Wednesday, August 8th 2018

ASUS Releasing 9th Gen Core Supporting BIOS Updates
ASUS announced that it is releasing motherboard BIOS updates that add 9th generation Core "Whiskey Lake" processor compatibility for almost its entire Intel 300-series chipset motherboard family. This includes models based on H310, B360, Q370, and H370 chipsets, and not just the top Z370. Intel is expected to debut its 9th generation Core processor family with three SKUs later this year: the Core i9-9900K, the Core i7-9700K, and the Core i5-9600K. The tables below list motherboard models alongside the minimum BIOS version you'll need for "Whiskey Lake" compatibility. You'll find your BIOS in the "support" tab of the product page of your motherboard on ASUS website.
9 Comments on ASUS Releasing 9th Gen Core Supporting BIOS Updates
However these 9th gen bios updates are snake oil (not only asus ofc). We all know 90% of the motherboards wont cope with 8 core chips. Throttling paradise.
(with an Asus ROG Apex 10 board) :)
Cinebench MT 5.4Ghz stable all cores all threads
Cinebench ST 5.5Ghz stable all cores all threads
Win 10 5.6Ghz boot stable (had to turn off hyperthreading LOL)
...all overclocking completed with a tiny little Noctua C14S. Oh Dear God, that's some silicon efficiency right there.:roll:
Go R.O.G. :peace:
I hereby cease and desist. :D
Although I may have some awesome 9900K results in a couple months. :)
My Batman rig.
I´m more interested on i7 9700k tho. I don´t like Hyper Threading / SMT at all. It makes a lot of applications be slower and utilize the CPU in a uneficient way and 99% of the security flaws are on the HT portions of the chips. However a 6c/6t chip starts to lag behind more threads on a lot of stuff. So I think 8 core / 8 thread at 5ghz will be the perfect thing to me.
I just hope they also use soldered die on the 9700k as they will on the 9900k. Otherwise with the money and hassle I have to spend on a delid tool I rather buy the 9900k, turn HT off and call it a day LoL
Was wondering why Intel didn't offer a 6c/12t processor for the 9000 Series with better performance than the 8700K and 8086K.
Either they've hit an efficiency speedbump at 6c/12t with the current architecture OR (and more likely) they want all marketing emphasis placed upon the new 9900K and 9700K 8-core skus, and a new 6c/12t simply didn't play nice in the product stack. LOL :D
9700K and 9900K are both soldered this time around, fairly certain that's already been established and definite so no delidding - no problemo. LOL :clap: