Monday, February 19th 2024

Windows 11 24H2 Instruction Requirement Affects Older/Incompatible CPUs

Systems running on older hardware could be excluded from upcoming public versions of Windows 11—the recently released preview/insider build (26052) has introduced all sorts of new features including "Sudo for Windows", an improved regedit, and hidden beneath the surface, an AI-flavored Super Resolution settings menu. Early partakers of version 24H2 are running into instruction set-related problems—Windows operating expert, Bob Pony, was one of the unlucky candidates. Microsoft's preview code seems to require a specific instruction set to reach operational status—Pony documented his frustrations on social media: "Using the command line argument "/product server" for setup.exe, BYPASSES the system requirement checks for the Windows 11 24H2 setup program. But unfortunately, after setup completes then reboots into the next stage. It'll be indefinitely stuck on the Windows logo boot screen."

He continued to narrow in on the source of blame: "Windows 11 Version 24H2 Build 26058's setup (if ran in a live Windows Install) now checks for a CPU instruction: PopCnt." The Register provided some history/context on the SSE4 set: "POPCNT/PopCnt counts the number of bits in a machine word that have been set (or different from zero.) You might see it in cryptography and it has been lurking in CPU architectures for years, pre-dating Intel and AMD's implementation by decades." It is believed that Microsoft has deployed PopCnt as part of its push into AI-augmented software features, although a segment of online discussion proposes that an engineer has "accidentally enabled" newer CPU instruction sets. Tom's Hardware marked a line in the sand: "PopCnt has been supported since the Intel Nehalem and AMD Phenom II (microarchitecture) era—14 years ago—so compatibility won't be an issue for any modern systems. The only users that will be affected are enthusiasts running modified versions of Windows 11 on 15+ year-old chips like Core 2 Duos or Athlon 64." Bob Pony's long-serving Core 2 Quad Q9650 processor—a late summer 2008 product—was deemed unworthy by the preview build's setup process.
Sources: Bob Pony, The Register, NeoWin, Tom's Hardware
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104 Comments on Windows 11 24H2 Instruction Requirement Affects Older/Incompatible CPUs

Yeah dude on linux mint forum gave me this to just set the clock to USA time see if you recognize this stuff lol
for e in kate gedit pluma;do if test -e /usr/bin/$e;then sudo $e /etc/default/rcS;fi;done

# assume that the BIOS clock is set to UTC time (recommended)
Not versed in bash, but any dual-booter knows the pains of the UTC-local time issue. At least us averse to clock syncing (for absolutely no rational reason :| ).
dgianstefaniMuch ado about nothing, sudo?
I'm sorry, I know it's lame, but I couldn't get the image out of my head.

Posted on Reply
3valatzyAthlon 64 no because it's very slow for internet browsing, but I don't see how the powerful for the time Core 2 Quad Q9650 processor could be labeled not decent for running Windows system?!
This is artificial obsolescence because of the greed.
Windows 11 shouldn't have existed in the first place.
How is it greed? They are not forced to support old hardware with their new os. Just don't use it, better yet, install linux or windows 10 if you still have ancient hardware.
Posted on Reply
Courier 6
P4-630So my dad can dump his socket 775 e7200 system after windows 10 is EOL... :ohwell:
maybe Zorin OS could be an option for him?
Posted on Reply
Super Dainty Moderator
I don’t see anything wrong with this. Outside the casual user 15 years of support in the software world is crazy. They are even starting to cut legacy code from Linux.

