Friday, June 9th 2023

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty DLC Pricing Revealed on GOG

Fans of CD Projekt Red's action role-playing Cyberpunk 2077 are looking forward to the release of extra content—the Polish gaming company has not set a firm launch date for its upcoming Phantom Liberty DLC campaign, but their own digital distribution platform - - has aready spilled a few beans this week. Keen-eyed gamers noticed that a German language listing for the expansion had appeared (likely by mistake—it no longer exists) on GOG with a "BALD" tag—meaning that the DLC is due "soon." This information was captured in screenshots and quickly uploaded to the Cyberpunk subreddit.

Industry insiders are expecting CD Projekt Red to make a Phantom Liberty-related announcement at this year's (currently ongoing) Summer Game Fest, but media attention has already focused on the apparent pricing set for this piece of DLC. According to the screenshots Phantom Liberty will be available for a €29.99 pre-order price in Western Europe territories, which suggests a possible charge of around $30-35 for North American customers. Comparisons to The Witcher 3's post-release experience will inevitably crop up, and gamers will be questioning whether this expansion will offer good value for money—CD Projekt Red has indicated that this is their most expensive DLC undertaking in terms of development costs, but that has no bearing on how much content will exist within the final retail release. Recent company earnings calls have demonstrated that sales of their existing titles are slowing down, so CDP leadership will be looking forward to new product hitting the market soon-ish.
Sources: Forbes / Paul Tassi, Cyberpunk Game Reddit
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46 Comments on Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty DLC Pricing Revealed on GOG

Solaris17The game works fine I pre ordered it and I have no interest in being “compensated” any more then they already have with bug patches and tons of free shit.
I bought it for £25 ($30) and I held off playing it until 2022. It was a solid B+ of a game and I'm looking forward to the expanision.
I know it was a total shit-show of a release, but CDPR has put the effort in to correct that and I didn't personally suffer because I don't pre-order games. Pre-ordering is so rarely worth the risk...
Posted on Reply
Solaris17The game works fine I pre ordered it and I have no interest in being “compensated” any more then they already have with bug patches and tons of free shit.
Other than a few VERY minor glitches, I never encountered any problems with it.
Chrispy_It was a solid B+ of a game and I'm looking forward to the expansion.
I would not disagree with this. IMO, it's better than GTA5 and gets a whole-lot right that Rockstar did wrong.
Posted on Reply
Solaris17The game works fine I pre ordered it and I have no interest in being “compensated” any more then they already have with bug patches and tons of free shit.
having paid 60 euros the game was a joke at launch, people that waited for a sale got as much as me, i absolutely feel scammed. And more i refuse to continue to support this mentality, release now, charge full price from the idiots, fix in a year or two. Sure, then charge me the price of a year or two

pirating the crap of that DLC will feel right to me
Posted on Reply
Bomby569having paid 60 euros the game was a joke at launch, people that waited for a sale got as much as me, i absolutely feel scammed. And more i refuse to continue to support this mentality, release now, charge full price from the idiots, fix in a year or two. Sure, then charge me the price of a year or two

pirating the crap of that DLC will feel right to me
This says to me: "I'm a thief and want to justify my thievery with excuses."

Just an FYI there Mr Bomby569, the only good reason to use "pirate" copies of something is if you have been denied access to something you legit purchased and you are using the iffy copy so you can use what you paid for. There are a few other uses that fall under what can be acceptable fair use. Otherwise, it's just blatant stealing.
Posted on Reply
lexluthermiesterThis says to me: "I'm a thief and want to justify my thievery with excuses."

Just an FYI there Mr Bomby569, the only good reason to use "pirate" copies of something is if you have been denied access to something you legit purchased and you are using the iffy copy so you can use what you paid for. There are a few other uses that fall under what can be acceptable fair use. Otherwise, it's just blatant stealing.
is it worst then releasing an unfinished buggy product and asking full price? after lying for months on what the product was? i'm pretty sure that's illegal were we not talking about a video game.
In case your grandpa memory fails you i can link the quotes and trailers, videos, interviews were they lie about the game.

I have this car to sell you, it does 400kms/h, it was 20 seats and doesn't pollute. Then it only does 50kms/h, seats only 1 and it's a dieselgate. You'd have to give your money back and probably a law suit.
Posted on Reply
Bomby569is it worst then releasing an unfinished buggy product and asking full price?
That is an extreme exaggeration and little more than a cop-out. You're still trying to make an excuse for blatant stealing. If you don't like something, DON'T buy it. And if you had bought CP2077 on GOG like any sensible person, you would have had the 30day money back guarantee. Full refund for anything glitchy or doesn't work right seems like a fair deal to me.

But that is not what you're saying. You're trying to tell everyone that you're going to steal it because you "think" it "might" be buggy. All you're really saying is: "Hi, I'm a thief! I'm going to steal this DLC because I want to and I'm going to make up lame reasons to justify my thievery."
Posted on Reply
T0@stPhantom Liberty will be available for a €29.99 pre-order price
It better be a whole new game and a ton of bugfixes and not a single 15-minute quest.
Posted on Reply
caroline!It better be a whole new game
No, it's an expansion.
caroline!a ton of bugfixes
What bugfixes are needed? Cyberpunk2077 is currently a bug and glitch free title.

Seriously, what is with all the whiners and nay-sayers?
Posted on Reply
lexluthermiesterNo, it's an expansion.

What bugfixes are needed? Cyberpunk2077 is currently a bug and glitch free title.

Seriously, what is with all the whiners and nay-sayers?
Now you know how I feel every time when I enter a Blizz/Diablo related topic, honestly I should just stop bothering with that/trying to explain things.

Just checked earlier on GoG and yea its 30 euro here but thats actually okay with me and I will most likely pick it up on the launch day or so. 'if its anything like Blood&Wine/Hearts of stone was for Witcher 3 then its all good imo'
That much money I can save up for this since I've enjoyed my time playing Cyberpunk and I only had very minimal issues with the game in overall. 'nothing game breaking, a few collision related bugs and thats it'
Posted on Reply
Well, Cyberpunk 2077 was a surprisingly positive experience for me so I'm quite excited for the DLC, especially with reading about the new changes they're bringing to the base game too. I've already booked some time off in September to play it over a weekend :)
Posted on Reply
Vanguard Beta Tester
kapone32It's more CP 2077. I love using the Katana but I am stuck at getting into the Warehouse and I expect to get this as CP2077 is that Game that makes you feel like Yeah this is where Gaming is when I played Galaga and thought about the future. Just like Witcher though is that you really have to focus on what you are doing.
The warehouse what I consider a bug,is exactly what stopped my first play through in its tracks. The truck you’re supposed to be able to steal so you can just drive in sneak the objective and drive out again is a flaming hulk on the corner next to it I tried going back as far as I could justify losing any real progress with my saves but seemed no matter how far back I went the truck was still destroyed. It really ruined my desire to keep playing and I have yet to really give a new game a decent effort having had such a decent build and arsenal on my first go only to have that make any of it pointless. Ive checked back after every patch, first thing I do is drive over there, no change…it really ruined my desire to keep playing…
Posted on Reply
Bomby569pirating the crap of that DLC will feel right to me
I think this is one of those examples where piracy is actually justified; By the time the game was in a playable state it was selling for half the price you paid for it, so CDPR owes you $30 and by not requesting a full refund at launch like many did, you actually did CDPR a good-faith favour - they've had the benefit of your $30 overpayment for their cashflow purposes all this time and 2.5 years of accrued interest on that too. You would have been well within your right to request a full refund at launch and then buy it for $30 less in 2021 when it it was fixed, finished, and on sale at $30.

