Sunday, April 23rd 2023

"Adamantine" L4 Cache Confirmed on Intel "Meteor Lake," Acts as a Passive Interposer

We've known from a recent report that "Meteor Lake" introduces an L4 cache, and now we are learning that it is codenamed "Adamantine," and serves functions resembling that of a passive interposer. Intel's upcoming "Meteor Lake" microarchitecture will power the company's first disaggregated processor for the client segment.

A disaggregated processor is different from an MCM (such as "Clarkdale"), since finer components that make up the processor that otherwise can't exist on their own packages without extreme latency, are made to share a single package via a high-speed interconnect. This disaggregation is purely for economic reasons, so the company needn't use the latest (and most expensive) foundry node for the entire processor, but ration it to the specific components that benefit the most from it. Unlike AMD client processors that disaggregate the CPU cores and the remaining processor I/O into two kinds of chiplets, Intel "Meteor Lake" will see the breaking up of not just CPU cores (compute tile), but also the iGPU on its own tile, besides the platform I/O on separate tiles still.
Until now, it was believed that Intel's Foveros packaging innovation, which removes the need for an expensive silicon interposer, would facilitate communications among the various tiles, but now we're learning that the processor will in fact feature an L4 cache memory that provides passive interposer capabilities. By itself, a silicon interposer has no logic. It's only function is to serve as a base for the various logic and memory tiles to be seated on top, so it could provide high-density microscopic wiring among them, which would otherwise not be possible through fiberglass package substrate. An L4 cache is something else, and "Meteor Lake" features an L4 cache acting as a base-tile, and acting like a passive interposer (a misnomer if you understand how it works). This tile has been codenamed "Adamantine."

"Adamantine" is a base tile with a level-4 (L4) cache memory. The physical media is unknown (whether it is expensive SRAM or eDRAM), and the size would vary among the variants of "Meteor Lake," but what this essentially does is interconnect the various tiles via cache memory. While an "active" interposer is a dumb piece of silicon with high-density wiring as we explained earlier, a "passive" interposer is a memory with connections to the various tiles.

For a tile to communicate with another, data with the right tags is retired to this L4 cache, which is then picked up by its addressee tile. This is essentially the same way the shared L3 caches on Intel processors work, and which is how the CPU cores, iGPU, and uncore components talk to each other. Scale up this concept at a disaggregated processor level, and you understand how the L4 cache works. The individual tiles have their own "last level caches" (LLCs) at their local level. The Compute Tile, for example, has an L3 cache shared among the P-cores and E-core clusters. This is the L3 cache that's exposed to the OS.

To be clear, "Meteor Lake" still has direct die-to-die data connections among the various tiles, but these connections do not follow a radial topology (where each tile is directly connected to every other tile). It's only the SoC tile that appears to have die-to-die connections with the Compute Tile (CPU cores), Graphics Tile (iGPU), I/O tile, and PMC. In scenarios where, for example, the Compute Tile would want to communicate with the Graphics Tile, the L4 cache would serve as a lower latency path, than through the SoC tile.

The size of the L4 cache is really not known, but if it is based on a slower physical media than the SRAM that makes up the L3 cache in the Compute Tile, it stands to reason that it will be considerably larger in size. "Moore's Law is Dead" reports that L4 cache sizes in the range of 128 MB to 512 MB are being tested, although they could even run into gigabytes, the tech channel notes.
Sources: USPTO, VideoCardz, Moore's Law is Dead (YouTube)
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19 Comments on "Adamantine" L4 Cache Confirmed on Intel "Meteor Lake," Acts as a Passive Interposer

Dr. Dro
Provided the 6P+8E design holds, though, I'll be surprised if this is successful in the desktop space. It will have to be significantly better than Raptor Lake at games and productivity for it to take off. The harshly reduced core count and delicate architecture may make of it undesirable next to high-end Raptor parts, in the same sense people would opt for the 4790K/Haswell-S refresh (Devil's Canyon featured binned silicon and improved power capacitors compared to the original) over Broadwell-C for gaming rigs back then.

