Friday, October 20th 2023

Alan Wake II System Requirements Released, Steep RT Requirements Due to Path Tracing

Alan Wake II by Remedy Entertainment promises to be the year's most visually intense AAA title. The publisher put out the various tiered system requirements lists that highlight just what it takes to max the game out. As with most publishers these days, the company put out separate lists for RT and non-RT experiences. The common minimum requirements across all tiers include 90 GB of SSD-based storage, Windows 10 or Windows 11, and 16 GB of main memory. At the bare minimum, you'll need a quad-core Intel Core i5-7600K or comparable processor. For all other tiers, Remedy recommends at least an AMD Ryzen 7 3700X or Intel equivalent processor (which would mean at least a Core i7-10700K), or an 8-core/16-thread processor that's as fast as the 3700X.

The bare minimum GPU requirement calls for an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 or Radeon RX 6600. With this, you can expect 1080p @ 30 FPS, and can use the "quality" setting with DLSS 2 or FSR 2. The non-RT "Medium" list, is either 1440p @ 30 FPS or 1080p @ 60 FPS. For 1440p @ 30 FPS, you'll need a GPU at least as fast as a GeForce RTX 3060 or Radeon RX 6600 XT. 1080p @ 60 FPS requires at least a GeForce RTX 3070 or Radeon RX 6700 XT. The "Ultra" non-RT preset with 4K @ 60 Hz, which is the best experience you can possibly have without ray tracing, demands at least a GeForce RTX 4070 or Radeon RX 7800 XT. Ray tracing is a whole different beast.
The "Low" ray tracing tier, which is medium raster graphics settings with low ray tracing, for 1080p @ 30 FPS, demands at least a GeForce RTX 3070 or Radeon RX 6800 XT. The "Medium" ray tracing tier, which is medium raster graphics settings with medium ray tracing and path tracing enabled, for 1080p @ 60 FPS gameplay, demands at least a GeForce RTX 4070. There's no AMD Radeon GPU with the ray tracing performance of an RTX 4070 in its price-range, so Rockstar didn't recommend an AMD option. The "High" ray tracing preset, which combines high raster graphics with high ray tracing, and path tracing; for gameplay at 4K with 60 FPS; requires a GeForce RTX 4080.
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157 Comments on Alan Wake II System Requirements Released, Steep RT Requirements Due to Path Tracing

Vya DomusRT is fine, RT path traced a trillion samples per pixel making sure it runs like utter shit on everything is not fine.
Agreed, but in the end path tracing is what everyone really thinks about when they think "ray tracing". You could argue that every example of Ray Tracing up to this point in games is more like just enhanced SSAO and often-times incorrect looking reflections. When Cyberpunks Overdrive dropped it was the first time I said to myself personally "now we're talking". Up to that point turning on RT was a half-step up to my eyes, I kept going "I lost half my frame rate and all I got were better reflections and my screen gamma seems completely thrown off"....

Path Tracing is "........omg that looks like a render." Our hardware is really just not up to that task yet. But this is history repeating itself, it happened way back in the 90's when they introduced crazy-expensive new visual techniques like............Anti Aliasing :) And don't get me started on the hit we all took when Tesselation became the hot buzzword.

This one is going to hurt because this math isn't worked out fully yet, we need 10 years of devs working with tools (or maybe the AI's can actually help us out here before they kill us all).......before we get this stuff as casually as we get AA or AF settings today.
Posted on Reply
PumperYeah, let's just ignore the part where you need a 3070 to run the game at 720p 60fps with medium settings with RT off (1080p DLSS performance is native 720p), or a 4070 for 1080p 60fps at high settings with RT off (4K DLSS performance is native 1080p)
Who said that? Did you test it? ;)

My point is, let's wait until the game is out and see for ourselves. Developer recommended systems hardly ever match the truth.
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Darmok N Jalad
Maybe this is just intended to boost some high-end GPU sales in the interim, then closer to launch they'll say "Oops, that was a typo! The person responsible for sacking people has been sacked."
Posted on Reply
I told people that upscaling and frame generation will become crutches for developers either too lazy to properly optimize or devs pushing RT/PT beyond what the current hardware will be able to do.

