same amount of money.
Performance doesn't matter in some cases.
Nvidia has a better product.
Better product doesn't always mean better performance.
I would love to be able to say AMD driver support is stellar, but it's not.
Every driver iteration people have to root out previous drivers with DDU, I mean, come on...

Nvidia went way too far with its pricing of 40 series... Way, way too far.
It's unreasonable,
but I'll be a fool once more and repeat:
they have a better product.
No, you have your fanboi epeen so far up Nvidia’s ass you wouldn’t buy a card from AMD even if it smoked your NVIDIA cards. Rolls eyes.
Posted on Reply
dalekdukesboyNo, you have your fanboi epeen so far up Nvidia’s ass you wouldn’t buy a card from AMD even if it smoked your NVIDIA cards. Rolls eyes.
Wow. Bravo, bravo!
You're so great.
You should be proud of yourself.
Rolls eyes.
What's that? Rolls royce?
I am not into modern tech kiddish types of typing.
Could you not use an emoji?
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Super Firm Tofu
spanjamanWow. Bravo, bravo!
You're so great.
You should be proud of yourself.
Rolls eyes.
What's that? Rolls royce?
I am not into modern tech kiddish types of typing.
Could you not use an emoji?
Emojis cause a wattman error.
Posted on Reply
Just that Nvidia needs to make good drivers soon...
Posted on Reply
Super Firm Tofu
neatfeatguyOh, you got me. I tried, but I couldn't fathom dishing out $1000 or more for an upgrade over my 3080Ti just generate extra frames so I can try to tell myself that my purchase was worthwhile.
I mean you have multiple people (plus W1zzard) here saying the FG is pretty cool, but I mean go on telling yourself what you need to. I don't get the anger.
Posted on Reply
Vya DomusEven after all these years you guys don't get it, to me this was obvious all the way back in 2016, EVGA spilled the beans for everyone when they stopped the partnership by claiming Nvidia is trying to compete with AIBs on pricing.

They want to switch to complete vertical integration in their products Apple style, i.e they no longer want to rely on board partners. The final nail in the coffin will be rising the prices so much that board partners can longer make a profit and they can start selling founders edition cards exclusively.
Speaking of which, anyone else notice that all the top GPU SKUs from MSI, ASUS, and Gigabyte have only come out for Nvidia cards?

GPP didn't die, Nvidia just implemented it on the down-low. ASUS ROG 7000 series cards? Nope, Nvidia only. 7900 XTX Master? Sorry, also Nvidia exclusive. 7900 XTX Suprim? Also Nvidia exclusive.

All 3 brand suspiciously stopped offering their top SKUs on AMD starting with the 7000 series.

Nvidia has a huge grip on the market.
AnarchoPrimitivWell, you could always buy matches in raster, the drivers aren't that bad, they seriously aren't, Hardware unboxed has said as much, and yes they're behind in ray tracing, but how many people use ray tracing that much? Perhaps a little less ray tracing performance would be worth the eventual marketshare loss by Nvidia? Can you imagine how much the dGPU market would improve for consumers if AMD stole just 10%-15% more marketshare? Nvidia would be seriously humbled, just like Intel has been....of course this requires the ability to delay one's complete gratification and a sense of solidarity so I know nobody will go for it, ha.
If only AMD weren't so greedy and priced their GPUs like they priced first gen Ryzen. They seem to be blind to how they achieved their own success.
Posted on Reply
spanjamanWow. Bravo, bravo!
You're so great.
You should be proud of yourself.
Rolls eyes.
What's that? Rolls royce?
I am not into modern tech kiddish types of typing.
Could you not use an emoji?
Rolls eyes = Rolls eyes. Very complicated Shakespearean English.
Posted on Reply
dalekdukesboyRolls eyes = Rolls eyes. Very complicated Shakespearean English.
Strange because I was reading King Lear the other day in that same language and I never saw it in the book...
Posted on Edit | Reply
njaI have my theory for these crazy price bumps.
Nvidia and AMD are getting caught at their own game. They have been trying hard to push boundaries with performance, but there's something that many people seem to forget: performance has a limit when it comes to "enjoying it"
Just like phones, modern GPUs are getting so fast, especially now with DLSS3 that less and less people will consider upgrading every gen or so..
Look at phones and how Samsung has upgraded their updates schedule. It's because they KNOW that people now keep their phones for more than 4 years! And they want them to stay with Samsung!
We're getting close to a point where we almost have too much performance... With massive bottlenecks such as resolutions (who can tell the difference between 4k and 8k on a monitor?), games not getting any particulary beautiful anymore... Who's going to upgrade their 4090 next gen if they play at 1440p or 4K? There's no point! And the 5000 series will make this even worse!
A good exemple of that are SSDs. Why are SSDs sales dropping so hard? Well it's because many people got their hands on the fastest gen 4s out there.. Which means that they won't have any reasons to upgrade anymore for a while! While all these brands are investing in Gen 5, which won't make a difference for 99% of people!
This particular exemple can be applied to gpus aswell.
We need a major technological advancement to be convinced to upgrade. This is why Nvidia pushed DLSS and RTX. And locked DLSS3 to 4000s. Because they KNOW that people are getting "too satisfied" with what they have!
Products such as games are failing to follow the crazy pace that manufacturers like Nvidia have set.
You are reading into this as if customers are bored, no it's just the dip after the spike. Sales were way up during the pandemic and now they are down which shouldn't surprise anyone.
Posted on Reply
evernessinceIf only AMD weren't so greedy and priced their GPUs like they priced first gen Ryzen. They seem to be blind to how they achieved their own success.
They're most probably not the same people, different, separate divisions.

