as to the vid - search the term "experiments in the revival of organisms" on toutube or google or otherwise. Public domain vid, it'll be everywhere.
As to hittin 4GHz, this last weekend I was house sitting for some friends, and they have a kick-ass AC system in their house, and the AC vents are in the floor. I had my rig over there for some gaming (Stacker case is open underneath and has great airflow - I had the case positioned within a couple feet of a floor vent), had their thermostats set at 21C, and after 4 hours of playing Crysis, my GPUs had maxed out at 88C (for comparison, at home here, after 1 hour they max temp at 98C) - the CPU at 3.6GHz idled in the low 30s and under load was only about 45C (compared to 45 idle / 58 load here) . . . these friends might need me again this upcoming weekend to keep an eye on the house again.
If so, I intend to take my rig with me, and I'm thinking if I placed my rig directly over a floor vent, and set the thermostats to 18C, I can keep the whole rig cool enough to hit 4G and slam some kickass benchies - if I had liquid cooling already, it'd be even better . . . hell, I might even whip my two 1950 PROs out and snag the highest Crossfire 1950 score in the 3m06 thread!
Outta be fun