And here we are. New games come out and requirements state upscaling "recommended" for all configurations and resolutions to achieve barely playable framerates.
Posted on Reply
I find the requirements reasonable.
You can play at 1440p/60+ with a 2080Ti nearly at max settings. I mean what did you expect to get from a gpu with this level of performance at 1440p on a fall 2023 AAA title?
The RT requirements are reasonable too. You can play at 1440p with a 3080/4070 level of a gpu.
And still the 2080Ti, I believe can run it at 1440p with RT on with a few tweaks here and there.

4K/60/Pathtracing on? this is a joke. Not only 4K res with pathtracing on but 60fps as well?
They could put 4090 there and still I would be ok with that.
The path tracing came to existence because of the frame generation. There is no other way to play a AAA path traced game.
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Alan Wake 2 : Buy it after 2 years edition.
Posted on Reply
Chaitanya... 20 years ago upscaling was subject of naming and shaming GPU makers is now a marketting feature show how far down the drain PC gaming industry has gone.
You might have forgotten, how back in the day, nVidia was pushing "blur" and "bloom", etc (along with plethora "vomit" colour filters and excessive contrast) post effects, and many other "features" turned on to the excess. And how it became "norm" for many games, especially "The way it meant to be played" ones. Why? Why would someone in right mind add irritating feature, that makes image inferior especially to the highest video settings? How about hiding crippled image for the sake of fps "advantage" over Ati rivals?

This isn't new at all. This happened for ages. Just now it reached it's culminating point.

On the topic. Let the game be released first. So it can be tested with various HW. But that excess gloss...
At least CPU and other specs are same. Though it still looks like an effort to up sell the 4090 the same way as 8800 Ultra.
Posted on Reply
putting upscaling into system requirements should be illegal.
Posted on Reply
Selayaputting upscaling into system requirements should be illegal.
Its very easy to achieve the same state: buy these games when they arrive at the budget bin and you can run them in native proper.

If we keep that up a year or so, this practice is going to be history. Might even get us an Nvidia gen with 16GB midrange next time. I know, I know, but we can dream.
Vya DomusRT is fine, RT path traced a trillion samples per pixel making sure it runs like utter shit on everything is what's not fine.

The point is there is a way to add RT improving visuals while not making the game unplayable on anything that doesn't have a 2000$ price tag.
The point is not calling it RT then, but just raster graphics, because frankly that's what they are - a raster post effect. It even manages to add latency like back in the DX9 Bloom Days.
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Well that game i´m going to ignore nxt 5 years.
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TomorrowI told people that upscaling and frame generation will become crutches for developers either too lazy to properly optimize or devs pushing RT/PT beyond what the current hardware will be able to do.

And here we are. New games come out and requirements state upscaling "recommended" for all configurations and resolutions to achieve barely playable framerates.
Can you explain then why games on console also run horribly? Every game that's borked on PC, it's even more borked on consoles. I mean, dropping to 640p and 17 fps horrible. Are they pushing RT / PT and FG on consoles as well?
Posted on Reply
fevgatosCan you explain then why games on console also run horribly? Every game that's borked on PC, it's even more borked on consoles. I mean, dropping to 640p and 17 fps horrible. Are they pushing RT / PT and FG on consoles as well?
Consoles run at 30-60fps with fixed, know hardware with low-lever API and lower settings than PC.
I dont own console myself but from what i've seen most games there run as they're intended.
There is some level of RT there but no upscaling and FG just yet.
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Deleted member 234997
TomorrowConsoles run at 30-60fps with fixed, know hardware with low-lever API and lower settings than PC.
I dont own console myself but from what i've seen most games there run as they're intended.
There is some level of RT there but no upscaling and FG just yet.
This is generally untrue, whilst yes res is lower, quality and graphics fidelity barely look worse than a PC other than say Cyberpunk with their Nvidia sponsorship tech.
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Ryzen 7 3700X should be the equivalent of an 8c/16t Coffee Lake, IIRC.
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meh disble RT