So yeah, the letter of the law says that piracy is still illegal - But I'd imagine most people's moral code says you've already paid them the extra $30 they're asking for the DLC, and done them an additional solid by not refunding back in December 2022.
Posted on Reply
lexluthermiesterThat is an extreme exaggeration and little more than a cop-out. You're still trying to make an excuse for blatant stealing. If you don't like something, DON'T buy it. And if you had bought CP2077 on GOG like any sensible person, you would have had the 30day money back guarantee. Full refund for anything glitchy or doesn't work right seems like a fair deal to me.

But that is not what you're saying. You're trying to tell everyone that you're going to steal it because you "think" it "might" be buggy. All you're really saying is: "Hi, I'm a thief! I'm going to steal this DLC because I want to and I'm going to make up lame reasons to justify my thievery."
i said i'm not stealing? i don't think so. I just don't care. In my country people say a thief that steals from a thief has 100 year pardon
Posted on Reply
lexluthermiesterThen wait for the reviews?

A dev wants you to buy an expansion pack for their blockbuster hit game? Think that over for a moment...(hint: expansion paks have RARELY been free)
Bro - they released a famously bugged and half-finished game.
Posted on Reply
PsinetBro - they released a famously bugged and half-finished game.
Moose Muffins! It was fully complete from day 1 and ALL of the problems whined about by the loud crowd were GREATLY over-exaggerated. Put a cork in it with that nonsense bub.
Posted on Reply
lexluthermiesterMoose Muffins! It was fully complete from day 1 and ALL of the problems whined about by the loud crowd were GREATLY over-exaggerated. Put a cork in it with that nonsense bub.
It was a half assed piece of shit that crashed often or glitched out stupidly for no reason at all it wasn't until patch 1.4 that it actually was properly playable without to many problems but it was still missing most of the stuff shown in the previews and as far as I can see it still isn't what they advertised the NPC AI is still dumber than dumb the police are still far from what they should be so I don't know what you were smoking when you played it but boy your impression of it is pretty whack a doo
Posted on Reply
AthloniteIt was a half assed piece of shit that crashed often or glitched out stupidly for no reason at all it wasn't until patch 1.4 that it actually was properly playable without to many problems but it was still missing most of the stuff shown in the previews and as far as I can see it still isn't what they advertised the NPC AI is still dumber than dumb the police are still far from what they should be
Blah blah blah... Would you like some cheese?
Athloniteso I don't know what you were smoking when you played it but boy your impression of it is pretty whack a doo
Posted on Reply
your opinion is your opinion only Lex but 10s of thousands of others would disagree with it as for me I'm with the 10s of thousands that had problems with the game that basically made it unplayable for quite a while
Posted on Reply
Athloniteyour opinion is your opinion only Lex but 10s of thousands of others would disagree with it as for me I'm with the 10s of thousands that had problems with the game that basically made it unplayable for quite a while
10's of thousands my hairy butt. Thousands maybe. Me and mine tried replicating the problems people claimed and couldn't do it. And if WE couldn't do it, whatever issues you and others were having were likely either outlier issues or were self-inflicted.

The vast majority of people had zero problems running it from day one. And that's a fact!
Posted on Reply
Beginner Macro Device
It's the year 3rd of the game exists, yet we see no fixed speedometer (it measures in anything but MPH or KPH) and no letterboxing. Not to mention how far from ideal AI is. And the game lacks interactivity and I can really write a full-on article on how far from ideal the game is but it's still enjoyable as hell.

And I really do hope that DLC will address the lack of activities aside of quests, be them main or not. More random in bystanders, more phrases, some reactions to shooting birds in addition to outright panick or shooting in return will be much appreciated...

But the most bugging me part is vehicles. They are slower than snails and their ability to lose control upon anything cannot be overestimated. Physics need a complete rehaul, too. To be added, actually. What the game sports is not physics, it's schizics.

And don't tell me about mods addressing the aforementioned problems. They have nothing to do with the fact the game itself has a lot of issues.
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