Thursday, March 11th 2021

NVIDIA Crypto Mining Processor 30HX Card Pictured
The first NVIDIA CMP (Crypto Mining Processor) 30HX card from Gigabyte has been pictured and it closely resembles that of Gigabyte's GTX 1660 SUPER OC 6G. This resemblance makes sense considering the 30HX uses the same TU116-100 GPU found in the GTX 1660 SUPER and is paired with the same 6 GB of GDDR6 memory. The NVIDIA CMP 30HX features a TDP of 125 W and achieves a hash rate of 26 MH/s in Ethereum mining similar to that of the RTX 3060 with it's anti-mining algorithm. The card features no display outputs which limits the cards capabilities once it's no longer profitable to operate. The card should run cool with the dual-fan cooling solution and improved airflow due to the lack of outputs.
37 Comments on NVIDIA Crypto Mining Processor 30HX Card Pictured
They wanna see if someone will buy them at all?
Again, this is likely defective chips and/or old stock.
I also think nVidia is going to refine their mining nerf with all future gaming cards, the current nerf is but a test. This will increase the gap even further between gaming and mining products. That being said, I think mining cards should at least come with 1x HDMi 2.0 (not a 2.1 port for high refresh gaming or DP port), that way you can re-sell them to people that have a media PC, that will run 4k 60fps just fine and has no multiple monitor/display support. The GPU cores aren't going to give the same performance as gaming cards, for the same reason we have different gaming tiered cards, also if the driver isn't optimized for those products it will make it even less attractive for gaming and will at least help prevent some of the e-waste. I would gladly buy such a card second-hand for a Media PC, but NEVER, EVER for a gaming card. Yeah no, watching that video, I can assure you, he only made that video to protect the future mining farms he has, he won't acknowledge them, but I am pretty sure he has some. Linus is a braggart, perhaps one of the fanboys can coax it out of him?
BTW. Not sure how would this video help to protect mining farms if he had any anyway.
What's your point? Because AMD and NV are doing this, it's good? or since AMD is also going to do this, NV should be disregarded?
AMD is using 7nm fab for their CMP, which 100% eat into their RDNA2 chip availability.
So yeah, Nvidia is greedy while AMD is what? Greedy and incompetent?
Also Dave2D called out the fallacy in LTT's logics
This will only be a good thing if it's cheap, which as it's nGreedia, it won't be.
How about some less known tech channel :)
Listen to his opinion at the 11:00 minute in
Those cards will also end up on a landfill as soon as they are not viable for cryptocurrencies, even if otherwise fully functional. I'm not really an eco-terrorist type, but this is stupid wastefulness.
There is also second hand GPUs market that this mining card impact. Absolutely no use of these cards for gamers down the line.
I won't call anyone a shill or whatever. Either Dave2D or Linus or any other youtuber. Maybe Linus is a stooge to you and others but either way I side with Linus on this one.
We will see how things develop. It is also weird, when mining cards are being considered gaming cards in the quarterly reports.
Nvidia is restarting their old Turing production line over at TSMC to make these CMP, it definitely does not affecting Ampere production line over at Samsung. Chip manufacturers don't share their factories you know :roll: , not to mention TSMC is Taiwan based and Samsung is S. Korea based.
You know which products are produced at the same factory though? RDNA1 and RDNA2 GPU, and AMD will be reducing their RDNA2 capacity to make RDNA1 CMP, which is more profitable to AMD because of its smaller size. If miners can sell their used GPU for good amount of money, they will just use the money to gobble up new GPU anyways. I don't feel like buying used goods for 1/2 the price 2 years after launch without any warranty that can break at any moment because I can't afford inflated new GPU, do you?
Less money going to miners --> less total GPU demand --> less e-waste.
Yes Nvidia will probably make less money by alienating miners, but Nvidia cash flow will be much more stable down the line with gamers as their primary customers. With every boom there is a bust, and Nvidia probably learned its lesson
Same with AMD, the only thing they care about now is satisfying Sony and MS supply demands and that's because they have contracts with them on delivering enough chips to keep the production going. RDNA2 GPU's are low priority for them and it shows when you compare the number of units available at retail. Not to mention the whole "AMD for blockchain" hype machine.
Either way gamers will be f#cked by GPU vendors because once this bubble bursts they'll do a switcheroo on us and shift price brackets by another $50 or so which we will accept because paying $50 more sure beats paying twice the retail price during mining boom.
Miners will get their money, don't worry. HX cards will not affect that at all, they will just generate more waste, and will not positively affect GPU demand. In fact, they will limit supply for gamers - even if nVidia really is using old production lines for them, they still share a lot of components which are in limited supply right now.
That's how corporations work. They sell a lot of products right now so the shareholders are happy. Next year the company will have to mitigate the problem of used cards cannibalizing the 40x0 series so the shareholders will be happy again. The cycle of life continues.
Every corporation is greedy AF (welcome to capitalism), but if their goal aligns with yours, why do you care (well unless you are crypto miner)? Nvidia can sell 100% of their chips right now either way, they would rather have gamers as their customers, that way their business can grow more healthier than selling to miners won't it?