keep my money

Posted on Reply
TomorrowConsoles run at 30-60fps with fixed, know hardware with low-lever API and lower settings than PC.
I dont own console myself but from what i've seen most games there run as they're intended.
There is some level of RT there but no upscaling and FG just yet.
Consoles run as they are intended except when they don't. Same as PC. Devs not optimizing has nothing to do with FG or RT. Again - consoles are the prime example. If it was a PC issue there wouldn't be games dropping to 640p, 17 fps or just crash the whole console repeatedly on consoles. But these games do exist.
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progste1080p low 30 fps with a RX6600?
If it's not the best looking game of all time it's an unoptimized mess.
That's like Superposition 1080p Extreme on Navi10, LOL.

I don't have this kind of nonsense with my RX 6750 XT in Hogwarts Legacy, even when demanding! And I thought Hogwarts Legacy was a tough one, TBH!
Posted on Reply
I find it both amusing and disturbing when people blissfully ignore the DLSS/FSR requirement when discussing the resolutions here and the projected performance.

These are the actual requirements:

RTX2060 / RX6600 - 720p on low with 30 fps
RTX3060 / RX6600XT - 835p on medium with 30 fps
RTX3070 / RX6700XT - 1080p on medium with 30 fps
RTX4070 / RX7800XT - 1080p on high with 60 fps

RTX3070 / RX6800XT - 720p on medium + RT low with 30 fps
RTX4070 - 720p on medium + RT medium + PT with 60 fps
RTX4080 - 1080p on high + RT high + PT with 60 fps

Am I happy with these?
Absolutely not.
Am I going to buy this game?
Absolutely not.
Posted on Reply
Ray Tracing is overrated. Sure, build it in for future GPU's where the space dedicated to it isn't all-consuming and taking away from raster performance. Everyone's going to turn it off anyway, though, today. Remedy's always been pushing hardware so games made today are great for the future when hardware catches up. I don't blame them for continuing that. Maybe I don't see why a game that isn't open world and could have better optimized requires all this, but hey. Maybe it does. They're usually pretty good with engines.

But Epic buying Remedy's next few games on the cheap is what makes it all meaningless. I still remember the day when Remedy was about to go out of business and went to Steam, hat in hand, and peddled their two Alan Wake's there. I remember buying them and enjoying them and thinking, "This has got to help." Then they sold their souls to Timbo the PC Piracy Is The Problem Not My Games Man.

Just look at them go on without me. I wish them well, I really do, but they shouldn't have made that Epic deal. No one who has made a deal with Epic has ever come away better for it. People Can Fly, Microsoft, Bandcamp, or the investors Timbo swindled into thinking Epic Game Store was going to be Steam all those years ago. Doesn't matter who you are.

The only person who wins in a deal with Timbo is Timbo. Too bad for Remedy this time. They'll learn.
Posted on Reply
gffermariI find the requirements reasonable.
You can play at 1440p/60+ with a 2080Ti nearly at max settings. I mean what did you expect to get from a gpu with this level of performance at 1440p on a fall 2023 AAA title?
The RT requirements are reasonable too. You can play at 1440p with a 3080/4070 level of a gpu.
And still the 2080Ti, I believe can run it at 1440p with RT on with a few tweaks here and there.

4K/60/Pathtracing on? this is a joke. Not only 4K res with pathtracing on but 60fps as well?
They could put 4090 there and still I would be ok with that.
The path tracing came to existence because of the frame generation. There is no other way to play a AAA path traced game.
Now you're kinda starting to sound like me.

When you look at it as needing a 4070 to play a game at decent settings, that indeed does suck. When you realize a 2080 Ti really isn't THAT far off a 4070 (~10-15%, maybe ~20% on the outside absolute performance depending upon where the bottleneck is, and it can be 2x perf a stock 6600xt when overclocked), it's not so bad. I do agree that it's important to look at *some* nuance in settings, as we're kinda spoiled by the fact W1zard cranks everything up in reviews and 2080ti is turning into a <1440p/60fps gpu in some scenarios. I agree 1440p60 will probably be doable with a little finessing that won't impact IQ that much (if you're running a fairly decent CPU). We shall see, but make no mistake that reasonable settings (say 1440p60 or 4k DLSS balanced) are left off for a reason...They likely make too much sense on a cheaper product to sell newer more-expensive gpus (which is the point of a game like this).

