Monday, January 13th 2025

Halo 5: Guardians Steam Entry Spotted on Lenovo Legion Go S Promo
Halo 5: Guardians has remained exclusive to Microsoft Xbox gaming systems since launching back in October 2015, during the Xbox One era—an approaching ten-year anniversary has fans wishing for a possible port over to PC platforms. Hopes were elevated late last week due to an intriguing image popping up on Lenovo's Legion Go S product page. A certain promo image depicts screen content featuring a Steam menu session with an entry for Halo 5. This discovery (courtesy of Rebs Gaming) prompted much online chatter about the possible PC port being unveiled at the next Xbox Developer_Direct—scheduled for broadcast on January 23.
343 Industries (now Halo Studios) has ported five titles over to PC—neatly compiled in the form of Halo: Master Chief Collection—but the absence of Guardians has been a lingering sore spot. Over the past weekend, Lenovo senior community manager—Ben Green—dampened expectations. In a curt response to a query (on social media) regarding the alleged leak, he shot down the notion that Lenovo had inadvertently leaked the existence of a Halo 5: Guardians PC port. It is possible that Lenovo's marketing department had mocked-up the image in error. Microsoft's gaming division has committed to spreading its most visible IPs to "rival" platforms, so the upcoming Xbox Developer_Direct could harbor a surprise or two.
NoteBookCheck, Pure Xbox, Resetera, Mr_Rebs Tweet
343 Industries (now Halo Studios) has ported five titles over to PC—neatly compiled in the form of Halo: Master Chief Collection—but the absence of Guardians has been a lingering sore spot. Over the past weekend, Lenovo senior community manager—Ben Green—dampened expectations. In a curt response to a query (on social media) regarding the alleged leak, he shot down the notion that Lenovo had inadvertently leaked the existence of a Halo 5: Guardians PC port. It is possible that Lenovo's marketing department had mocked-up the image in error. Microsoft's gaming division has committed to spreading its most visible IPs to "rival" platforms, so the upcoming Xbox Developer_Direct could harbor a surprise or two.
19 Comments on Halo 5: Guardians Steam Entry Spotted on Lenovo Legion Go S Promo
Halo 5 should have been part of the MCC during its heyday. What makes it even funnier is, after butchering Halo to make 4 and 5, 343/halo studios (dont let them get away with this rebranding) wrote off ANY investment in this new story to make Infinite, only to let that wither on the vine and then abandon IT as well.
Imagine burying two stories in the dirt in just a decade. Amazing work! There is absolutely no reason to ever get invested in anything Halo studios will ever make again, and somehow these people just dont get it.
5 to me as the opposite problem, the story was trash (Other than the few parts as Master Chief and blue team) and the multiplayer was ok. I felt the maps were ok and the gameplay was ok, but the weapons encouraged the easy guns and none of the skilled ones.(At least for the most part).
I liked Infinite overall, story was the best 343 has done (Mostly because I liked Atriox and the banished, plus Chief felt more like classic chief). I liked the open world, but it really was very basic and lacked in extra biomes, cool crash sites, or other things to keep it interesting. Multiplayer was better in many areas, however again I felt the weapons were the worst in the series bar none. Only like 3 I can stand to use on the regular while the rest range from useless to unpredictable (Even after practicing for awhile with them to figure out how they work). Rest of the stuff like equipment was just meh to me.
I had heard about them resetting again, which to me is stupid at this point. Might as well try to make the new story interesting. Another reset is just going to rub me the wrong way. I hope they at least keep Atriox and The Banished. Yea the rebranding will only work if they get some real talent to work on the IP. Right now, they are not impressing me.
As I can't see why Lenovo would even be in the position to be able to leak it.
Also, I think MCC is coming to Sony and Nintendo consoles, so it would be a good idea to include it.
It would be double neat if it were just also included in the MCC, although I'd need to build up to do another full playthrough with all the skulls I have achieved with my best mate before. Legendary (of course) with "most" skulls on, and a couple of fun ones too.
What an amazing run this was, such a crazy challenge and I had some fun commemorating it with this poster which was also printed to metal for myself and 'mustardbooj'
The thing about "potential" is that it doesnt mean anything. EVERY story has potential. I can come up with a universe in my head in about 10 seconds that has "potential". The ability to execute on that potential and turn it into an actual story with stakes and interesting characters, that's the hard part, and a part that 343 has continuously failed at doing properly. Along with game design, 343 has continuously proven they dont understand how to balance a multiplayer game (replacing shotguns with sniper rifles on a close quarters map, seriously? WTAF?).
Infinite is frankly just insulting. After failing multiple times, shooting themselves in the foot to the point of needing prosthetics, they FINALLY got gameplay that didnt suck. It actually felt good. They were trying something new........and forgot to make the content for the game. The barebones campaign shorter then CE and alpha tier multiplayer combined with a total lack of updates for a *live service* game was just comical, and has destroyed fan interest in halo these days. They then accidentally found a nugget with weapon variants and to this day restrict them to super fiesta. Just.......SMH. Only 343 could be this tone deaf. Dont get me started on the clown show which was their inability to add game modes or a proper lobby system. JUST COPY REACH, ITS NOT THAT HARD!
If they do re release 5, be prepared to wait 3-4 years for them to actually fix it, much like the MCC and infinite. My favorite bug, aside from the netcode that is STILL somehow worse then what halo 2 managed on a box of scraps 20 years ago, is the graphical settings occasionally reverting to the lowest no matter what you have them set to, and if you are on linux, this change becomes permanent. That new engine of theirs is a total shatshow.
Still blows my mind that legendary Silent Cartographer can be beaten in just over 2 minutes.....
Is Halo 5 going to break sales records on PC? No ofc not. But it's likely very low effort to get it released in working condition and the completionists and fans will buy it up on discount and help boost revenue for a quarter.
I agree, 343 really had some golden nuggets with Infinite and basically kept making bad decisions on with the nuggets and ran the game into the ground. The story did feel short, though doing the side stuff expanded it to be very long. However, they should not rely on side quests to make up for a shorter campaign. Multiplayer can be fun and had alot of great elements when playing online. However like you said, lack of support (Maps came too late for instance), terrible balancing of weapons (Someone needs to be fired if they thought the Ravager was even useable in the form it came out in) on top of some weapons being so random they are hard to determine how to be useful.
Yea I don't know why they have this disdain from just using old ideas from Reach and 3. Reach definitely had the best game modes of all the games (I loved Invasion) and they honestly should have kept that system. Its like they wanted to separate so bad from Bungie that they just decided to not use almost anything from the previous games. Hopefully they fire a lot of the staff and get people who actually know what they are doing next time I guess.
I will say, Halo wars 2 was alright.