The 5775C was vindicated many years down the road, as it has aged the best out of all quad-core processors up to the 7th gen, but I'm not sure that's a long-term win (at the cost of a short and medium term loss) that Intel intends to repeat. This is a great read, one of the best revisit articles ever written IMO:

In any case, Grandpa Broadwell is surely proud.
Posted on Reply
Either my 20-watt brain can't comprehend, or the 800-pound gorilla is unable to explain. In electronics, transistors and diodes are active components, and a chip can only be called passive if it does not contain even one of them, just wires, resistors, capacitors and inductors.
However, a cache die could also serve as an interposer if it had a labyrinth of wires connecting the chiplettes and the substrate, and this structure would be separate from the transistors and wires that make up the cache.
Are companies actually granted patents for such obvious "inventions"?
Posted on Reply
Wow...512mb? Goodbye profit margins. I know they're copying AMD's strategy, but the cost x return on that doesn't seem to line up...
Posted on Reply
This is definitely a strange use of ‘cache’ and something I’ve never heard of before. I understand an inteposer as defined by AMD, no problem. But a cache interposer, now that’s something new. I’m not sure the MB size of this cache will be analogous in the same way as regular/3D stacked cache. I’m guessing the interposer cache must be big to interconnect all the components in the relevant tiles.
Posted on Reply
This could either be amazing, or absolutely awful. The thing that keeps ringing for me is latency, especially if its eDRAM rather than sRAM as I believe will be the case looking at the density.

Still, AMD has proven the benefits of large blobs of cache closer to compute, so I'm quietly excited (even if I'll be skipping Meteor Lake due to the 6P limitation regardless).
Posted on Reply
Minus Infinity
Dr. DroProvided the 6P+8E design holds, though, I'll be surprised if this is successful in the desktop space. It will have to be significantly better than Raptor Lake at games and productivity for it to take off. The harshly reduced core count and delicate architecture may make of it undesirable next to high-end Raptor parts, in the same sense people would opt for the 4790K/Haswell-S refresh (Devil's Canyon featured binned silicon and improved power capacitors compared to the original) over Broadwell-C for gaming rigs back then.

The 5775C was vindicated many years down the road, as it has aged the best out of all quad-core processors up to the 7th gen, but I'm not sure that's a long-term win (at the cost of a short and medium term loss) that Intel intends to repeat. This is a great read, one of the best revisit articles ever written IMO:

In any case, Grandpa Broadwell is surely proud.
Meteor lake appears to be targetting mobile as it's primary concern. This is where Intel's pathetic power efficiency is a huge problem. If the rumoured IPC uplifts of > 20% on Redwood coves and the much improved E-cores are true, I have no doubt mobile 6P+8E ML can easily match if not beat 8P+8E RL while using far less power. Arroe Lake will get further 20%+ IPC uplifts and get the full 8P treatment for desktop at least for i7 and i9. Meteor Lake may be used for i5 and i3 next only on desktop.
Posted on Reply
The eDRAM seemed to work well for the infamous 5775c but I seemed to remember this also limited its overclocking margins?
Posted on Reply
Posted on Reply
Ferrum Master
WirkoEither my 20-watt brain can't comprehend, or the 800-pound gorilla is unable to explain. In electronics, transistors and diodes are active components, and a chip can only be called passive if it does not contain even one of them, just wires, resistors, capacitors and inductors.
However, a cache die could also serve as an interposer if it had a labyrinth of wires connecting the chiplettes and the substrate, and this structure would be separate from the transistors and wires that make up the cache.
Are companies actually granted patents for such obvious "inventions"?
I am also having tough time chewing this.
While an "active" interposer is a dumb piece of silicon with high-density wiring as we explained earlier, a "passive" interposer is a memory with connections to the various tiles.
Posted on Reply
”While an "active" interposer is a dumb piece of silicon with high-density wiring as we explained earlier, a "passive" interposer is a memory with connections to the various tiles. ”
This seems wrong.
Cache is not a passive component.

An interposer can be passive or active, and if it is active, it usually has just signal re-drivers built in. The extra cache is even more complex and calling it passive is just dumb. A passive interposer is just wiring. Anything else and it’s active.