I would be mad too if my world stopped in 2007. If old hardware users think this is bad wait until they find out we discovered fire.
Posted on Reply
Courier 6maybe Zorin OS could be an option for him?
Or Chrome OS Flex

Minimum device requirements:
  • Architecture: Intel or AMD x86-64-bit compatible device.
  • RAM: 4 GB.
  • Internal storage: 16 GB.
  • Bootable from USB drive.
  • BIOS: Full administrator access. ...
  • Processor and graphics: Components made before 2010 might result in a poor experience.
The CPU is from 2008 though...Hmm..
Posted on Reply
Windows threads always provide funny comments. People on enthusiast forums really do have skewed worldviews.
Posted on Reply
OnasiSeeing how much outrage was even here, on TPU, in the Windows 11 thread, you would think that there is a giant amount of hidden mole people just itching at the bit to run a 2024 OS on outdated hardware.
In reality? This is a nonissue. Any PC with CPU affected isn’t worth running 11 on anyway.
Everyone likes making a mountain out of a mole hill. If people arent bitching and complaining, they're not happy.
Posted on Reply
CrAsHnBuRnXpEveryone likes making a mountain out of a mole hill. If people arent bitching and complaining, they're not happy.
Seems there is more all about nothing bitching than the other way around :laugh:
Posted on Reply
mtosevWho in the year 2024 would ran Windows 11 on core 2 duos/quads and Athlon 64 systems?
Not Windows 11 anyway, but you would be amazed, how many people use such ancient systems, Sir. These people might be using this ancient HW, not out of goodwill. And there's a lot of stuff outside gaming and rendering/tasks requiring high computer power, that could be done on such old CPUs. They might be not power efficient, but they do the job. It's just the MS, that constantly raising the bar, to sell the newest and and greatest more "secure" HW.

But µ$ doesn't give a point. The stuff that works for US market, doesn't work for the entire woorld. No matter how much they push their stuff, people won't magically go and buy the new HW, considering they didn't this yet, and barely able to keep their current systems working. "Why don't you all stop being poor?"

Just for example, it's possible to make a live USB "stick" with Linux mint, and it works so snappy even through USB2.0 interface/protocols. If not the increased requirements, many people would still happily use the W7 still, because their old PCs work fine with that.
OnasiIn reality? This is a nonissue. Any PC with CPU affected isn’t worth running 11 on anyway.
This is non issue indeed, because it's not worth of running W11 on any CPU anyway.
Posted on Reply
mtosevWho in the year 2024 would ran Windows 11 on core 2 duos/quads and Athlon 64 systems?
Phenom II X6 1100T BE?
Posted on Reply
I have win 10 on an FX-8350 system stored away here, it had slowness in loading web pages from last year. The OS is on an SSD too, constantly updated until I disconnected it for storage. But even when unofficially supported (from AMD specs) running 2133MT/S CL10 DDR3 doesn't help much either.
It's definitely an issue with the way code works now compared to code from a decade + ago with internet surfing.

So, for those who stubbornly want to use even older hardware & cry rivers of tears for win 11 now not to work well, is just whinging of the highest order.
Posted on Reply
Given how well windows 11 has been received in general this almost seems like reverse psychology: tell people it won't be compatible so they make compatible and use it.

Nice try
Posted on Reply
WirkoAnd it has to be 24H2?
That version can run ofc but with that crap they added but hopefully someone has a work around
Posted on Reply
Dr. Dro
3valatzyAthlon 64 no because it's very slow for internet browsing, but I don't see how the powerful for the time Core 2 Quad Q9650 processor could be labeled not decent for running Windows system?!
You answered yourself here. The reality is that yes, Windows 11 (as of 23H2) works on socket 775 machines, but it's equally true that the experience is not so good. I personally think it's non-issue that Microsoft is dropping some baggage, it had to happen eventually. It's not the end of the road for the old Core 2's though. They make for a great Fedora server you can tuck away and forget about. It's what I use my Q9505 system for, actually, it's what I built it for.
Posted on Reply
To get some perspective, do recent editions of Mint, Ubuntu and other popular Linux distros install and run on C2D systems? And no, compiling from source is not what I mean.
Posted on Reply
I stopped upgrading and updating after MS DOS 5.0 & Windows 3.11 on my Intel 386DX40.

Still happy with MS Solitaire ;) to fulfill my gaming needs :roll:

But I did hear some rumors about ...... evolution theories o_O
Posted on Reply
3valatzyWindows 11 shouldn't have existed in the first place.