I really, honestly, do not blame the games advancing in required spec. I blame nVIDIA's pricing racket and performance segmentation. AD104 is handicapped, AD103 is expensive. It would be great if AMD would catch up in RT, but I'll take the cheaper prices in the mean time.

At some point people will realize the next step up from that level of perf is not RT, but 16GB of VRAM (hence the 1080p60 med RT for the 4070/ti; 1440p is conspicuously missing bc it too probably won't run performant-enough on AD104). It will be interesting to watch 4070ti age versus 7800xt. I imagine 7800xt aging even better vs 4070ti than 2080 ti versus 4070, and in the end the achievable playable performance will be similar (if 7800xt not better when 12GB becomes a limiting factor at ~1440p regardless of RT). I think there's also a dang good chance the same will be true with AMD/Intel's next GPUs and 4080 wrt longevity. 4080 will likely always be a very slightly better GPU, and that's by (probably anticipated) design, but (hopefully) there will reach a point where people realize it's just not worth the premium unless you're absolutely enraptured by nVIDIA's paid-for tailored features in a handful of games specifically there to up-sell you to a needlessly expensive GPU that still can't run at a decent resolution/fr with those features turned on. JMO.

As a 'what will x get me' sorta guy, I really only see two GPUs currently: 2080ti, which is old but a bangin' value, and (6800xt)/7800xt, which is if you're buying new. There needs to be a GPU that is ~30% faster but also ~30% more money; a slightly cheaper 7900xt if you will. The only way anything changes in the current landscape is if 4080 gets a ton cheaper, and I just can't see them going below the price of a 7900xtx bc greed. 7900xt might get cheaper though.

I can also imagine 7800xt becoming cheaper, and navi4x/BM being greater than proportionaly better perf/$ than 4070ti/4070 ti super, or whatever they call a further cut AD103, let-alone 4080. TBD value prop with 4070 (just like) tea tea, as I think 4070ti/4080 are going to lose a metric ton of value fairly quickly and it's unknown how nVIDIA will attempt to slot that into the equation. If it's under $700 and can compete with 7900xt/n4x/BM in value I will be pleasantly surprised, but I'm not holding my breath.

With that being the case, I just don't see how anyone can make an argument for nVIDIA's current GPUs unless you are that person for which money is no object; the next evolution of an Apple fanboy complete with paying the tax for a bespoke feature. I can appreciate RT as much as the next guy, but I just don't see the value until the next generation (at the very least). Until that point, I just don't see why someone would buy something more expensive than a 7900xt, and preferably that performance would be (and soon likely will be) even less expensive.
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PumpTheKinJust in...

10 GB="Nashira Summit 2.0"? Yes, the naming the guy at Hardware Unboxed is talking about, sure does give me AGP-era vibes. Like the 9000 Pro, 9600 SE and 9550!
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Are no other brothered by the memory requirements. 16 gb from lowest to highest.
I mean is not supposed to need more memory at max than at the lowest settings.

I find it wierd that memory is the same all the way.

Also for the low setting for 1080p/1440P. 1080P needs a rtx 3070 and 1440P needs a rtx 3060?????
I hope thats an error, cause else it dosent make sense at all.
Posted on Reply
Lew Zealand
TomgangAlso for the low setting for 1080p/1440P. 1080P needs a rtx 3070 and 1440P needs a rtx 3060?????
I hope thats an error, cause else it dosent make sense at all.
Look again, one is Ray Traced and the other is not.
Posted on Reply
Vya Domus
TomgangAre no other brothered by the memory requirements. 16 gb from lowest to highest.
Memory usage for game logic does not really change with graphical settings. You can test this in any game, change the settings and RAM usage wont budge.
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