In the patent it reads ADM or passive interposer. It’s not both.
Posted on Reply
To be clear, "Meteor Lake" still has direct die-to-die data connections among the various tiles, but these connections do not follow a radial topology (where each tile is directly connected to every other tile). It's only the SoC tile that appears to have die-to-die connections with the Compute Tile (CPU cores), Graphics Tile (iGPU), I/O tile, and PMC. In scenarios where, for example, the Compute Tile would want to communicate with the Graphics Tile, the L4 cache would serve as a lower latency path, than through the SoC tile.
Which could theoretically result in lower latencies than a monolithic chip if implemented correctly if the University of Toronto's paper on subject is to be believed.
DavenThis is definitely a strange use of ‘cache’ and something I’ve never heard of before. I understand an inteposer as defined by AMD, no problem. But a cache interposer, now that’s something new. I’m not sure the MB size of this cache will be analogous in the same way as regular/3D stacked cache. I’m guessing the interposer cache must be big to interconnect all the components in the relevant tiles.
It's not that new of an idea. AMD has patents of active interposers since Zen 1 and more recently cache "bridges", which is set a cache die that goes on top of two dies and both cache and communication. The problem with putting on the chiplets on a large cache interposer is that it can be very expensive.
Posted on Reply
Dirt Chip
CammThis could either be amazing, or absolutely awful. The thing that keeps ringing for me is latency, especially if its eDRAM rather than sRAM as I believe will be the case looking at the density.

Still, AMD has proven the benefits of large blobs of cache closer to compute, so I'm quietly excited (even if I'll be skipping Meteor Lake due to the 6P limitation regardless).
Maybe you can give the top K end i9\i7 the fast sRam and the rest the cost efficient eDRam..

Anyway, sounds like an interesting new approach to increase preformance with a new level of big cache size. We saturated core count, now make them talk better with each other.
Cache is where AMD hase the upper hand over Intel, and in part what enable them to get same or more pref with much lower wattage.
Posted on Reply
To begin with, this is not a patent about putting cache in the interposer, but about increasing what can be done with the last-level cache before the DRAM is initialized.

Intel is bonding active dies together as of Lakefield (2019) and Ponte Vecchio has a variety of dies bonded together, active and passive, cache-and-wireing only. I don't see anything new being done with Meteor lake in this way of connecting.
DenverWow...512mb? Goodbye profit margins. I know they're copying AMD's strategy, but the cost x return on that doesn't seem to line up...
The MTL benefits from tile splitting, and the cost of the base tile using 22FFLs pays for itself well. By the way, the size of Meteor lake is not large enough to use EMIB so that it use Foveros, which means that there is enough wiring in the base tile alone to create a vast free area. In other words, Intel gets new cache at zero cost.

If the 22FFL standard is followed, 128MB can be secured when SRAM is laid out in all the base tiles of the MTL. Excluding wiring, etc., it would be about 48-64MB. If you can use eDRAM for the base tiles, you can triple that to 144-192MB. This is about what can be secured at zero cost.
Posted on Reply
I do not get it, what I’m seeing there is a nightmare to address.
Posted on Reply
Dr. Dro
80251The eDRAM seemed to work well for the infamous 5775c but I seemed to remember this also limited its overclocking margins?
It was less the eDRAM (entirely off die) but more its very first generation 14 nm node which proved quite uncooperative vs. the established 22 nm node used in Haswell.

Couple that with delaying the launch to within weeks from Skylake with mainstream socket DDR4, incompatibility with the Z87 chipset and exceptionally high prices at the time, Broadwell-C was largely a commercial failure.

I picked one up for cheap a few years down the road, it was great, but my Z97 board malfunctioned and the prices they command nowadays aren't worth it. I flipped it and it went fast, too.
Posted on Reply
@ Dr. Dro
Wasn't the infamous 4770 a contemporary of the 5775c? The 4770 had an infamous rep. as a great overclocker.
Posted on Reply
Dr. Dro
80251@ Dr. Dro
Wasn't the infamous 4770 a contemporary of the 5775c? The 4770 had an infamous rep. as a great overclocker.
You're thinking of the i7-4790K (which is the Devil's Canyon refresh of Haswell). The 4770K was the original 4th gen CPU, had one about 10 years ago. It was alright at the time, I suppose. This refresh was basically improving the capacitor array in the underside of the CPU with a more robust one capable of handling more current, and replaced the garbage thermal paste by one that was just trash instead. The result was CPUs that clocked quite a bit better than the originals, and performed quite close to Skylake that worked on existing motherboards at the time. This CPU also dropped only months from Broadwell and Skylake's release, so no one really bothered waiting back then.

Posted on Reply
Is a cool concept, but full of glue Intel! I thought you didn't like it so gooey. I hope it works well, i'm fond of big L3/L4, EDRAMs, X3D, and so, this stuff make to system longevity when properly balanced.
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