Still, I agree that they could do much better.

They got half of it right, when they set the strategy for this generation to make a GPU with very good price performance via chiplets.

But when they saw that the performance off by 25% from their target, they kept the same stupid naming and didn't adjust the pricing enough, they effed up bad. Still, it's not too late to keep dropping prices, they can afford it. But they totally missed the opportunity to have good day 1 reviews, which is what normal users read at most, if anything.
Posted on Reply
Super Firm TofuI mean you have multiple people (plus W1zzard) here saying the FG is pretty cool, but I mean go on telling yourself what you need to. I don't get the anger.
I'm seething with rage! How did you find out my secret?

A pretty neat feature to help market the cards as being so much better over the previous generation; I find it disingenuous. It doesn't anger me. I do, however, find it humorous that people are okay with the feature or even praise Nvidia for it.
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MxPhenom 216
ASIC Engineer
Nvidia is officially high on their own shrooms
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Super Firm Tofu
neatfeatguyI'm seething with rage! How did you find out my secret?

A pretty neat feature to help market the cards as being so much better over the previous generation; I find it disingenuous. It doesn't anger me. I do, however, find it humorous that people are okay with the feature or even praise Nvidia for it.
It's pretty clear that nothing I say, even with a skeptical, formed opinion from actual use, will change your mind.

FG wasn't even on my radar as a reason to buy Ada. I still think RT is meh and up-scaling should be burned with fire, but in my experience with FG, it's a feature that has an actual use - higher visible frame rate with lower power consumption and lower CPU requirements.

I guess I don't see what's humorous seeing that as a useful feature. :shrug:
Posted on Reply
neatfeatguyOh, you got me. I tried, but I couldn't fathom dishing out $1000 or more for an upgrade over my 3080Ti just generate extra frames so I can try to tell myself that my purchase was worthwhile.
I have a 3080ti it's performance is laughable compared to my 4090 at 4k regardless of the 40 series card having frame generation. The 4090 cost a whopping 300 usd more than my at launch MSRP 3080ti FTW3 That I purchased direct from evga a month after it was released. People who waited nearly a year after it launched to get it around 800 usd really shouldn't be in the market for 40 series cards regardless
neatfeatguyI'm seething with rage! How did you find out my secret?

A pretty neat feature to help market the cards as being so much better over the previous generation; I find it disingenuous. It doesn't anger me. I do, however, find it humorous that people are okay with the feature or even praise Nvidia for it.
My biggest issue with it is they couldn't getting it working on 30 series for whatever reason but that still wouldn't have stopped me from grabbing a 4090.
Posted on Reply
Super Firm TofuI mean you have multiple people (plus W1zzard) here saying the FG is pretty cool, but I mean go on telling yourself what you need to. I don't get the anger.
I think the usefulness of FG is very user dependent, it will leave some completely cold, while others will appreciate it.

I usually play Fortnite in Performance mode (very low graphical quality) because I want to be at 165FPS locked with my 6900XT for maximum responsiveness.

Today I tested it with epic Unreal Engine settings, which means 40FPS, just to see what my new OLED monitor can do. Well, I didn't mind the 40FPPS at all visually, just the lack of responsiveness in fights. Others, like Steve from Harbor Boxed, say they can't go under 120FPS. I think it's something very personal, I don't mind 40FPS in games at all. I hate 60FPS movies though, I find they lose all theatrical effect, I will get it back to 30 or 24frames ASAP.

So I think you may both be right.
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A 3080 with DLSS 3 for more money? Where do I sign up??? /s if it wasn't abundantly obvious.
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Dr. Dro
rainzorThis is a new low for TPU.
But most importantly, it's also a new low for NVIDIA, who has spit in the face of the enthusiasts that made their company what it is over the years. But hey - maintaining ASP that miners used to pay is more important than having their regular customers upgrade, the moneyed will regardless and those who don't have much will just suck it up like the peasants they are, skip the next two generations until they can - or they will not really be missed.

Look at my system specs and the machine I'm just about to finish building. Only my CPU needs to be cleared from customs, everything else is already in hand. Yet even I, an enthusiast who has the resources to build a showcase system like that, can't really spare the money for a 4090. It's too much! What am I supposed to do, sidegrade to a 4070 Ti? Nah, I'm just not buying.
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