Default windows 11 UI is just an horrible experience.
And the so-called 'new feature' doesn't justify a whole new installation at all.
Posted on Reply
Dr. Dro
WirkoTo get some perspective, do recent editions of Mint, Ubuntu and other popular Linux distros install and run on C2D systems? And no, compiling from source is not what I mean.
Yes they all work just fine and quite smoothly I might add. AMD graphics preferred, way easier to set up.
Posted on Reply
3valatzyThis is artificial obsolescence because of the greed.
How? I could understand that if it wasn't for the fact that nearly every processor on the market for the last fourteen years has the instruction built in.
Halo3AddictWhy is everyone so up in arms.. it is an instruction that has been in CPUs for 15 years..
That's what I'm thinking as well. I swear it's only been blown up to be as bad as it is in order to sell clicks.
Solaris17I don’t see anything wrong with this.
Me too.
CrAsHnBuRnXpEveryone likes making a mountain out of a mole hill. If people arent bitching and complaining, they're not happy.
And clicks. Don't forget clicks.
Posted on Reply
fv_monkeyHow is it greed? They are not forced to support old hardware with their new os. Just don't use it, better yet, install linux or windows 10 if you still have ancient hardware.
Don't bother. People losing their shit over this?

A CPU I don't have can't run a beta OS that's 6+ months from launch,
yet I have no idea if the release version will have this thingy,
or if there will be a simple third party workaround like pretty much always,
so.. ..greed.

How much does greed cost, these days? $20, they say. That's almost 20,000 cents, folks. Think about it. [/s]
Posted on Reply
ReadlightPhenom II X6 1100T BE?
Phenom II has popcnt
Posted on Reply
Dr. Dro
sLowEndPhenom II has popcnt
What Phenom II doesn't have is SSSE3 and SSE4.1, making it equally undesirable for forwards compatibility with software. Both of these archs have long since gone past their prime.
Posted on Reply
Dr. DroWhat Phenom II doesn't have is SSSE3 and SSE4.1, making it equally undesirable for forwards compatibility with software. Both of these archs have long since gone past their prime.
I’m pretty averse to recommending to most people anything that pre-dates AVX2
Posted on Reply
Random_UserNot Windows 11 anyway, but you would be amazed, how many people use such ancient systems, Sir. These people might be using this ancient HW, not out of goodwill. And there's a lot of stuff outside gaming and rendering/tasks requiring high computer power, that could be done on such old CPUs. They might be not power efficient, but they do the job. It's just the MS, that constantly raising the bar, to sell the newest and and greatest more "secure" HW.

But µ$ doesn't give a point. The stuff that works for US market, doesn't work for the entire woorld. No matter how much they push their stuff, people won't magically go and buy the new HW, considering they didn't this yet, and barely able to keep their current systems working. "Why don't you all stop being poor?"

Just for example, it's possible to make a live USB "stick" with Linux mint, and it works so snappy even through USB2.0 interface/protocols. If not the increased requirements, many people would still happily use the W7 still, because their old PCs work fine with that.
I'm sorry, but we would be still using Color Macintoshes, Amigas and 486s if this was true. And Color Macs, Amigas and 486s are cool, but let's not pretend they would work flawlessly today, just counting the things we normally do on computers like watching videos at resolutions that would be considered ludicrous at the time, for example. And also the most popular consumer OS means the most targeted OS for all kinds of bad actors because of it's sheer user base, so yeah, a lot of those things makes Windows slow have to do with security, hackers didn't stop at the Chernobyl virus. Remember when Meltdown and Spectre needed patches that brought to its knees modern processors about 5 years ago? I surely do.

If you want to keep using a very old system out of necessity, I'm sorry, that sucks and I know for certain you would change that if you could. Fortunately there are a lot of good people out there who try to give breath to it just doing Windows debloats or Linux distros, but things move foward.
Posted on Reply
Dr. DroWhat Phenom II doesn't have is SSSE3 and SSE4.1
You shouldn't be running Phenom!! in this day & age because it'd generally be painfully slow, as for upgrading OS or running 24H2 on it just stay on the old stuff! They'll still get security updates for years to come.
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